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Introduction to CCSS

Introduction to CCSS. Slides combined from Denny Thompsons “On the Road to 2014-2015” and Marcia Barnhart’s “ELA Common Core Standards and Model Curriculum”. Demand for a Highly Educated Workforce. ~ Molly Broad, President American Council on Education March 15, 2011.

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Introduction to CCSS

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  1. Introduction to CCSS Slides combined from Denny Thompsons “On the Road to 2014-2015” and Marcia Barnhart’s “ELA Common Core Standards and Model Curriculum”

  2. Demand for a Highly Educated Workforce ~Molly Broad, President American Council on Education March 15, 2011 The U.S. will need 22 million new college degrees by 2018 to fill the demand for educated labor.

  3. Are Ohio Students Ready for College? ACT, “The Conditions of College & Career Readiness, Class of 2010: Ohio.”

  4. 21st Century Skills

  5. Ohio’s New Content Standards Ohio’s revised standards Common core • Science • Social studies • Mathematics • English language arts

  6. Standards Reflect New Features: New Focus: • Fewer, clearer, and higher • Internationally benchmarked • Aligned to model curriculum • College and career readiness • Content and skills • Coherence, focus, rigor

  7. Academic Content Standards: By Content Area

  8. Ohio Science Standards • Strands: • Earth and space science • Physical science • Life science • Skills: • Science inquiry • Applications

  9. Attributes of the Science Standards Content-focused Support learning at all cognitive levels Promote science application with content Embed scientific inquiry, engineering and technological design

  10. What can be done now? Teach science at depth, through inquiry Connect science to the real world Try some of the model curriculum strategies or examples that align with what is currently being taught at grade level

  11. Ohio Social Studies Standards • Strands: • History • Geography • Government • Economics • Skills: • Historical thinking • Spatial thinking • Civic participation • Economic decision making • Financial literacy

  12. Mathematics Common Core Standards Greater emphasis on reasoning and problem solving Teach content through the standards for mathematical practice

  13. ELA Common Core Standards Framework The major areas or disciplines of study within each content area. Strands The main focus of the content within each strand. “What” students should know and be able to do at each grade level and band. Topics Standard Statements by Grade Level Standards Statements by Grade Level Standards Statements by Grade Level

  14. Model Curriculum Example English Language Arts Grade 3 Progressions Standards Content Elaborations Enduring Understanding Instructional Strategies and Resources

  15. Preparation for New Standards Tasks for Districts

  16. What can be done now? Science Teach science at depth, through inquiry Connect science to the real world Try some of the model curriculum strategies or examples that align with what is currently being taught at grade level

  17. What can be done now? Vertical Alignment in Social Studies • Grade Four, Content Statement 21: • The Ohio Constitution and the U.S. Constitution separate the major responsibilities of government among three branches. • Grade Eight, Content Statement 20: • The U.S. Constitution established a federal system of government, a representative democracy and a framework with separation of powers and checks and balances. • High School, American Government, Content Statement 5: • As the supreme law of the land, the U.S. Constitution incorporates basic principles which help define the government of the United States as a federal republic including its structure, powers and relationship with the governed.

  18. What can be done now? Math • Get to know the CCSSM through Professional Learning Communities • Use the “critical areas” • Take a “progressions view” • Begin developing the Mathematical Practices

  19. What can be done now? ELA Place emphasis on providing students with increased opportunities to: • Do criticalreading and analysis of complex text • Increase exposure and access to more informational text. • Write and present arguments based on evidence • In addition, professional development opportunities in which teachers engage in reading, analyzing and discussing the Introduction, and Appendices A, B, C of the Common Core State Standards are suggested.  The Appendices can be found at www.corestandards.org by selecting The Standards tab at the top of the page.  

  20. Common Core Standards: ELA Shift in emphasis from fiction to nonfiction in reading and writing: Distribution of Literary and Informational Passages by Grade in the 2009 NAEP Reading Framework Based on Reading framework for the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

  21. Ohio’s New Assessments: HB1 • K-8 • Combine reading and writing into a single English language arts assessment • Establish 3 performance levels (instead of 5) • High School • College Test • Series of End of Course Exams • Senior Project – Note: Revised S.B. 153 takes the SR Project out of the assessment formula

  22. Things to Consider • Use standards and model curricula to plan integrated instruction, not checklists • Use crosswalk documents to look forward, not backward • Usedatato provoke targeted discussions about instruction, not to reduce the quality of curriculum • Use formative assessment to provide insight into student thinking, not as a task bank • Use Response to Intervention to encourage high-quality, Tier 1 instruction for all students, not to sort students

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