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Join our webinar to learn about the data collection process and the Consolidated District Performance Report for Title IA programs. Find materials and support at the provided website.
Welcome to today’s WebinarWe will begin shortly… Materials can be found at the following website: http://www.oregon.gov/ode/schools-and-districts/grants/ESEA/IA/Pages/Title-IA-Coordinators.aspx
2018-19 Consolidated District Performance Report (CDPR) ESEA CDPR Title I-A: Students and Programs 2018 – 2019 August 8, 2019
Agenda • Welcome • Data Collections Open/Close • Support Materials • Data Elements Explanation • Data Preparation • Validation Worksheet Entry • Consolidated Collections Entry • Questions and Discussion
Data Collection Window Opens: August 8, 2019 Closes: September 20, 2019
Support Materials • Consolidated District Performance Report: Title I-A Data Collection User Guide • Today’s PowerPoint Slides and Recording • CDPR Validations Worksheet • CDPR Q & A • Link to Support Materials: • http://www.oregon.gov/ode/schools-and-districts/grants/ESEA/IA/Pages/Title-IA-Coordinators.aspx
CDPR Validations Worksheet • The CDPR Validations Worksheet provides: • A “savable” place to collect and enter your data • Clarification on the data points you are entering • A place to see your data errors and fix them before submitting them online • The Consolidated Collections web application • Does not allow entering data and coming back to it later • All data must be entered all at once • It will show errors, but not explanations
Data Collection • ESEA CDPR Title IA: Students and Programs 2018–19 • Validations within the CDPR Validations Worksheet include ODE data analyst validations not included within the Consolidated Collections data collection. • By utilizing the Validations Worksheet prior to entering data in the web-based application, the chance for errors and being contacted in the future due to those errors will be greatly reduced.
CDPR Q & A Document This document has clarifications for both the Title I-A and Title I-D data collections. This document includes: • Reporting Students – Who should be reported? • Access to Data – Who can help me? • Consolidated Collections Web Applications – How do I login? • Common Validation Sheet Errors – What does “this” error really mean?
Data Needed to Begin Check with your District Assessment Coordinator to gather the student level data from the Smarter Balanced Assessments for Reading, Language Arts and Math. You will need: • The performance level data that indicates which students took the test • The cumulative scores for students with levels 3 and 4 proficiency • The cumulative enrollment from the 1st day of school to the last day of school.
Help with Preparing Data For help on preparing and entering the data, contact your District Security Administrator • Find your District Security Administrator: https://district.ode.state.or.us/apps/login/searchSA.aspx
Once you have your data: Open the CDPR Validations Worksheet • Save the worksheet • Read the “Instructions” Tab • Go to the “Title I-A Students & Programs” Tab • Note: • Once you have entered all your data, RED or BLUE cells indicate errors. • An explanation of what would make a cell RED or BLUE is next to the data point. • Correct all errors before submitting the data collection online.
Entering theStudents & Programs Data into theODE Validations Worksheet
Schoolwide Program (SWP) &Targeted Assistance Program (TAS)Definitions • Schoolwide Program (SWP): • Buildings funded with Title I-A funds and operate as a Schoolwide Program • Buildings that use Title I funds to provide services for ALL students within the building, to meet the State’s challenging content and student performance standards. • Targeted Assistance Program (TAS): • Buildings that receive Title I-A funds but are ineligible or have chosen not to operate as a Title I Schoolwide Program (SWP) • Buildings that use Title I funds to provide services to a select group of children – those identified as failing, or most at risk of failing, to meet the State’s challenging content and student performance standards.
Performance & Proficient Definitions • Performance Level Student Count: • How many students completed the assessment and received a score? • Proficient Level Student Count: • Out of the Performance Level Student Count, how many students met or exceeded the proficiency level on the assessment? • The Proficient Count is a subset of the Performance Count and cannot be greater than the Total Performance Count.
Schoolwide Program (SWP)Performance Levels in Math Items 1-8 • Items 1-7: How many students (in Title I-A funded buildings with a Schoolwide program) took statewide assessments and received a score in Math? • Item #8 “Title I-A SWP Math District Performance Level TOTAL Student Count” must be the sum of items 1-7. Validation: Item #8 “Title I-A SWP Math District Performance Level TOTAL Student Count” must be the sum of items 1-7. Validation: Item #8 must not be greater than the race total.
Schoolwide Program (SWP)Proficient Levels in Math Items 9-16 • Items 9-15: How many students (in Title I-A funded buildings with a Schoolwide program) took statewide assessments, received a score in Math, andmet or exceeded the proficiency level? • Item #16 “Title I-A SWP Math District Proficient Level TOTAL Student Count” must be the sum of items 9-15. Validation: Item #16 “Title I-A SWP Math District Proficient Level TOTAL Student Count” must be the sum of items 9-15. Validation: Item #16 must be equal to or less than #8 “Title I-A SWP Math District Performance Level TOTAL Student Count” Validation: Item #16 must not be greater than the race total.
Schoolwide Program (SWP)Performance Levels in Reading/Language Arts Items 17-24 • Items 17-23: How many students (in Title I-A funded buildings with a Schoolwide program) took statewide assessments and received a score in Reading/Language Arts? • Item #24 “Title I-A SWP Reading/Language Arts District Performance Level TOTAL Student Count” must be the sum of items 17-23. Validation: Item #24 “Title I-A SWP Reading/Language Arts District Performance Level TOTAL Student Count” must be the sum of items 17-23. Validation: Item #24 must not be greater than the race total.
Schoolwide Program (SWP)Proficient Levels in Reading/Language Arts Items 25-32 • Items 25-31: How many students (in Title I-A funded buildings with a Schoolwide program) took statewide assessments, received a score in Reading/Language Arts, andmet or exceeded the proficiency level? • Item #32 “Title I-A SWP Reading/Language Arts District Proficient Level TOTAL Student Count” must be the sum of items 25-31. Validation: Item #32 “Title I-A SWP Reading/Language Arts District Proficient Level TOTAL Student Count” must be the sum of items 25-31. Validation: Item #32 must be equal to or less than #24 “Title I-A SWP Reading/Language Arts District Performance Level TOTAL Student Count” Validation: Item #32 must not be greater than the race total.
Targeted Assistance Program (TAS)Performance Levels in Math Items 33-40 • Items 33-39: How many students identified and participating in a TAS program took statewide assessments and received a score in Math? • Item #40 “Title I-A TAS Program Math District Performance Level TOTAL Student Count” must be the sum of items 33-39. Validation: Item #40 “Title I-A TAS Program Math District Performance Level TOTAL Student Count” must be the sum of items 33-39. Validation: Item #40 must not be greater than the race total.
Targeted Assistance Program (TAS)Proficient Levels in Math Items 41-48 • Items 41-47: How many students identified and participating in a TAS program took statewide assessments, received a score in Math, andmet or exceeded the proficiency level? • Item #48 “Title I-A TAS Program Math District Proficient Level TOTAL Student Count” must be the sum of items 41-47. Validation: Item #48 “Title I-A TASProgram Math District Proficient Level TOTAL Student Count” must be the sum of items 41-47. Validation: Item #48 must be equal to or less than #40 “Title I-A TAS Program Math District Performance Level TOTAL Student Count” Validation: Item # 48 must not be greater than the race total.
Targeted Assistance Program (TAS)Performance Levels in Reading/Language Arts Items 49-56 • Items 49-55: How many students identified and participating in a TAS program took statewide assessments and received a score in Reading/Language Arts? • Item #56 “Title I-A TAS Program Reading/Language Arts District Performance Level TOTAL Student Count” must be the sum of items 49-55. Validation: Item #56 “Title I-A TAS Program Reading/Language Arts District Performance Level TOTAL Student Count” must be the sum of items 49-55. Validation: Item #56 must not be greater than the race total.
Targeted Assistance Program (TAS)Proficient Levels in Reading/Language Arts Items 57-64 • Items 57-63: How many students identified and participating in a TAS program took statewide assessments, received a score in Reading/Language Arts, andmet or exceeded the proficiency level? • Item #64 “Title I-A TAS Program Reading/Language Arts District Proficient Level TOTAL Student Count” must be the sum of items 57-63. Validation: Item #64 “Title I-A TASProgram Reading/Language Arts District Proficient Level TOTAL Student Count” must be the sum of items 57-63. Validation: Item #64 must be equal to or less than #56 “Title I-A TAS Program Reading/Language Arts District Performance Level TOTAL Student Count” Validation: Item #64 must not be greater than the race total.
Students with Disabilities, English Learners (Limited English Proficient), Homeless and Migrant Students For the next four data elements: • Item #65 Title I-A Disability District Student Count • Item #66 Title I-A Limited English Proficient District Student Count • Item #67 Title I-A Homeless District Student Count • Item #68 Title I-A Migrant District Student Count Some students may be counted in one or all of these categories, depending on the student’s designation. These counts are subsetcounts, and the total of each category must not be greater thanthe total race count (there is no validation for this data element).
Students with Disabilities Item #65 • Total unduplicated count of students with disabilities served in TAS or SWP (possibly both) at any time during the school year. • Even if a student leaves and then returns to the building/district, the student is only counted once. Students with Disabilities includes students who have an: • Individualized Education Program (IEP) • Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), or a • Services Plan
English Learners (ELs) – Limited English Proficient Item #66 • Total unduplicated count of students with limited English proficiency served in TAS or SWP (possibly both) at any time during the school year. • Even if a student leaves and then returns to the building/district, the student is only counted once.
Homeless & Migrant Students Item #67 • Total unduplicated count of homeless students served in TAS or SWP (possibly both) at any time during the school year. • Even if a student leaves and then returns to the building/district, the student is only counted once. Item #68 • Total unduplicated count of migrant students served in TAS or SWP (possibly both) at any time during the school year. • Even if a student leaves and then returns to the building/district, the student is only counted once.
Race and Ethnicity For the next seven data elements: • Item #69 Title I-A American Indian/Alaskan Native District Student Count • Item #70 Title I-A Asian District Student Count • Item #71 Title I-A Pacific Islander District Student Count • Item #72 Title I-A Black District Student Count • Item #73 Title I-A Hispanic District Student Count • Item #74 Title I-A White District Student Count • Item #75 Title I-A Multi-Racial District Count These data points are asking for an unduplicated count of students by Race and Ethnicity who were served in both Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance programs. A student can only be counted in ONE Race/Ethnicity category. Validation: No data element count should be greater than the sum of all seven Race and Ethnicity categories.
Race and Ethnicity Clarification Reporting Race and Ethnicity data for CDPR • States must report the data in the following seven aggregated racial ethnic categories: • Hispanic/Latino of any race(Note: Respondents who identify as Hispanic/Latino ethnicity will be reported as “Hispanic/Latino,” regardless of the race they identify.) • For individuals who are non-Hispanic/Latino: • American Indian or Alaska Native • Asian • Black or African-American • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander • White • Two or more races(Note: The “two or more races” category is used for only non-Hispanic/Latinos who identify multiple races.)
“Ungraded” Definition For all “Ungraded” Student Count data elements, this means: • The student is not enrolled in a school that designates students by grade. • In other words, there is no “Kindergarten”, “First Grade”, “Second Grade”, etc., the school operates an ungraded system. • We have no record of schools who do not designate students by grade, therefore the count should ALWAYS be “0”. Validation: If there is any count entered other than “0” for “Ungraded” student count data elements.
TAS Student Count Items 76-91 • These data points are asking an unduplicated count of students by Age and Grade level who were identified and participated in a Targeted Assistance (TAS) Program. • In Targeted Assistance programs this means only those students who were identified and participating (served) in the program, not all the students in the building. • Count each student only once regardless of whether they exited and then re-entered the program or school.
SWP Student Count Items 92-107 • These data points are asking an unduplicated count of students by Age and Grade level who were in a Title I-A funded building running a Schoolwide Program. • In Schoolwide Programs this means ALL the students in the Schoolwide building • Count each student only once regardless of whether they exited and then re-entered the program or school.
TAS & SWP Student Count The sum of Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance Students (items 76-107) must equal the total Race/Ethnicity count (items 69-75). SW Total TAS Total Race/Ethnicity Total Validation: The sum of the Race/Ethnicity student count must equal the sum total of Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance Students.
Private School Participation Items 108-123 • These data points are asking an unduplicated count of students by Age and Grade level who were served in Private School Title I-A programs • In Private School Title I-A programs means only private school students who received Title I-A services. • Count each student only once regardless of whether they exited and then re-entered the program or school.
Neglected Students Items 124-139 • These data points are asking an unduplicated count of students by Age and Grade level who were served in Title I-A Neglected programs • In Title I-A Neglected programs means only students who received Neglected services through the Title I-A Neglected Set-Aside funds. • Count each student only once regardless of whether they exited and then re-entered the program or school. Note: If the student is in a Neglected Facility/Program, the facility/program should be reported in the October Caseload Count data collection.
Districts with Neglected Students • Few districts receive neglected funds under Title I-A in any given year. During 2018-2019, these districts were: • Eagle Point • La Grande • Lowell • Medford • North Clackamas • Roseburg • Neglected funds are generated through the October Caseload count. A district must have a facility within its geographic boundaries.
TAS Supplemental Services Items 140-146 • Items 140 – 145 is the count of students identified and participating in a Title I-A Targeted Assistance (TAS) program who received supplemental services in: • #140 Math • #141 Reading/Language Arts • #142 Science • #143 Social Studies • #144 Vocational/Career Instruction • #145 Other Instructional Program • Item #146 is the description of the “Other Instructional Program” (item #145). If the count for #145 is “0” you can leave this comment section blank.
TAS Misc. Services Items 147-150 • Items 147-150 is the count of students identified and participating in a Title I-A Targeted Assistance (TAS) program who received services in: • #147 Health/Dental/Eye Care • #148 Supporting Guidance/Advocacy • #149 Other Support Services • Item #150 is the description of the “Other Support Services” (item #149). If the count for #149 is “0” you can leave this comment section blank.
Data Check • Now check the Title I-A Students & Programs tab for any RED or BLUE highlighted cells. • RED orBLUE highlighted cells indicate a data error and must be corrected before submitting within the Consolidated Collections application. • The “Validations Explanation & Etc.” column will explain the error. • The “CDPR Q and As” document may give more clarification. • If there are still questions please feel free to contact Emily Swope (Emily.Swope@state.or.us)
Submittingthe Data Online: Student & Programs Link to the CDPR Web Application: https://district.ode.state.or.us/home/
Steps to Accessing The Data Collection • Login to the ODE District webpage at https://district.ode.state.or.us/home/ • Choose “Consolidated Collections” from the Applications list • Hover over the “Institution Collections” tab • Hover over “ESEA CDPR Title IA: Students and Programs 2018-2019” • Click on “Submission/Maintenance”
Entering Data • While referring to the Validations Worksheet, enter the data for each data element. • If there is not a count for a data element, you MUST enter “0” or you will be unable to correctly submit the data collection. • If you cleared all data errors within the Validations Worksheet, you should have no errors when you submit the data through the Consolidated Collections.
Common Problems Submitting If you cleared all data errors within the Validations Worksheet, you should have no errors when you submit the data through the Consolidated Collections. However, here are a few common issues: • There is not a digit in EVERY data element (unless it is a comment field), if there is no count you must enter “0”. • You do not have the correct permissions to submit a data collection, contact your district’s Security Administrator to give you edit/submitter rights to the data collections. If you are still having trouble submitting within the Consolidated Collections application after you have: • Cleared all data errors within the Validations Worksheet • Entered the data correctly from the Validations Worksheet into the Consolidated Collections • Checked that there are no data elements without a digit Please do not hesitate to contact Emily Swope at Emily.Swope@state.or.us
Contact Information For Program Questions: • Lisa Plumb, Education Specialist (503) 947-5749 lisa.plumb@state.or.us For Data Questions: • Emily Swope, Program Analyst (503) 947-5642 emily.swope@state.or.us For problems with the web-based tool: • ODE Helpdesk (503) 947-5715 ode.helpdesk@state.or.us