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Science on Tap

Pushing the Boundaries of “Best”: Sports Performance Enhancement using Steroids, B12, and Erythropoietin April 1, 2008. Science on Tap. Steven G. Gilbert, PhD, DABT www.asmalldoseof.org www.toxipedia.org. A Small Dose of Toxicology. See: www.asmalldoseof.org -- smdose.

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Science on Tap

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  1. Pushing the Boundaries of “Best”: Sports Performance Enhancement using Steroids, B12, and ErythropoietinApril 1, 2008 Science on Tap Steven G. Gilbert, PhD, DABT www.asmalldoseof.org www.toxipedia.org

  2. A Small Dose of Toxicology See: www.asmalldoseof.org -- smdose

  3. Small Dose of Toxicology

  4. Milestones of Toxicology

  5. www.toxipedia.org A free toxicology encyclopedia and resource center that anyone can edit. Toxipedia provides comprehensive, accurate, and scientifically based information on the hazards and risks of chemical and physical agents, with the goal of advancing human and environmental health. Toxipedia

  6. Healthy World Theater Coupling art and science to forge a more healthy and peaceful world Healthy World Theater reaches to the heart to promote awareness and understanding through the arts to create a more healthy and peaceful world so that all creatures may reach, maintain, and enjoy their potential. www.healthyworldtheater.org

  7. LDDI Consensus Statement Scientific Consensus Statement on Environmental Agents Associated with Neurodevelopmental Disorders Developed by the Collaborative on Health and the Environment’s Learning and Developmental Disabilities Initiative November 7, 2007 http://www.iceh.org/LDDI.html

  8. LDDI Consensus Statement Given established scientific knowledge, protecting children from neurotoxic exposures from the earliest stages of fetal development is clearly an essential public health measure. By reducing environmental factors that may lead to learning and developmental disorders, we will create a healthier environment in which all children can reach and maintain their full potential. http://www.iceh.org/LDDI.html

  9. Human & Environmental Health “Conditions that ensure that all living things have the best opportunity to reach and maintain their full genetic potential.” Steven G. Gilbert, 1999

  10. What Is Performance Enhancement? • Athletics • Muscles • Strength • Endurance • Stimulant • Memory / Learning

  11. Baseball = Steroids? Mitchell Report on Major League Baseball players – did Roger Clemens use performance enhancing substances? Dose it matter?

  12. The First Bioethicist Aldo Leopold "A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise." - Aldo Leopold, 1949, A Sand County Almanac ---------- 1887 - 1948 ----------

  13. Ethical Issues? • Even if anabolic steroid use was legal, is it ethical to artificially gain a performance advantage over others? • Should there be limits on what people can do to their own bodies and minds? • What about using legal supplements to achieve a similar advantage? • Should high school athletes be subject to random-drug testing?

  14. Ethical Issues? • Fairness? • Protecting people? • Discouraging drug use?

  15. Doping - “the use of a drug or blood product to improve athletic performance.” Doping / Athletic Performance

  16. Taking Tylenol to relieve muscle aches and pain Using an asthma inhaler to prevent the constriction of the airway and to allow proper respiration Is This Doping?

  17. Ancient Awareness Ancient Greek Athletes - “The Greek physician, Galen, is reputed to have prescribed ‘the rear hooves of an Abyssinian ass, ground up, boiled in oil, and flavored with rose hips and rose petals’ to improve performance.”

  18. Ancient Awareness Ancient Olympic athletes Ate sheep testicles to boost testosterone (the base anabolic steroid)

  19. Ancient Drugs • Strychnine, a stimulant used until the 20th century • Hashish • Cola plants • Cactus-based stimulants • Fungi (Mushrooms)

  20. End of Ancient Sports • The Christian era marked the end of the overwhelming popularity of public sporting events. • In 393 A.D., Emperor Theodosius promulgated a ban on all forms of “pagan” sports, including the Olympic Games.

  21. Modern Sports • 19th century, sporting events returned with the onset of the Industrial Revolution • Recreation and entertainment • And Business • And Doping

  22. Endurance Sports - Cycling • European cyclists • Used caffeine, ether-coated sugar cubes, cocaine-laced wine • 1886 a Dutch cyclist died from an overdose of cocaine and heroin • 1896 a Welsh cyclist died after taking strychnine

  23. Olympics • 1896 - Summer Olympics were held and doping was prevalent • 1904 – 3rd Olympic Games in St. Louis - Thomas Hicks took brandy laced with strychnine – almost died, but kept the gold metal

  24. Olympics - 1936 • 1930s, Nazi doctors created anabolic steroids – testosterone that could be administered through a syringe – goal of increasing aggression in troops • Germany 89 medals - won the overall medal count • United States came in second with 56 medals • Massive doping

  25. Post WWII - Olympics • Cold war – new weapons • Nuclear Arms Race • Competition at Olympic sports • Anabolic Steroid Race

  26. Banning Doping • 1928 – first bans but no tests • 1950s - the International Cycling Union (UCI) introduced drug testing programs • 1960 - Olympic Games, Danish cyclist, Knut Jensen, died from amphetamines

  27. Increased Awareness • 1967 - Tom Simpson, a British cyclist, died in the Tour de France. He collapse during a climb and three tubes of amphetamines were found in the back pocket of his racing jersey. • Event widely publicized (see youtube videos)

  28. Wide Spread Use • Cycling • Football • Baseball • Basketball • Hokey • Running • Olympic sports • Wrestling

  29. Toxicology Definition Toxicology - the study of poisons or the adverse effects of chemical and physical agents on living organisms.

  30. Risk = Hazard X Exposure Key Words Dose / Response Individual Sensitivity

  31. What Is This Drug? O CH3 CH3 N N 7 1 3 O N N CH3

  32. Wired – X344 Warning: If you can’ t handle massive Caffeine, then stay away from this one! We jacked up the caffeine to 344 mg per 16 oz. Can! Ever wonder why some so called energy drinks don’t list their caffeine content? How about their Taurine? Guarana? B Vitamins? What’s up with the “energy blends”? Here’s what’s in your X-344 Extreme Energy Supplement. Ingredients per 16 oz. can include: 344 mg Caffeine 250 mg Guarana Seed Extract 3000 mg Taurine 100 mg Inositol 60 mg White Tea Extract 500% RDI Vitamin B12 200% RDI Vitamin B6 160% RDI Vitamin B3 100% RDI Vitamin B5 http://www.wiredenergydrink.com/x344.htm

  33. Wired – XXX Extreme Energy Supplement Arouse your senses with this stimulating herbal combination. Wired Triple X is specially formulated with the benefits of Horny Goat Weed, L-Arginine, Maca, and Tribulus terrestris to help enhance your sexual prowess. Get Wired, Stay Wired! Ingredients per 16 oz. can include: 3000% RDI Vitamin B12 500% RDI Vitamin B6 200% RDI Vitamin B3 100% RDI Vitamin B5 1000 mg Taurine 1000 mg L-Arginine 150 mg Caffeine 100 mg Inositol 100 mgEpimedium (Horny Goat Weed) 10 mg Maca 4 mg Tribulus terrestris http://www.wiredenergydrink.com/xxx.htm

  34. My Neighborhood

  35. My Neighborhood

  36. My Neighborhood

  37. Blood Doping • Blood doping originally meant literally doping with blood, i.e. the transfusion of RBCs. • Extract blood, harvest RBCs re-inject • Increases oxygen to muscles • Used by endurance athletics, cycling, marathon runners • Hazard – blood clotting, stoke, death • See also EPO

  38. What is This? Erythropoietin

  39. Erythropoietin (EPO) • Stimulates the production of red cells in bone marrow and a treatment for anemia in humans. (kidney disease, cancer, (chemotherapy & radiation) • Amgen made a fortune • Endurance sports (cycling) – Increases number of RBC • Clotting - death

  40. What is This? Testosterone

  41. Testosterone • Used for 1000s of years • 1930’s modern chemistry • Natural Anabolic Steroids • Synthesis and now 100s

  42. Testosterone’s Desired Effects • increase protein synthesis within cells, which results in the buildup of cellular tissue (anabolism), especially in muscles • muscle mass and physical strength • stimulates bone growth and appetite, • induce male puberty • treat chronic wasting conditions such as cancer and AIDS

  43. Testosterone’s Hazards • growth of the vocal cords • body hair • harmful changes in cholesterol levels • acne • high blood pressure • liver damage • changes in the structure of the left ventricle of the heart • testicular atrophy

  44. What is This? Strychnine

  45. Strychnine • Stimulant at low dose • Widely used as medicine • Pesticide at higher doses • Muscle convulsions • Effects glycine receptor

  46. What is This? Vitamin B12

  47. Vitamin B12 • Vitamin B-12, factor in normal functioning of the brain and nervous system and for the formation of blood • Stress relief • Purported to increase energy and is largely anecdotal • Can have deficient – little tox

  48. What is This? Growth hormone

  49. Growth hormone • 191-amino acid, single chain polypeptide hormone • somatotrophin the recombinant DNA - "rhGH“ • Body builders inject growth hormone to decrease body fat and increase muscle mass. • Fat burning is increased and glucose burning is decreased. • Result is muscle bulk and strength.

  50. Growth Hormone Hazards • high levels of blood fats • glucose intolerance • gigantism in pre-adolescents • diabetes • enlarged heart • high blood pressure • heart disease • nerve disease • lung disease

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