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Introduction to Programming

Explore bitwise manipulation and assignment operators in programming. Learn about bitwise AND, OR, XOR operators, assignment operations, design recipes, data types, arithmetic operators, logical/legal/bitwise operators, and loop constructs.

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Introduction to Programming

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to Programming Lecture 22 Review

  2. Bit wise Manipulation and Assignment Operator

  3. a = a + 1 ; a += 1 ;

  4. Bit Manipulation Operators &= Bitwise AND Assignment Operator |= Bitwise OR Assignment Operator ^= Bitwise Exclusive OR Assignment Operator

  5. Assignment Operator a &= b ; Same as a = a & b ;

  6. Assignment Operator a |= b ; Same as a = a | b ;

  7. Assignment Operator a ^= b ; Same as a = a ^ b ;

  8. Design Recipes • Analyze a problem statement, typically expressed as a word problem • Express its essence, abstractly and with examples • Formulatestatements and comments in a precise language • Evaluate and revise the activities in the light of checks and tests. • PAY ATTENTION TO DETAIL

  9. Variables

  10. Symbolic Names x i BasicPay HouseRent

  11. Data types • Whole numbers: • int, short, long, unsigned • Real Numbers (with decimal points) • float, double • Character data • char

  12. int = 4 bytes char = 1 byte

  13. ASCII Table

  14. ArraysCollection of same data types

  15. Arithmetic Operators Plus + Minus - Multiply * Divide / Modulus %

  16. Modulus Operator a % b ; 7 % 2 = 1 ; 100 % 20 = 0 ;

  17. Compound Arithmetic Operators += -= *= /= %=

  18. Compound Arithmetic Operators a = a + b ; a += b ;

  19. Logical Operators AND && OR ||

  20. Comparison Operators a < b ; a <= b ; a == b ; a >= b ; a > b ;

  21. a = b;

  22. if ( a = b ) //Wrong //Logical Error

  23. a > b ; a >= b ;

  24. Bit wise Operators Bit wise AND & (Binary) Bit wise OR | (Binary) Bit wise Exclusive OR ^ (Binary) NOT ~ (unary)

  25. Sequential Construct • Decision Construct • Loop Construct

  26. If-statement if ( condition ) { statement ( s ) ; }

  27. If-else if ( condition ) { statement ( s ) ; } else { statement ( s ) ; }

  28. if ( a > b && c < d )

  29. Nested if statements

  30. if ( condition ) { statement ( s ) ; if ( condition ) { statement ( s ) ; } statement ( s ) ; }

  31. While Loops while ( a > b ) { statement ( s ) ; }

  32. While Loops While loop executes zero or more times

  33. Do - while do { statement ( s ) ; } while ( condition ) ;

  34. Do - while Do-while loop executes one or more times

  35. For Loops for ( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i ++ ; ) { statement ( s ) ; }

  36. i = i + 1 ; • i += 1 ; • i ++ ;

  37. Switch Statement

  38. break ; • continue ;

  39. Functions

  40. Call by value • Call by reference

  41. Arrays

  42. Arrays int a [ 10 ] ; a [ 0 ] ; : a [ 9 ] ;

  43. Pointers

  44. Pointers Memory address of a variable is stored inside a pointer

  45. Files and their Input / Output systems

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