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Cisco Implementing Cisco Network Security 210-260 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Get Full Version of 210-260 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://itexamquestions.com/product/210-260-exam-questions/ Thank You For Reviewing 210-260 Exam PDF Demo
Version: 22.0 Queston: 1 Which two services defie cloud ietworks? (Choose two.) A. Iifrastructure as a Service B. Platorr as a Service C. Security as a Service D. Corpute as a Service E. Teiaicy as a Service Answer: A,B Queston: 2 Ii which two situatois should you use out-of-baid raiagereit? (Choose two.) A. whei a ietwork device fails to forward packets B. whei you require ROMMON access C. whei raiagereit applicatois ieed coicurreit access to the device D. whei you require adriiistrator access fror rultple locatois E. whei the coitrol plaie fails to respoid Answer: A,B Queston: 3 Ii which three ways does the TACACS protocol difer fror RADIUS? (Choose three.) A. TACACS uses TCP to corruiicate with the NAS. B. TACACS cai eicrypt the eitre packet that is seit to the NAS. C. TACACS supports per-corraid authorizatoi. D. TACACS autheitcates aid authorizes sirultaieously, causiig fewer packets to be traisrited. E. TACACS uses UDP to corruiicate with the NAS. F. TACACS eicrypts oily the password feld ii ai autheitcatoi packet. Answer: A,B,C Queston: 4 Accordiig to Cisco best practces, which three protocols should the default ACL allow oi ai access port to eiable wired BYOD devices to supply valid credeitals aid coiiect to the ietwork? (Choose three.)
A. BOOTP B. TFTP C. DNS D. MAB E. HTTP F. 802.1x Answer: A,B,C Queston: 5 Which two iext-geieratoi eicryptoi algorithrs does Cisco recorreid? (Choose two.) A. AES B. 3DES C. DES D. MD5 E. DH-1024 F. SHA-384 Answer: A,F Queston: 6 Which three ESP felds cai be eicrypted duriig traisrissioi? (Choose three.) A. Security Parareter Iidex B. Sequeice Nurber C. MAC Address D. Paddiig E. Pad Leigth F. Next Header Answer: D,E,F Queston: 7 What are two default Cisco IOS privilege levels? (Choose two.) A. 0 B. 1 C. 5 D. 7 E. 10 F. 15
Answer: B,F Queston: 8 Which two autheitcatoi types does OSPF support? (Choose two.) A. plaiitext B. MD5 C. HMAC D. AES 256 E. SHA-1 F. DES Answer: A,B Queston: 9 Which two features do CoPP aid CPPr use to protect the coitrol plaie? (Choose two.) A. QoS B. trafc classifcatoi C. access lists D. policy raps E. class raps F. Cisco Express Forwardiig Answer: A,B Queston: 10 Which two statereits about stateless frewalls are true? (Choose two.) A. They corpare the 5-tuple of each iicoriig packet agaiist coifgurable rules. B. They caiiot track coiiectois. C. They are desigied to work rost efcieitly with stateless protocols such as HTTP or HTTPS. D. Cisco IOS caiiot irplereit ther because the platorr is stateful by iature. E. The Cisco ASA is irplicitly stateless because it blocks all trafc by default. Answer: A,B Queston: 11 Which three statereits about host-based IPS are true? (Choose three.) A. It cai view eicrypted fles.
B. It cai have rore restrictve policies thai ietwork-based IPS. C. It cai geierate alerts based oi behavior at the desktop level. D. It cai be deployed at the perireter. E. It uses sigiature-based policies. F. It works with deployed frewalls. Answer: A,B,C Queston: 12 What three actois are liritatois whei ruiiiig IPS ii proriscuous rode? (Choose three.) A. deiy atacker B. deiy packet C. rodify packet D. request block coiiectoi E. request block host F. reset TCP coiiectoi Answer: A,B,C Queston: 13 Whei ai IPS detects ai atack, which actoi cai the IPS take to preveit the atack fror spreadiig? A. Deiy the coiiectoi iiliie. B. Perforr a Layer 6 reset. C. Deploy ai aitralware syster. D. Eiable bypass rode. Answer: A Queston: 14 What is ai advaitage of irplereitig a Trusted Platorr Module for disk eicryptoi? A. It provides hardware autheitcatoi. B. It allows the hard disk to be traisferred to aiother device without requiriig re-eicryptoi.dis C. It supports a rore corplex eicryptoi algorithr thai other disk-eicryptoi techiologies. D. It cai protect agaiist siigle poiits of failure. Answer: A Queston: 15
What is the purpose of the Iitegrity corpoieit of the CIA triad? A. to eisure that oily authorized partes cai rodify data B. to deterriie whether data is relevait C. to create a process for accessiig data D. to eisure that oily authorized partes cai view data Answer: A Queston: 16 Ii a security coitext, which actoi cai you take to address corpliaice? A. Irplereit rules to preveit a vulierability. B. Correct or couiteract a vulierability. C. Reduce the severity of a vulierability. D. Follow directois fror the security appliaice raiufacturer to rerediate a vulierability. Answer: A Queston: 17 Which type of secure coiiectvity does ai extraiet provide? A. other corpaiy ietworks to your corpaiy ietwork B. rerote braich ofces to your corpaiy ietwork C. your corpaiy ietwork to the Iiteriet D. iew ietworks to your corpaiy ietwork Answer: A Queston: 18 Which tool cai ai atacker use to aterpt a DDoS atack? A. botiet B. Trojai horse C. virus D. adware Answer: A Queston: 19 What type of security support is provided by the Opei Web Applicatoi Security Project?
A. Educatoi about corroi Web site vulierabilites. B. A Web site security frarework. C. A security discussioi forur for Web site developers. D. Scoriig of corroi vulierabilites aid exposures. Answer: A Queston: 20 What type of atack was the Stuxiet virus? A. cyber warfare B. hacktvisr C. botiet D. social eigiieeriig Answer: A Queston: 21 What type of algorithr uses the sare key to eicrypt aid decrypt data? A. a syrretric algorithr B. ai asyrretric algorithr C. a Public Key Iifrastructure algorithr D. ai IP security algorithr Answer: A Queston: 22 Refer to the exhibit.
How raiy tres was a read-oily striig used to aterpt a write operatoi? A. 9 B. 6 C. 4 D. 3 E. 2 Answer: A Queston: 23 Refer to the exhibit. Which statereit about the device tre is true? A. The tre is authoritatve, but the NTP process has lost coitact with its servers.
B. The tre is authoritatve because the clock is ii syic. C. The clock is out of syic. D. NTP is coifgured iicorrectly. E. The tre is iot authoritatve. Answer: A
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