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B y : P a t r i c k , M a t t h e w , J a r e d, L i a m a n d R y a n

Washington. Crossing. the. Delaware. B y : P a t r i c k , M a t t h e w , J a r e d, L i a m a n d R y a n. S t o r y S t r u c t u r e. Summary.

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B y : P a t r i c k , M a t t h e w , J a r e d, L i a m a n d R y a n

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Washington Crossing the Delaware By:Patrick,Matthew,Jared, LiamandRyan

  2. Story Structure

  3. Summary • In November 1776 was a very crucial time for our young country. This was a time when we when were fighting for our independence in the Revolutionary War. It was our young country against the well trained Red Coats . • Meanwhile George Washington is planning an attack against the Hessians. George Washington tried to appeal and persuade the troops to fight in the war. Washington is trying to get all the troops and boats he can find to cross the Delaware River. Now that he has all the troops and boats he could find, he starts to cross the Delaware. • When he was crossing the Delaware, some of his troops started to get sick. The troops found land and battled the Hessians in Trenton, New Jersey. He and his troops maneuvered through the Battle of Trenton. • Finally the Hessians retreated after a crucial battle and the U.S. army won the Battle of Trenton. This was the destiny of George Washington. • That is all about the story of George Washington and When He Crossed the Delaware

  4. Video

  5. THE END Thanks for watching our presentation. We hope you liked it. By Jared Agnew, Liam Delaney, Patrick McVey, Matthew McCarthy, and Ryan O’Neill.

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