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Game-Theory-Based Active Defense for Intrusion Detection in Cyber-Physical Embedded Systems. Presented by: Jesse Hoskins. Overview. Introduction. Embedded Sensor Networks (ESNs) in Cyber-Physical Embedded Systems (CPES) becoming ubiquitous in many applications
Game-Theory-Based Active Defense for Intrusion Detection in Cyber-Physical Embedded Systems Presented by: Jesse Hoskins
Introduction • Embedded Sensor Networks (ESNs) in Cyber-Physical Embedded Systems (CPES) becoming ubiquitous in many applications • How to secure these systems with intrusion detection systems? • Motivation: Unmanned unattended systems becoming part of critical infrastructure need to be secured
ESNs and Intrusion Detection • ESNs used extensively in safety critical applications • Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) • Process Control Systems (PCS) • Low power/bandwidth security mechanism needed • Deep packet inspection too resource heavy • ESNs have inherent limited bandwidth and energy constraints • Intrusion detection: Detect abnormalities/malicious activities in the network via single/multiple collaborating sensor nodes
Why Game Theory? • Deep packet inspection is too resource heavy • Pattern-matching IDS is not scalable
Why Game Theory for IDS? • Heuristic-based solutions use central data analysis engine • Constantly use resources for monitoring • Distributed IDS processes are subject to tampering • Game theory solution • Better handle multistage attacks • More accurate in modelling payoff • Can determine optimal response
Contributions • Repeated game model for IDS, uses a mixed strategy to achieve dynamic equilibrium between attackers and defenders • Game model for both attack and defense to reduce energy consumption and improve detection rate • Game tree model used to solve error detection and missing detection
Related Work Non-Game Theory Based • Unmanned unattended systems becoming part of critical infrastructure need to be secured via IDS • Most existing IDS architectures assume IDS cooperate honestly and unselfishly • Existing trust models for IDS are insufficient. No study on collaboration incentives
Related Work Game Theory Based • Decentralized approach to maximize network performance (resource allocation) used in P2P and routing networks • Optimize resource allocation while accounting for malicious nodes prevent malicious nodes from overusing network resources but can lead to unfairness • Two-player non-cooperative host based game theory framework (HIDS) for dynamically adjusting objects based on expected attacks • Model for IDS to achieve fairness and incentive compatibility • Two-person non-zero-sum incomplete information game for IDS to minimize loss based on its own belief
Payoff Function Definition and Strategies Payoff function
Strategies Continued • Attackers always want to attack to maximize payoffs • Payoffs maximized when defenders don’t start IDS • However, more frequently attackers attack, higher probability of detection, once detected, they will suffer a huge loss • Therefore must consider not attacking all the time • Defenders should not start IDS for a long time due to resource consumption • Payoffs maximized when they do not start the IDS • However, if attacked, the loss is far greater than the resource consumption from starting IDS • Therefore must consider starting IDS sooner
Nash Equilibrium • Game model has no pure strategy Nash Equilibrium • Attackers/Defenders will not choose fixed strategy • Game model has mixed strategy Nash Equilibrium
Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium • Attacker’s/defender’s strategies inversely proportional • Eventually will achieve dynamic Nash equilibrium
Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium in Game Tree Model • Mixed probability matrix changes with time • Nodes can take into account missing detection (IDS missed an attack) or error detection (IDS misidentifies an attack)
Performance Evaluations • Simulate using embedded network environment • Compare attack-defense game model with All Monitor (AM) and Cluster Head (CH) • Comparison parameters are energy performance and detection rate performance over 3 groups of different mixed strategies • 3 different attack types (eavesdropping, DOS, black hole)
Discussion • Of the three attack types considered, which do you think is most likely to occur in autonomous vehicles and why? How does this effect the value of the repeated game model approach? • What are some potential weaknesses of the repeated game model approach described in the paper? How could those weaknesses be mitigated? • What do you see as barriers to the widespread adoption of this approach? Please explain
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