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Data and metadata modeling

A comprehensive framework for statistical data and metadata modeling, exploring relationships between data sets and variables, using algebra to reduce complexity, focusing on machine representation. Includes examples on variables, composition, product, and metadata.

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Data and metadata modeling

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Data and metadata modeling Tjalling Gelsema, te.gelsema@cbs.nl (Statistics Netherlands, methodologist)

  2. Contents • Introduction • Objectives • Where we left off ... • Variables revisited • Composition • Product • The big picture • Metadata: terms • Example

  3. Introduction

  4. Introduction

  5. Objectives A framework for statistical data and metadata, that has the following features: • Precision • Aims at uncovering relationships (between a data set and its variables, between micro data and dimensional data, etc.) • Has a precise relationship between data and metadata • Uses algebra in order to reduce complexity • Focusses on machine representation • Bonus: detection of synonyms

  6. Where we left off ...

  7. Where we left off ...

  8. Variables revisited A variable is a function v : p → xwith domain p and codomain x, represented in a (function) diagram as . For an element e in p, the corresponding value in x is v(e). The variable v can be pictured as

  9. Composition In a situation , we define the composition of w and v, denoted v◦w or just vw, as the function vw(d) = v(w(d)) for every d in q. In a diagram: and pictured as:

  10. Composition, examples • Composition of an operation (tax deduction) with a variable (pay): • Composition of a variable (age category) with an object type relation (partner 1):

  11. Product In a situation , we define the product of z and v, denoted ‹z,v› as the function ‹z,v›(e) = ‹z(e),v(e)› for every e in p. The element ‹z(e),v(e)› is a member of the Cartesian producty×x of y and x, i.e., the set of all pairs of elements from y with elements from x. In a diagram:

  12. Product, continued The (binary) product is tacitly extended to general situations, such as in which case the product is ‹v1,…,vn›.

  13. Product, continued As a picture:

  14. Product, continued As a concrete example:

  15. The big picture Statistical information revolves around the notion of a function. • Variable: • Object type relations: • Operation: • Data set (micro): • Data set (macro):

  16. The big picture

  17. Terms A termt is a sequence of characters (a string) with an accociated type p→q, such that, given a set of elementary symbols (such as activity, gender, income), • each elementary symbol is a term (of appropriate type), and • if t1 and t2 are terms of appropriate type, then ‹t1,t2› is a term (of appropriate type), and • if t1 and t2 are terms of appropriate type, then t1◦t2 is a term (of appropriate type), and • that’s all folks!

  18. Terms, continued Given a set of elementary symbols (such as activity, gender, income), and a mapping h(a)=a, etc., we extend h such that • h(‹t1,t2›)=‹h(t1),h(t2)›, and • h(t1◦t2)=h(t1)◦h(t2) That’s it! The correspondence between metadata and data is a homomorphism.

  19. In contrast ...

  20. Example Given the elementary symbols: the metadata corresponding with the data set is the term ‹de,ap1e,gp1e,ap2e,gp2e› (which points through h at the same data set as ‹d,ap1,gp1,ap2,gp2›e)

  21. Questions?

  22. Exercise Given the situation: Show that ‹zw,vw›=‹z,v›w (first show that this makes sense, by drawing a functional diagram).

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