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LiveCaster – Go live with any precorded video and pull massivetraffic LiveCaster is the best livecasting software made for Facebook & YouTube. It is ultra simple to use, it supports scheduling, one-click live mode. Can Cast pre-recorded videos as live to Facebook Personal feed, Pages & even Groups. It can also livecast toYouTube! https://crownreviews.com/livecaster-review-bonus/ • What Is LiveCaster? • Facebook is giving unprecedented preference to live video content and hosting it on their own platform. YouTube garnered 8 million views in 12 hours for liveevents. • And now here's a powerful app that lets you live cast any pre-recorded video as live on FB and YouTube! LiveCaster has just opened thecart! • I am sure you'd like to run live videos and get maximum exposure and engagement BUT like it or not your video is out there for the world to see and it may not be a prettything. • But using LiveCaster, you’ll go live only when you’re ready to go live! • No unflattering videos, only your best stuff goes viral when you’reready! • Upload ANY pre-recorded videos to go live or schedule them to go live, as many as you want on your YouTube channel or FB feeds, pages andgroups. • Facebook and YouTube are putting a huge emphasis on live videos, and they offer the biggestaudience. • AND LiveCaster helps you leverage that to your marketing advantage MINUS any complexities that are there in creating and casting a liveevent. • And that's why LiveCaster looks like the most promising desktop app that counters all the above problems and lets you make video marketing profits in a fly by tapping into the audience's need to prefer watching live events above everythingelse! • LiveCaster is the best livecasting software made for Facebook &YouTube. • LiveCaster is Ultra simple to use, so you don't have to learn any complicated courses to know how to set and runit. • Supports scheduling, one-click livemode.
Upload ANY video you have as live now or schedule forlater. • Can Cast pre-recorded videos as live to Facebook Personal feed, Pages & even Groups. • It can also livecast toYouTube. • Casts direct from your computer, gets you the best results for SEO andrankings. • Cast multiple videos at the sametime. • Two or even three videossimultaneously. • Supports scheduling. Cast your videos at any time you want without beingthere. • Lets you select the playback quality you want so you can pick up optimum playback for your internetspeed • Supports & converts from a variety of video formats an sizes. • It has the most easy to use Interface so you don't need to go through a complicated course to understand it. It's all easilyaccessible • Go live Whenever You Want as LiveCaster allows you to livecast any prerecorded videos as live events on YouTube andFacebook. • Its Super Robust engine allows you to just set it once, and have the app running, along with an internetconnection. • LiveCaster works round the clock, 24/7 to get you maximum engagement from your audience. • Right now you will be able to access it a special early bird discount for first few hours, so don't miss picking a copy at an incredibly lowprice. • So find time to check it out and see if your video marketing campaigns can leverage the livestreaming craze among audience and help you pull traffic with this powerfulapp.
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