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Chapter 14 Reading Usenet Newsgroups

Chapter 14 Reading Usenet Newsgroups. Contents. Common Newsreading Tasks Newsreading in Outlook Express Newsreading in Netscape Newsgroup Newsreading in Free Agent Newsreading in Tin Newsreading in NewsWatcher Newsreading in Deja News. Common Newsreading Tasks.

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Chapter 14 Reading Usenet Newsgroups

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  1. Chapter 14 Reading Usenet Newsgroups

  2. Contents • Common Newsreading Tasks • Newsreading in Outlook Express • Newsreading in Netscape Newsgroup • Newsreading in Free Agent • Newsreading in Tin • Newsreading in NewsWatcher • Newsreading in Deja News

  3. Common Newsreading Tasks • a news server 접속 → newsgroups to subscribe 선택 → articles to read 선택→ Reading articles → Sending replies • Configuring Your Newsreader • News reading program 을 install 할 때 설정 • Subscribing to Newsgroups • Selecting and Reading Articles • Posting Messages • reply to a newsgroup message • reply directly to the sender by e-mail • 몇몇 news readerHTML formatting 지원 • cancel messages that you’ve posted, by sending out a cancellation message

  4. Newsreading in Outlook Express (1) • Finding and Subscribing to Newsgroups • 뉴스 읽기 아이콘이나 이동(Go) | 뉴스(News) 선택 • 다른 news server를 setting 하려면 도구(Tools) | 계정(Accounts)에서 추가(Add) | (News on the Internet Accounts) 선택 ex) 추가 • 원하는 뉴스그룹을 선택해서 더블클릭 하거나 가입 버튼을 누르면 가입됨 • 가입된 뉴스그룹 들은 가입한 뉴스 그룹 탭에서 볼 수 있음 • specific newsgroup 을 찾을 수 있음

  5. Newsreading in Outlook Express (2) • Selecting and Reading Messages • Reading Articles Offline • 뉴스그룹 목록에서 마우스 오른쪽 버튼 클릭 후 • 등록정보 menu 클릭 • Click the Download(다운로드) tab, and check the When Down -loading This Newsgroup Retrieve(다운로드할 때 다음 항목을 읽어 옵니다) box. • Reading Articles Online • 뉴스그룹 목록을 선택 클릭하면 새로운 뉴스자동으로 받음 • Upper-right pane : message headers • lower-right pane : selected message

  6. Article headers News server Selected newsgroup Sybscrubed newsgroups Article text

  7. Newsreading in Outlook Express (3) • Threading Messages • threads나 날짜, 보낸 사람, 제목 등에 따라 정렬 가능(보기 | 정렬기준) • Selecting Articles and Threads • 보기 | 현재보기 : 현재 보이는 메시지 종류 지정 • 편집 | 찾기 : 특정 메시지를 찾을 때(날짜, 제목, 특정 단어를 포함한 메시지) • Sending Messages • Replying to Messages • to reply to the whole newsgroup : • to reply only to the author of the message : • Posting a Message on a New Topic • 뉴스그룹을 먼저 선택하고, 새 게시 버튼을 눌러서 메시지 작성

  8. Newsreading in Outlook Express (4) • Formatting Messgage • HTML formatting 사용 가능(서식 | 서식있는 텍스트(HTML)) • Canceling Message • 자신이 올린 메시지를 선택한 다음 메시지 | 메시지 취소 • Saving Messages • folder에 저장하거나 text file로 저장 • Unsubscribing from Newsgroups • Filtering Messages • filter by messages by sender, length, or time of posting

  9. Newsreading in Netscape Newsgroup (1) • To open Netscape Newsgroup • click the Read Newsgroup icons or Communicater | Newsgroups • news server 설정

  10. Newsreading in Netscape Newsgroup (2) • Reading and Selecting Messages • Finding and Subscribing to Newsgroups • File | Subscribe

  11. Newsreading in Netscape Newsgroup (3) • Reading Messages Online

  12. Newsreading in Netscape Newsgroup (4) • Reading Messages Offline • File | Offline | Synchronize • to work online again : File | Offline | Work Online

  13. Newsreading in Netscape Newsgroup (5) • Threading Messages • sort by date, flag, subject, priority, sender, size, thread … • View | Sort by • Sending Messages • Replying to Messages • reply할 때 “To Sender Only”나 “To Newsgroup” 중에서 선택 • Starting a New Thread • click New Message on the toolbar • posting할 newsgroup이름과 제목, 내용을 쓴 다음에 Send click

  14. Newsreading in Netscape Newsgroup (6) • Canceling Message ( Edit | Cancel Message) • Saving Messages ( File | Save As | File) • Unsubscribing from Newsgroups • File | Subscribe or Remove Newsgroup • Filtering Messages • Edit | Message Filters • Message Filter dialog box에서 필터를 적용하고 싶은 뉴스 그룹을 선택 • New buttonclick하면 Filter Rules dialog box 나타남

  15. Newsreading in Netscape Newsgroup (7) • Filter name과 rule 지정 • click OK

  16. Newsreading with Free Agent (1) • Free Agent를 처음 실행 시킬 때는 사용자의 news server, mail server, e-mail address, name을 입력 • Finding and Subscribing to Newsgroups • click the pane header to switch from All Groups to Subscribed Groups or to New Groups • Subscribing to Newsgroups • double click, Group | Subscribe, CTRL+S , Subscribe button • Finding Newsgroups • Edit | Find

  17. Groups Message list Message

  18. Newsreading with Free Agent (2) • Selecting and Reading Messages • Reading Articles Offline or Online • Options | General Preferences • click Online tab • click the Use Online Defaults or Use Offline Defaults • Downloading Message Headers • click the Get New Header in Subscribed Groups button or choose Online | Get New Headers in Subscribe group

  19. Newsreading with Free Agent (3) • Downloading and Reading Messages • new message → red, read message → black • 메시지를 읽을 때는 double click을 하거나 ENTER key 누름 • 메시지를 선택한 후 ‘M’을 눌러서 선택한 것들은 한꺼번에 download 됨 • 특정 메시지 찾기: choose Edit | Find • Sending Messages • Replying to Messages • to respond with a follow-up message : Post Follow Up message icon, Post | Follow-Up Usenet message, (‘F’ key)

  20. Newsreading with Free Agent (4) • Post한 사람에게 : Post Reply via Email button, Post | Reply via Email, (R key) • Starting a New Thread • Post New Usenet Message button, Post | New Usenet message, (P key) • Canceling Messages • Message | Cancel Usenet Message

  21. Newsreading with Free Agent (5) • Saving Messages • selecting the message or thread and choose File | Save Message As • Deleting Message and groups • to purge newsgroups : Group | Purge Newsgroups • 뉴스 그룹 삭제 : Group | Delete, Subscribe button

  22. Newsreading in Tin(1) • UNIX에서 사용하는 newsreader program - $ tin -r • Subscribing to Newsgroups • 스크린 아래 부분에 사용 가능한 command들 보여 줌. • 이름을 알고 있을 때 : type (g key) → type name and press ENTER • tin을 종료할 때 : type (q key) → type (y key) • Reading Messages : 방향키를 이용하여 뉴스그룹을 선택한 후 type (n key) • Sending Messages • Replying to Messages : type (r key), 다 쓰고 난 후 CTRL + X

  23. Newsreading in Tin(2) • q : quit, e : go back to the editor • Starting a New Thread type (w key) → type subject → press ENTER → type message → CTRL + X → type s to send message • Deleting Newsgroups • go back to the list of newsgroups • 방향키를 이용하여 newsgroup을 선택한 뒤 type (u key)

  24. Newsreading with NewsWatcher (1) • Mac에서만 사용하는 newsreader program • Finding and Subscribing to Newsgroups • to create your own group window : File | New Group Window → File | Save As → Enter a name → Save • to add newsgroups : Special | Subscribe • to search for a specific newsgroup : Edit | Find • Reading Messages • highlight the newsgroup and double-click it. • Double-click any message you want to read

  25. Newsreading with NewsWatcher (2) • Sending Messages • Replying to Messages : highlight the message you want to reply to and choose Message | Reply • Posting Messages : click News | New Message → type message and click Send • Saving Messages : File | Save • Unsubscribe Newsgroups : Special | Unsubscribe

  26. Newsreading in Deja News • http://www.deja.com • Web site for searching and displaying newsgroups • newsgroup에서 특정 정보를 찾거나 newsreader program을 찾기 어려울 때 • 주요 news hierarchy에 있는 newsgroup들의 메시지들을 database로 유지 • newsgroup 이름이나 description에서 특정 단어를 포함하는 newsgroup을 찾을 수 있음 • 특정 단어나 구를 포함하는 메시지를 찾을 수 있음

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