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Family Life Cycle: Eight Stages of Self Development

Family Life Cycle: Eight Stages of Self Development. Erik Erikson’s Eight Stages of Self Development. Erik Erikson was a

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Family Life Cycle: Eight Stages of Self Development

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  1. Family Life Cycle:Eight Stages of Self Development

  2. Erik Erikson’s Eight Stages of Self Development Erik Erikson was a German-born American developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst known for his theory on psychosocial development of human beings. He may be most famous for coining the phrase “identity crisis”.

  3. Erikson's stages of psychosocial development as articulated by Erik Eriksonexplain eight stages through which a healthily developing human should pass from infancy to late adulthood. • In each stage the person confronts, and hopefully masters, new challenges. • Each stage builds on the successful completion of earlier stages. The challenges of stages not successfully completed may be expected to reappear as problems in the future.

  4. However, mastery of a stage is not required to advance to the next stage. Erikson's stage theory characterizes an individual advancing through the eight life stages as a function of negotiating his or her biological forces and sociocultural forces. Each stage is characterized by a psycho social crisis of these two conflicting forces (as shown in the chart you will study). If an individual does indeed successfully reconcile these forces (favoring the first mentioned attribute in the crisis), he or she emerges from the stage with the corresponding virtue. For example, if an infant enters into the toddler stage (autonomy vs. shame & doubt) with more trust than mistrust, he or she carries the virtue of hope into the remaining life stages

  5. Erik Erikson’s Eight Stages of Self Development Key Terms: • Personality: The characteristic ways each individual acts, thinks and feels • Identity: Your sense of who you are; your sense of self; who you are, what you want, what you can accomplish

  6. Personality develops through stages. Identity Crises: Social challenges or turning points that must be met and resolved at several points in our lives

  7. What are the 8 Stages of Development?

  8. Stage #1: Trust vs. Mistrust Age range: Birth to 18 months Task: Come to feel the world is a safe place and can be trusted Example: Regular, as needed feeding, changing, touching

  9. Stage #2: Autonomy vsDoubt Age range: 18 months to 3 years Task: Free will – learning to do things on their own; they have the ability Example: Feeding, toilet training, learning to walk on their own, talking

  10. Stage #3: Initiative vsGuiltAge range: 3 – 5 yearsTask: Develop a conscience;begin to set their own limitsExample: Can’t always get what you want!

  11. Stage #4: Industry vs Inferiority Age range: 6 –12 years Task: Learn to master skills; learn to make and do things; take pride in your accomplishments Example: Literacy/numeracy; reading, writing, math

  12. Stage #5: Identity vsConfusion Age range: 12 - 18 years Task: Develop a sense of self; Discover who we are separate from others Example: Create life-long goals; lasting friendships; figure out what we believe in

  13. Stage #6: Intimacy vsIsolation Age range: 18 –35 years Task: Develop and strengthen personal relationships Example: Get married, have a family, make a life-long commitment to another person

  14. Stage #7: Generativity vs. Stagnation Age range: 35 –65 years Task: Become successful in our career; Establish a stable home environment Example: Have a good job, donate to charities, get our kids through school, enjoy life!

  15. Stage #8: Integrity vsDespair Age range: 65 years - death Task: Reflect back on our lives Example: Looking back on life without regrets, and being happy for things that you’ve contributed to society

  16. http://www.learn360.com/ShowVideo.aspx?ID=516439&SearchText=erikson&lid=9230650http://www.learn360.com/ShowVideo.aspx?ID=516439&SearchText=erikson&lid=9230650 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGFKAfixHJs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PC2G5oFliyk&feature=fvwrel

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