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PhoneGapAnd_jQueryMobileForSharePoint. var MobileWebInSharePoint = { Author: ‘Kiril Iliev’, Tags: [‘SharePointAPI’, ‘MobileWeb’] } ;. Summary. What is PhoneGap? PhoneGap.ProjectStructure Short DEMO and Tips SharePoint.Communication

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PhoneGapAnd_jQueryMobileForSharePoint var MobileWebInSharePoint = { Author: ‘Kiril Iliev’, Tags: [‘SharePointAPI’, ‘MobileWeb’] };

  2. Summary • What is PhoneGap? • PhoneGap.ProjectStructure • Short DEMO and Tips • SharePoint.Communication • DEMO – CRUD with SharePoint 2013 REST Services

  3. What is PhoneGap? PhoneGap is a collection of tools, and libraries that allow you to build native mobile applications for multiple devices.* * PhoneGap Site

  4. What is PhoneGap? Re-usability

  5. PhoneGap.ProjectStrucutre • The www folder • App Init – index.js and index.html • Enable debug information • Loading plugins • App information

  6. DEMO PhoneGap Project Structure

  7. SharePoint.Communication • Using ASMX Services and SOAP Messages • Using SVC services • Using the API – SharePoint 2013 _api

  8. SharePoint.Communication = { asmxService: true}; • object = { • spSite: $("#spSite").val() + "_vti_bin/authentication.asmx", • spSoap:  • "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8; ?>" + • "<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xmlns:xsd='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' xmlns:soap='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'>" + • "<soap:Body>" + • "<Login xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/'>" + • "<username>" + window.localStorage.getItem("username") + "</username>" + • "<password>" + window.localStorage.getItem("username") + "<password>" + • "</Login>" + • "</soap:Body>" + • "</soap:Envelope>" • }

  9. SharePoint.Communication = { svcServices: true}; • $.getJSON($("#spSite").val()+"/_vti_bin/listdata.svc/Birthdays",function(data){ • $.each(data.d.results,function(i,item){ • varoutput="<li><ahref='#'data-theme='b'data-icon='gear'>"+$(this).attr("ows_Title")+"</a></li>"; • $("#spListView").append(output); • }); • $("#spListView").listview("refresh"); • });

  10. SharePoint.Communication = { sp2013API: true}; • GetListItems:function(params,onSuccessFunc,onErrorFunc){ • varxhr=$.ajax({ • headers:{ • "Authorization":spListViewModel.cryptBasicAuth(window.localStorage.getItem("username"), • window.localStorage.getItem("password")), • "ACCEPT":"application/json;odata=verbose",//orapplication/atom+xml • "X-RequestDigest":params.formDigest • }, • url:params.spSite, • type:"POST", • dataType:"json", • contentType:"application/json;odata=verbose", • success:onSuccessFunc, • error:onErrorFunc • }); • }

  11. SharePoint.Communication = { sp2013API.Extend: true}; • _api alias for _api_bin/client.svc • All new functionalities in _api are presented in the _api_bin/client.svc as well • Querying is similar to the Managed Client Object Model

  12. SharePoint.Communication = { sp2013API.ServiceEndPoints: […]};

  13. DEMO Service End Points

  14. SharePoint.Communication = { CRUD.Read: {…}}; • GET request • Accept Header • application/json;odata=verbose //or application/atom+xml

  15. DEMO SharePoint.ReadData

  16. SharePoint.Communication = { CRUD.Create: {…}}; • Sending the FormDigest Header • X-RequestDigest header inside the SharePoint context • X-RequestDigest header outside the SharePoint context • __metadata ‘type’ property required • List name dependent • Conflicts with different lists

  17. DEMO SharePoint.CreateData

  18. SharePoint.Communication = { CRUD.Delete: {…}}; • If-Match header • RequestType: ‘DELETE’ • ItemIdentification(ID) • …and do not forget the FormDigest, of course

  19. DEMO SharePoint.DeleteData

  20. SharePoint.Communication = { CRUD.Update: {…}}; • If-Match header – etagidentification • RequestType: ‘PUT’ or ‘MERGE’ • Do I need to mention the FormDigest?

  21. DEMO SharePoint.UpdateData

  22. Diamond Sponsor: Thanks to our Sponsors: Platinum Sponsors: Gold Sponsors: Swag Sponsors: Media Partners:

  23. Expect very soon: SharePoint Saturday! • Saturday, June 8, 2013 • Same familiar format – 1 day filled with sessions focused on SharePoint technologies • Best SharePoint professionals in the region • Registrations will be open next week (15th)! • www.SharePointSaturday.eu

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