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<br>Pregnancy is a remarkable journey where life begins as a single cell and evolves into a beautiful baby. Each day, week, and month brings new developments, transforming the fetus through stages like the formation of the heart, organs, limbs, senses, and movements. This process is magical, with the baby's body and abilities gradually taking shape.<br><br>For the mother, pregnancy is a time of significant physical, hormonal, emotional, social, and behavioral changes. These include visible changes like an expanding belly and breasts, and experiences like morning sickness etc
Veira Services Partners FAQ Blog Contact Free Trial Sign In Expert advice, Pregnancy Table of Contents Your Pregnancy Week-by-Week Guide CATEGORIES Select Category TAGS 13th week of pregnancy (3)Balancing work and pregnancy (2)birth doula services (2)breastfeeding (6)breastfeeding mum (2)breastfeeding positions (2) breastfeeding tips (3)c-section (2)c-section delivery (2) C-Section procedure (3)cesarean delivery (2)cesarean section (2)childbirth (2)discharge (2)doula (3)doula advice (4)Edd calculator (1)false positive pregnancy test (1) featured (23)first trimester pregnancy (2) foetus (39)healthy pregnancy (8) home pregnancy test (1)normal childbirth (2)normal delivery (2)positive pregnancy test (1)postnatal (2)postnatal care (2) postnatal care singapore (2)postpartum depression (3) pregnancy (57)Pregnancy Calculator (1) Pregnancy Due Date (1)Pregnancy Nutrition (3) pregnancy support (4)pregnancy support services (2) pregnancy test (2)pregnancy test at home (1)pregnancy test kit (1) pregnancy week (39)pregnant It is fascinating to know how life inside you goes from a cell to a bunch of cells to eventually develop into the beautiful little baby you will see in a few months’ time. As each month, week, day goes by, new developments are taking place – some fast and some slow – and steadily and surely each step is woman (4)second trimester of pregnancy (2)Support for pregnant women (2)third trimester of pregnancy (2)vaginal bringing you closer to the adorable little baby that will soon be snuggling in your arms. Heart starts discharge (2) breathing, organs and limbs develop, ears start hearing, mouth starts tasting and yawning, eyes start dreaming, little legs start kicking… a lot of magic happens on an everyday basis. While you are curious to know how the baby is changing and growing inside the womb, it’s just as important, as a pregnant woman, to understand the changes that are happening to your own body and mind as well. Your body will go through many changes during these 40 weeks, not just the physical or hormonal but also emotional, social and behavioural. Some of these changes will be visible, such as an expanding belly and breasts! Others, you might experience, such as morning sickness. And there will be yet others that are internal, physiological and not obvious. Our week by week pregnancy tracker provides a clear view of the weeks, months, and pregnancy trimesters, each marked by new developments for you and your baby. With each week, you’ll gain insights into how your baby is growing, the size of your baby at each stage, the varied symptoms you might experience, and, as you enter the third trimester, the important steps to prepare for labor and delivery. This week-by-week guide is designed to provide clarity and confidence, ensuring you are well-prepared for the life-changing moment of meeting your baby. First Trimester The first trimester of pregnancy is actually calculated from the 1st day of the last menstrual period (even though you are not pregnant then) through the end of week 13. During this time, the fetus is
about the size of a large plum. By the end of this trimester, the fetus will have all essential organs and body parts in place. Week 1-3 of Pregnancy Week 4 of Pregnancy Week 5 of Pregnancy Week 6 of Pregnancy Week 7 of Pregnancy Week 8 of Pregnancy Week 9 of Pregnancy Week 10 of Pregnancy Week 11 of Pregnancy Week 12 of Pregnancy Week 13 of Pregnancy Second Trimester In the second trimester of pregnancy you will gain most of the pregnancy weight, the baby bump will get more obvious by the day and your breasts might start producing colostrum in preparation for breastfeeding. As the baby grows you will feel more pressure on your bladder and back aches. Between weeks 16 and 24 baby’s first kicks will delight you and make it all worthwhile. Week 14 of Pregnancy
Week 15 of Pregnancy Week 16 of Pregnancy Week 17 of Pregnancy Week 18 of Pregnancy Week 19 of Pregnancy Week 20 of Pregnancy Week 21 of Pregnancy Week 22 of Pregnancy Week 23 of Pregnancy Week 24 of Pregnancy Week 25 of Pregnancy Week 26 of Pregnancy Week 27 of Pregnancy Third Trimester Your baby continues to grow at a fast pace in the third trimester of pregnancy. They will gain about half of their birth weight during these months. By 36 weeks they will be so grown, they won’t have
much free space in the womb. By 39 weeks, your baby is considered full term and ready for the outside world! Week 28 of Pregnancy Week 29 of Pregnancy Week 30 of Pregnancy Week 31 of Pregnancy Week 32 of Pregnancy Week 33 of Pregnancy Week 34 of Pregnancy Week 35 of Pregnancy Week 36 of Pregnancy Week 37 of Pregnancy Week 38 of Pregnancy Week 39 of Pregnancy Week 40 of Pregnancy
Week 41-42 of Pregnancy How Veira Life can help you At Veira we have resource-filled online prenatal classes created by experts and vetted by doctors and pre/postnatal experts. We have highly experienced and certified maternity coaches (doulas, prenatal and childbirth educators, midwives and lactation counsellors) who will work with you 1 on 1. Our coaches and experts are passionate about providing support tailored to the needs of women and new families all through pregnancy and birthing to postnatal recovery, breastfeeding and transition back to work. Register at Veira and you will be assured of high quality reliable information, experienced and comprehensive advice and compassionate personalised support throughout your journey from pregnancy to babycare. Join our growing community, we would love to support you on your motherhood journey. Jump to Your Week of Pregnancy Week 1-3 What is Preeclampsia? Diagnosis & treatment Hands-Free Breast Pumps in Singapore: Top Choices for Moms Pregnancy Pillow Guide for Moms in Singapore Preeclampsia: Comprehensive Guide for Discover the best hands-free breast pumps in Having trouble sleeping? Explore the Best Expectant Mothers. Explore symptoms, treatments, preventive measures and management tips for this pregnancy-related condition. Singapore. Find your perfect match for comfort, efficiency, and mobility in our comprehensive guide. Pregnancy Pillows in Singapore for utmost comfort. Learn about different types of pillows and their uses. Feel empowered to make the best decisions for you and your baby.
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