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Belgian Biodiversity Information Facility BeBIF

Belgian Biodiversity Information Facility BeBIF The Belgian National Node of the worldwide biodiversity network GBIF http://www.be.gbif.net. Biodiversity.be.

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Belgian Biodiversity Information Facility BeBIF

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  1. Belgian Biodiversity Information Facility BeBIF The Belgian National Node of the worldwide biodiversity network GBIF http://www.be.gbif.net TDWG, Portugal 2003

  2. Biodiversity.be The Belgian Biodiversity Platform (BBPF), the OSTC advisory organ on biodiversity research (analysis, development and promotion of biodiversity-related research in the scientific community). The Belgian Clearing-House Mechanism (CHM), the national portal site for information exchange on all matters related to the Convention on Biological Diversity Belnet-BIODIV, the electronic catalogue of Belgian resources in Belgium: research projects, experts, institutions, collections and databases, events, etc. Belgian BioCASE Node The Belgian Biodiversity Information Facility (BeBIF), the Belgian Node of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility. An endeavour to build the prototype of a Belgian bioinformatics infrastructure to integrate “Belgian” biodiversity resources within an unified environment Four partners funded by the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BelSPO) TDWG, Portugal 2003

  3. BeBIF: Belgian Biodiversity Information facility Fundings: SPO (Belgian Federal Science Policy Office) • Staff: • Promoter (Robert Herzog) • Node Manager (Patricia Mergen) • Data Analyst (Didier Piette) • Analyst Programmer (Johan Duflost) • System Administrator (Frédéric Wautelet) TDWG, Portugal 2003

  4. Role of BeBIF Data stored locally by DataNodes National level Global level Data Parsing XML file transfer XML RDB Excel Word . .. DarwinCore Metadata GBIF Data subset ABCD (Full Data) Link to datanode for additional information TDWG, Portugal 2003

  5. Collaborations and Projects International Level Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) NODES, DADI, … FP5, European Network for Biodiversity Information Cluster I (WP2), Cluster IV (WP 13) Taxonomic Database Working Group BeBIF is institutional member of TDWG since 2002 TDWG … TDWG, Portugal 2003

  6. Collaborations and Projects National Level Support Programme for Sustainable Development (SPSDII) Centralisation of the Biodiversity related data collected during these projects Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Recent invertebrates (Laboratory of Carcinology) BIANZO (BIodiversity of three representative groups of the ANtarctic Zoobenthos) National Botanic Garden of Belgium Collaborative project: Prototype Image Server to integrate the Martius Herbarium and the Digital Flora brasiliensis Royal Museum for Central Africa Valorization of the museum collections for biodiversity studies The African Biodiversity Information Centre (ABIC) TDWG, Portugal 2003

  7. Collaborations and Projects Belgian EMBnet Node (BEN) to provide links to sequence related data Collaboration with the Belgian Co-ordinated Collections of Micro-organisms (BCCM) to expose part of their data on our server under GBIF Standards. FBDB Federation of Biogeographical Databases Belgian Committee of the International Water Association (BIWA) Research Unit in Organismic Biology (Namur): BeBIF Data Node (Sub-Contractor) specialized in freshwater ecology Collaboration with Provinces, Communities and Regions in Belgium To play its role as national gateway to expose “Belgian” biodiversity data to the worldwide GBIF network, BeBIF has developed several strategies and informatic tools TDWG, Portugal 2003

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  16. How to collaborate with biodiversity.be ? (Plan for the future) Concerning BeBIF • Fill in or update the Metadata form (to respect IPR) • Share biodiversity data under international standards with BeBIF and GBIF • Data will be visible online, can be queried centrally • Data will be validated by an SPO panel of scientific and IT experts • Official biodiversity.be"checked data"  Label TDWG, Portugal 2003

  17. DATA to be shared with GBIF Data Providers and Metadata: Fill in the Metadata online form, Information about the data and respect of IPR Species: Taxonomy, Scientific Names, Synonyms, Common Names, Belgiancontribution to the GBIF Catalogue of Life Specimens: Number of specimens hold, collected or observed Geographic location:As accurate as possible (GPS recommended), restricted access for endangered species Services of our online mapserver Any other biodiversity related data: Species or specimen descriptions, Identification keys, sampling site descriptions, list of publications … Either transmitted to BeBIF or made publicly available on a local server in collaboration with the BeBIF team TDWG, Portugal 2003

  18. Guidelines for a GBIF National Node ? No unique model for all nodes, but adapt to the conditions at national level And be aware of (Jean-Claude Vandamme) • Peopleware • Hardware and software • Funding? Work hard, but have fun and enjoy it ! TDWG, Portugal 2003

  19. How to reach BeBIF BeBIF:http://www.be.gbif.net GBIF:http://www.gbif.org For any questions or feed-back … Belgian Biodiversity Information Facility (BeBIF) Université Libre de Bruxelles Campus de la Plaine CP 257 Bâtiment NO, Bureau 4 O4 209 (Niveau 4) Boulevard du Triomphe, entrée ULB 2 B-1050 Bruxelles Bebif@ben.vub.ac.be Tél. : +32 2 650 57 51 - Fax : +32 2 650 51 24 TDWG, Portugal 2003

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