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Tuning Biomaterial Design to Medicate Cell Attachment without Excessive Inflammation-Intellectual Merit Scott A. Guelcher , Vanderbilt University, DMR 1006558. 0% PEG. 20% PEG.
Tuning Biomaterial Design to Medicate Cell Attachment without Excessive Inflammation-Intellectual MeritScott A. Guelcher, Vanderbilt University, DMR 1006558 0% PEG 20% PEG A minimal inflammatory response is desired for successful biomaterial implants. However, materials designed to limit the inflammatory response often prevent cell attachment, which is needed for tissue engineered materials. The inflammatory response to a material can be measured by the activity of inflammatory cells (such as phagocytic activity and production of enzymes such as MMPs) and the ability of the material to cause programmed cell death (apoptosis) of inflammatory cells. Therefore, to investigate the inflammatory response to polyurethane (PUR) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) materials, human blood derived macrophages (“HBMs,” an inflammatory cell type) were cultured on PEG/PUR films for 3 days. On films with increasing concentrations of hydrophilic PEG, increasing numbers of HBMs attached (A), however, their inflammatory activity (as measured by MMP-9, B) decreased while apoptosis increased (C). This indicates a potential material design to allow cell attachment without excessive inflammatory response. A C 35% PEG 50% PEG B Scale bar= 40 µm C
Teaching the Concept of Biocompatibility to High School Students-Broader ImpactsScott A. Guelcher, Vanderbilt University, DMR 1006558 High school students as a part of the Vanderbilt School for Science and Math (VSSM) were taught basic concepts of biomaterial fabrication as well as cell culture for testing biomaterial compatibility (top). They were then asked to make a hypothesis regarding in the inflammatory response to polyurethane (PUR) films containing increasing percentages of polyethylene glycol (PEG). The students were divided into groups and were given images of human inflammatory cells cultured on polyurethane (PUR) films. From these images, they used Image J software (NIH) to analyze the number of adhered to the cells on the films and the number of highly cell density regions as a measure of inflammatory response to these materials (bottom).