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Chapter 1: The Database Environment. Database. 1258369655710014 0025384102283991 9304522198620471 DATA. Database. Database. INFORMATION. Metadata. Field Name: MasterCardNum Field Type: Text Field Size: 19 Field Description: Unique identifier for each MasterCard Customer. Database.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 1: The Database Environment Database

  2. 1258369655710014 • 0025384102283991 • 9304522198620471 • DATA Database

  3. Database INFORMATION

  4. Metadata • Field Name: MasterCardNum • Field Type: Text • Field Size: 19 • Field Description: Unique identifier for each MasterCard Customer Database

  5. Entities • Customer • Product • Employee • Invoice • Department • Entities Become Tables Database

  6. Enterprise Data Model Customer Product Places Has Database Is Placed by Order Inventory Contains Is Contained In

  7. Customer • LastName • FirstName • Address • City • State • Zip • Attributes are field names Database

  8. Homework • Zero Tolerance Policy • Lab Assignment • Lecture Assignment Database

  9. Chapter 2: Database Development Process Database

  10. Enterprise Data Model • General Information • Overall Picture of Organization • Top-Down Approach Database

  11. Information Systems Architecture Six key components: • Data • Processes • Network • People • Events / point of time • Reasons Database

  12. Information Engineering Four Main Steps: • Planning • Analysis • Design • Implementation Database

  13. Information Engineering Planning Phases 3 Steps: • Identify strategic planning factors • Identify corporate planning objects • Develop enterprise model Database

  14. Identify Strategic Planning Factors • Goals • Mission statement • Corporate Vision • Critical success factors • Problem areas Database

  15. Identify Corporate Planning Objects • Organizational units • Organizational locations • Business functions • Entity types • Information systems Database

  16. Develop Enterprise Model • Functional Decomposition • Entity-relationship diagram • Planning Matrix (traceable information) Database

  17. SDLC • Project Identification & Selection • Project Initiation & Planning • Analysis • Logical Design • Physical Design • Implementation • Maintenance Database

  18. SDLC • Pretty • Paula • Always • Lets • People • Imitate • Me Database

  19. Chapter 3: Entity-Relationship Model Database

  20. Data Modeling Importance 3 Reasons: • Data Integrity • Data is central role of Information System • Stable information Database

  21. Entity • Name of database table • All Caps • In rectangle • Noun • Singular Database ENTITY

  22. Weak Entity EMPLOYEE Database Has DEPENDENT

  23. Relationship • Diamond • Verb • Shows action • Capital Letter followed by lower case • Must connect to Entity Relationship Database

  24. Relationship Cardinality Mandatory One Mandatory Many Database Optional One Optional Many

  25. Relationship Degrees Binary Unary Database Ternary

  26. Attribute • Characteristic of entity • Oval Shape • Singular • Capital Letter followed by lower case • Primary Key is underlined • Field names of table Database Attribute

  27. Attribute Types Attribute Database Multivalued Attribute Derived Attribute

  28. Composite Attribute Address Database EmployeeID EmployeeName EMPLOYEE

  29. Cardinality Constraints • Minimum cardinality -smallest amount of relationships between the two entities • Maximum cardinality -largest amount of relationships between the two entities Database

  30. Chapter 4: Enhanced ER Model Database


  32. Generalization • Bottom-Up Process • Take a general entity with common attributes • Define specific attributes for each subtype Database

  33. Specialization • Top-Down Process • Take a very specialized entity with all of its attributes • Define distinct attributes for each subtype Database

  34. Total Specialization Double line connecting entity to subtype circle Either one subtype or the other subtype Partial Specialization Single line connecting entity to subtype circle Partial overlap but not completely the same subtypes Completeness Constraints Database

  35. Disjoint Rule Either an entity is one type or another subtype at this point in time Place a “d” in subtype circle Overlap Rule An entity can be both subtypes in one point in time Place a “o” in subtype circle Disjointness Constraints Database

  36. Subtype Discriminator • An attribute of an entity which defines which subtype this instance belongs to • Place a definition beside subtype circle • Place discriminator in quotation marks above each subtype relationship Database

  37. Root Main entity at the top of a hierarchy For example: • Page 140-PATIENT • Page 141-EMPLOYEE • Page 142-PART • Page 144-PERSON Database

  38. Business Rules Unique business rules which apply to a specific organizations’ database Two Types: • Structural constraints • Operational constraints Database

  39. Structural Constraints • Derived Facts Defined in repository Built into the database • Example Page 149 ER Diagram similar to your project Database

  40. Operational Constraints • Collection of rules inside the repository • One relationship constricts the actions of another relationship Database R

  41. Database

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