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Folio 45v, lines 469-503

Pearl ’s Hyperbola/e and God’s Spotless Spot: Beautiful Excess and Deficiency Arnold Sanders, Associate Professor of English, Goucher College Medieval Institute International Congress, 2013. Folio 45v, lines 469-503.

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Folio 45v, lines 469-503

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  1. Pearl’s Hyperbola/e and God’s Spotless Spot: Beautiful Excess and DeficiencyArnold Sanders, Associate Professor of English, Goucher CollegeMedieval Institute International Congress, 2013

  2. Folio 45v, lines 469-503 "Cortaysé," quoth I, "I leve,And charytégrete be yow among.Bot my speche that yow ne greve, . . . . .Thyself in heven over hygh thou heveTo make thee quen that was so yonge.What more honourmoghte he acheveThat hade endured in worldestrongeAnd lyved in penauncehyslyveslongeWythbodyly bale hymblysse to byye?What more worschypmoght he fongeThen corounde be kyng by cortaysé? 9"That cortaysé is to fre of dedeYfhyt be soth that thou cones saye.Thou lyfed not two yer in ourethede;Thou cowthes never God nautherplese ne prayNe never nawther Pater ne Crede - And quen mad on the fyrste day!I may not traw, so God me spede,That God woldewrythe so wrange away.Of countes, damysel, par ma fay, Werfayr in heven to haldeasstateOther elles a lady of lassearay -Bot a quene! Hit is to dere a date.""Ther is no date of Hysgodnesse,"Then sayde to me that worthy wyghte,"For al is trawthe that He con dresseAnd He may do nothynk bot ryght.As Mathew meles in your Messe,In sothfol gospel of God almyght,In sample He can fulgraythelygesseAnd lyknes hit to hevenlyghte.'My regne,' He says, 'is lyk on hyghtTo a lorde that hade a vyne, I wate.Of tyme of yere the terme was tyghtTo labor vyne was dere the date.'

  3. Folio 45v, lines 469-80 "Cortaysé," quoth I, "I leve,And charytégrete be yow among.Bot my speche that yow ne greve, . . . . .Thyself in heven over hygh thou heveTo make thee quen that was so yonge.What more honourmoghte he acheveThat hade endured in worldestrongeAnd lyved in penauncehyslyveslongeWythbodyly bale hymblysse to byye?What more worschypmoght he fongeThen corounde be kyng by cortaysé?

  4. Fol. 38r and 38v

  5. Hyperbola: showing the two foci, the axis of symmetry connecting them, and the asymptotes they pursue to infinity

  6. The Four Conic Sections

  7. Folios 48v-49r, lines 685-756

  8. Fol. 48v, l. 720 and Fol. 49r, l. 721-4

  9. Folio 51v, lines 901-11and 912-35

  10. Fol. 51v, ll. 901-19

  11. Folio 38r

  12. Poem as Circle Poem as Hyperbola ) (

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