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SGX Nifty Live chart is in technical analysis to intraday strategy before market open. Singapore Nifty known as SGX Nifty Live chart is used to get pre-open trend of Indian market. Options trader generally uses it to know trend before market open. They use it to know impact of unknown news on market.
SGX nifty live has great impact on Option and Future trading
Before knowing the uses and impact of Singapore Nifty on Option and Future market first we should know what Singapore Nifty is? Why technical and professional traders generally prefer to follow it? Why Option trader loves to track it before doing technical analysis? We will discuss here one by one with examples. Also you can know its impact on live market taking Nifty and Bank nifty trend in consideration. So read till end to understand the concept. Indian index future which is Nifty Future is officially listed in Singapore exchange and also traded there officially. So it is called SGX Nifty. Foreign trader can take position in Indian market by Investing in SGX Nifty. Indian index derivative Nifty future price is same as SGX Nifty live chart price. Indian share market opens at 9.15 am and closed at 3.30 pm which trades for six and half hours but Singapore Nifty runs till 10.30 pm. SGX Nifty live chart runs for 16 hours. So Nifty future listed in Singapore exchange also traded till 10.30 pm from Monday to Friday. Due to long hour trade we can sense Global news impact from live chart. How? We will discuss below.
Let’s say there is positive Global news and has positive impact on Indian Economy. The news came after close of Indian market. SGX Nifty is open till 10.30 pm and foreign investor can take position in SGX Nifty. So positive impact you can see only on free SGX Nifty Live Chart. Indian option and future trader can know the trend of market before market open without knowing about news as SGX Nifty opens at 6.30 am. Option traders generally make strategy according to SGX trend to get all points in first one hour of market open. Some trader track SGX tickers in different websites which shows difference of SGX price from previous day but in live chart you can sense positive or negative news and analyze the impact of news only in live chart to do technical analysis. Also you can find free Nifty and Bank nifty trend posted daily here before market open for Option and Future trading to learn and know impact of SGX Nifty on Option trading. You can check accuracy for one month and then you can also take online training on Advance Technical Analysis.
How to analyze SGX Nifty live chart? Let’s take an example. Singapore nifty index opens before Indian market @ 6.30 am. Open SGX Nifty Live Chart and live chart is indicating 60 point positive than previous day Indian market closing time. So there must be any news which has positive impact on Indian market and foreign investors are buying the SGX Nifty. So our Nifty future will open gap up 60 points. So here which strategy a technical trader should apply? Here technical trader can be alert much before and use “GAP UP” strategy as shown in Online Advance Technical Analysis training. A general trader will incur loss due to lack of knowledge on trend and blames his luck. Example 2- Another case. Let’s say some time in SGX Nifty live Chart you can watch SGX nifty is indicating 50 point positive but in pre opening Nifty future is indicating flat opening. So a general trader will think Nifty will be range bound but a technical trader can know that after opening of market Nifty will move 50 point up. So there he can confidently take that 50 point profit but a general trader can only watch but can’t take profit.