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Zones of Regulation Assistive Technology Overview

Zones of Regulation Assistive Technology Overview. Marcia Obukowicz Marciaoat.wikispaces.com marciao@newnorth.net 715-453-2141.

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Zones of Regulation Assistive Technology Overview

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  1. Zones of RegulationAssistive TechnologyOverview Marcia Obukowicz Marciaoat.wikispaces.com marciao@newnorth.net 715-453-2141

  2. This will be a networking meeting session with Marcia Obuckowicz from CESA 9. She will be focusing the session on the following topics:Zones of Regulation—Marcia will be doing an overview of the program, and will be referencing the book, The Zones of Regulation. Participants will have the opportunity to purchase the book through CESA 8 during the registration process.The information on Zones of Regulation will provide participants background knowledge if they are planning to attend the training on March 28th in Wausau. This is a cooperative training with CESA 9, and Leah Kuypers, author of Zones of Regulation, will be the presenter.Using AT with your students. What is new? What is working? Questions?Bring your iPad, laptop, or other devices that you may have questions about.

  3. Networking • Issues at the table • Sensory Room Protocols • Streamlining Assessments • Impact of Social Thinking • Impact of Mobile Devices on access, keyboarding and … • Resource Building

  4. SETT • Student • Environment • Task • Tool

  5. http://www.integrateat.com/mobile-technology-feature-match-tablehttp://www.integrateat.com/mobile-technology-feature-match-table

  6. http://blog.autismspectrumdirectory.com/2011/01/05/ipad-ipod-touch-and-iphone-apps-for-social-skills/http://blog.autismspectrumdirectory.com/2011/01/05/ipad-ipod-touch-and-iphone-apps-for-social-skills/ • Social story and skills apps • http://atclassroom.blogspot.com/2011/02/apps-in-special-education.html

  7. PAR: NIMAS Protocol http://www.donjohnston.com/products/par/index.html

  8. The Zones of Regulation • CESA 8 and 9 are sponsoring Author: Leah Kuypers

  9. Self Regulation • Ability to do what is needed in the optimal state for the given situation • Integrates • Sensory Processing • How we perceive inputs • Executive Function • Conscious Control of Action • Emotional regulation • Objectivity, motivation, perspective of others

  10. Arousal Over Time High Just right Low 6 am 12pm 3pm 10pm

  11. Alert Program • Successful when the issues are self processing • Doesn’t fully address how emotions and thinking patterns impact the levels of alertness

  12. Sensory Input

  13. Sensory processing disorders http://www.sensoryworld.com/SPDMedia.aspx

  14. I can’t focus on the combination of my locker cuz the guy on my right and left don’t leave me enough space to reach the lock. I feel like those poor bugs, just pinned there. Sometimes I just freeze until they leave. I know they think I am weird… When I walk down a crowded hallway it feels like everyone is sticking me with knives, I can hardly breath, my heart races, I try to just look straight ahead. Kids think I am stuck up because I don’t talk to them. But seriously, walking down a crowded hallway for me is torture. So I duck in the bathroom until its over and then I am late. Do you think I am crazy? Everyone else does….

  15. What’s going on?

  16. Audio The road trip: Quiet talking in the van Driver confusion on which way to turn, “working a cognitive task” Girl in back starts singing a tune to friend Driver Response:

  17. What’s going on?

  18. What Happened • More than just sensory response • Poor cognitive shift: misread or misinterpreted input • Poor Theory of Mind: did not recognize that the whole car was shocked by reaction • All riders recognized the need to be quiet but after the directions were figured out, driver did not have any clue about the impact her actions had on the rest of the group….

  19. Aspberger Parent • Poor Cognitive Shift an innate inability to reorient attention rapidly so misread input and reaction is unexpected by others • Lack Theory of Mind is the inability to know (deduce) what others know and what others do not know. Mind Blindness • Central coherence is the ability we have to focus on both details as well as wholes of a given situation and to follow through on plans in a variety of areas. It is also the ability we have to focus on what takes priority and what is important. http://www.myaspergerschild.com/2010/09/parents-with-asperger-syndrome.html

  20. Would you ride with this driver again? newyear.phillipmartin.info

  21. Successful Self Regulation Sensory Processing Executive Function Emotional Regulation

  22. Oscar: Managing Overwhelming Sensory http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNAc6zG1ve4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7NtO_r8uFM

  23. Life’s Interactions …. • The sensory input • Control our response to it to fit the needs of the situation • Understand others may think differently from us or think a different response is needed (there are multiple perspectives to the situation)

  24. Adam: starting to get”feedback”and apply content control http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnoNQa_qUm4

  25. The Incredible 5 point scale • Looks at the progression leading to explosive behavior • On task to on fire • Scale varies by student and their behavior

  26. Emily’s view Mrs. Lehman’s 5. I blow by hitting, kicking and scratching 4. Right before I blow I run out of the room if I can 3. I start swearing/ talking back, drop my work on the floor 2. I don’t understand the homework or Roger is kicking my desk and I feel mad and tense 1. I feel ok 5. Emily is a danger to self and others 4. Needs a safe space within the room to run too 3. Often miss the under her breath words, already firing up when I here it 2. Challenging to catch 1. On task

  27. 5 point scale Student works with staff to create the scale that will be used. Goal is # 1. Student works on executive function and some emotional regulation

  28. Zones • Blue: Low Alert/ Poor Body Control • Green: Neutral, body control • Calm, focused, content • Yellow: High alert, some body control • Stress, frustration, anxiety, excitement, silliness, nervousness, confusion, sensory seeking • Red: High Alert/intense feelings. Not in control of body • Anger, rage, panic, terror

  29. Using the Zones • Everyone has times when they are in each of the zones. • Zones are not good, bad or naughty • Zones tend to match circumstances • The goal of the curriculum is to help the students assess where they are and match the environment they are in with effective strategies.

  30. The zone colors provide a common language for certain reactions/ emotions • Its important to help kids recognize when they are in the blue or green zones. Yellow and red tend to be more noticeable.

  31. Working with Zone Vocab • Flashcards at Quizlet.com • Build a common vocabulary and a way to talk about these concepts • Zones, Tool box, Triggers, Expected and unexpected behavior, problem size, inner critic inner coach, superflex thinking, Rock brain thinking

  32. Activity • A base set of flashcards is at quizlet.com • (P.14 of book) • Drop this quiz set to your computer or device (flashboard is an app that will work) • Build upon the basics to make a flashcard set for your kids. ( We will share these post)

  33. Today I Feel Silly

  34. Arousal Over Time High Just right Low 6 am 12pm 3pm 10pm

  35. Blue Zone • Body is running slow • Low energy • Not awake yet • Lethargic, Blue

  36. Green Zone • Good to go • Controlled response • Focused energy

  37. Yellow Zone • Starting to lose control • But also the source of great energy if it can be channeled • Body is on high alert

  38. Red Zone • Extreme Emotion • Body and Mind may not be talking • Out of Control • Hard to make decisions • Need to stop but unsure how

  39. What zone?

  40. What Zone?When do we feel this way?

  41. Zone for Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usnOEnTXabw

  42. Lots of factors play into how we feel and respond!

  43. Sensory Input Sound Sights Position, Touch and Movement Taste and Smells

  44. Experiences: On Monday When It Rained

  45. How we interpret and interact with the info/ experience • What Feels Good: • Motivation: • Frustration makes me work harder • hard work =‘s medals and recognition • Doing my assignment=‘s a smile from my teacher • Gets it: constant practice and experiences mold response • Video taping provides another view

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