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Solving Problems with Biology … via Linked Data

Solving Problems with Biology … via Linked Data. 21st Century will be the Age of Biology. Climate Change. Nutritious Food. Sustainable Energy. Disease and Ageing. The most amazing molecule. 4 letter code. - A denosine - T imine - C itosine - G uanine. - A denosine

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Solving Problems with Biology … via Linked Data

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  1. Solving Problems with Biology …via Linked Data

  2. 21st Century will be the Age of Biology Climate Change Nutritious Food Sustainable Energy Disease and Ageing

  3. The most amazing molecule 4 letter code - Adenosine - Timine - Citosine - Guanine - Adenosine - Timine - Citosine - Guanine 2 chains, exact mirrors! Able to make copies of itself! Same genetic code for all living cells!

  4. Making a human

  5. Biology explained

  6. Creating Synthetic Biology • Genetic engineering… oversimplified DNA! Bio-fuel producing gene CO2 Biofuel

  7. BioHacking = Do-it-yourself Biology by amateurs! Bio Bio

  8. Executable Cell Biology • Cell and computers are not that different Src: http://gene-therapy.yolasite.com/process.php Activator genes Repressor genes

  9. Where does LD fit in all of this? • Let’s make a “virtual” experiment Which gene?

  10. Non-toxic biofuel Not-soluble H2O ?gene CO2

  11. Not that simple… ?sugar ?gene ? ? ? Biofuel U de Lichtenberg et al. Science 2005;307:724-727

  12. The Linked Data Cloud “Life sciences will drive adoption of the Semantic Web, just as high-energy physics drove the early Web.” - BioIT World, 2005

  13. Linked Data for Understanding Cancer

  14. Link the Data, cure the disease What your doctor is not telling you! Drugbank ClinicalTrial Diseasome

  15. The diseasome project

  16. Biosurveillance!! Today!

  17. Linked Data to track E. coli infection UK E. coli Germany E. coli

  18. Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution (Dobzhansky, 1973) Source: http://www.nytimes.com/imagepages/2007/01/22/science/20070123_SCI_ILLO.html

  19. Toss the details, understand the patterns • Navigating the genetic landscape with simplified views In cancer or … … in the cell Source: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/327/5964/425.full

  20. Where is the data? http://linkeddata.org http://sindice.com http://www.w3.org/wiki/HCLSIG/LODD/Data

  21. 21st Century Biology belongs to BioHackers!

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