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Algorithms. CSC 180 Lecture 6 Dr. Adam P. Anthony. Overview. What is an algorithm? How are algorithms written? Algorithms and Problem Solving Basic Algorithmic Techniques Iteration Recursion Evaluating Algorithms Efficiency Correctness. What is an Algorithm?.
Algorithms CSC 180 Lecture 6 Dr. Adam P. Anthony
Overview • What is an algorithm? • How are algorithms written? • Algorithms and Problem Solving • Basic Algorithmic Techniques • Iteration • Recursion • Evaluating Algorithms • Efficiency • Correctness
What is an Algorithm? • We’ve seen them before: • Executing Programs: • As long as there are more instructions: • Fetch the instruction identified by the program counter • Execute the instruction • Update the program counter • Recipes • Driving/Walking directions • Scratch Programs • More ideas?
So what is an Algorithm, Really? • Step-by-step instructions to achieve some (any!) task • Must be absolutely clear to the intended party, or it is worthless • If they can’t follow the directions, then they can’t achieve the task! • Each step must be do-able • “Travel back in time and stop WWII, then add whipped cream and sugar”
Hi! I’m Willis, and I’m new here! • I can: • Walk • Talk • Manipulate objects with my “arms” • Understand basic motions and movements • I don’t understand anything about this planet
Can you help me…? • Get to the student union from here? • Is any part of this re-usable? • Decide what to eat at the union? • What if I go to a different restaurant? • Make a left-hand turn in a car? • Is this a common pattern when driving? • Play Rock-Paper-Scissors? • How do we know when we are done?
Some Important Themes in Algorithm Design • Abstraction and reusability • Only need to give the ‘cross the street’ algorithm once, assuming thereafter that Willis can just use the same algorithm again • Working with lists • Many tasks are similar, just with different content • A ‘list’ is just a collection of information that we need to process before we make a decision • Making if/then decisions • Add complexity to our decision making process • Repetitive loops • Some tasks are repetitive. What language tricks did we use to express the repetitiveness? • How did we communicate when it was time to stop?
Hi, I’m Phillip, and I’m new here! • I can: • Add/Subtract/multiply/divide • JUMP • NOOP • LOAD/STORE • I truly know nothing else about this world, and only do what I’m told
Formal Definition of an Algorithm • “An algorithm is an ordered set of unambiguous, executable steps that defines a terminating process.”
An Algorithm Must Terminate • For theoretical reasons (read the book!), an algorithm must eventually stop running • Much debate about this since many algorithms run “forever” • Web servers, routers, etc. • My opinion: an algorithm must at least be interruptible • Traditional algorithms: all input is given at beginning, nothing new ever comes up. These should terminate. • On-line algorithms: input is given gradually over time, and the size of the input is typically irrelevant • Only valuable if we can interrupt it for a status check
An Algorithm is Ordered • Does not mean step-by-step • From dictionary.com, Definition of Ordered: • neatly or conveniently arranged; well-organized: an ordered office. • done according to specific principles or procedures: an ordered method of assembling the parts. • conducted according to certain precepts or rules: an ordered way of life. • Being ordered means that at any given point during the algorithm, you know exactly what to do next
Steps must be Unambiguous and Executable • A step is unambiguous if it’s painstakingly clear how that step should be carried out • Often depends on frame of reference • Executable effectively means ‘do-able’ • Count the number of states in the USA • “Make a list of all positive integers” • “Go back in time.”
Unambiguous/Executable/Both? GOOGLE MAPS finds shortest routes! Dictionary.com looks up words! File Browsers sort by name, date, type…
On Ambiguity • Despite its complexity, a processor can only really do a handful of things: • Arithmetic • Load/Store • Logic (=,>,<, AND, OR, etc.) • Jump/NO-OP • For the sake of simpler instruction, we’ll take for granted that the processor also knows how to print information to the screen: • Print “hey there!” • Then how does a computer do something like sort a list of numbers? • {4,1,2,3,5} becomes {1,2,3,4,5}
Key Abstraction #1: Variables • Have already discussed variables in many capacities. • Main Idea: save a value for later use • What unambiguous processor commands do we need to be able to assign values • X 5 !!!This tells us to ASSIGN the value 5 to x • Y 15 • Z X + Y
Fundamental Algorithm: Self Assignment • Reassignment is the concept of taking a variable and giving it a new value that is based on itself: X 5 X X + 1 !!!This says to SELF ASSIGN the value of X, by taking its old value and adding 1. At this point, X is 6
Fundamental Algorithm: Swap Assignments • If we have two variables, X and Y, how can we swap their values? X 5 Y 6 !!! How can we get X to be 6, and Y to be 5? Temp X X Y Y Temp
Key Abstraction #2: Conditional Loops • We’ve seen repeat loops in Scratch: Repeat (10): print “hi!!” • A more useful variety is the conditional loop: while ( <CONDITION> ): DO WORK AGAIN • Useful because we can do more than just count: while ( response is not a number ): print “Incorrect response, please input a number” response KEYBOARD_INPUT
Equivalence of Repeat and While Repeat (10) : print “hi!” Vs: X 10 While (X > 0): print “hi” X X - 1 Vs: X 10 While (X > 0): print “hi for the “ + X + “th time!” X X – 1 !!!!You can use the variable to your advantage!!!
Key Abstraction #3: Lists • Lists are just building on the usefulness of variables • Instead of storing one value at a location, we store several: • L = {6,12,45} • And we can access individual items, too! • L[1] is 6, L[2] is 12, L[3] is 45 • L[1] 15 updates the first item in the list: {15,12,45} • Discussion: • What types of processor commands do we need to manage lists? • Are these similar to variables in any way?
Fundamental Algorithm: Variables + Loops + Lists • A list uses the [], called the subscript operator, to access individual data items. • All you need to supply to [] is something that is a number • Could be a literal, constant or variable! L = {80, 90, 100} X 2 L[X] 95 !!!At this point, L is the list {80,95,100}!!!
Variables + Loops + Lists, cont. • How can we get the computer to print all the contents of a list to the screen? • Simple: count your way through the list! L = {6, 12, 45} i = 1 while ( i< 4 ) print L[i] i i + 1
BIG exercise • As a class, we are going to figure out how to sort a list of numbers using only the fundamental algorithms we’ve learned so far.
Abstraction, Procedures and Ambiguity • “Sort a list” is ambiguous to a processor • Doesn’t know what a list is • Doesn’t know what sorting is • Assume we write an algorithm that can sort a list L • Abstraction says that we can ignore the inside of a process (the algorithm) and treat the task as a single command • We NAME the algorithm SORT(L) such that we have a procedure in which L can be changed and reused • Then, whenever we need to sort, we don’t have to write out that whole algorithm again, but just use the procedure name!
Pseudo-Code • It’s tedious to build up abstractions from machine instructions each time we write an algorithm • Over the years the computing community has agreed on a number of ‘basic abstractions’ that we assume any decent computer has been preprogrammed to perform unambiguously • The collection of abstractions is called Pseudo-Code because it contains abstractions that programmers expect out of any decent Real Programming Language Code
Phillip’s Back! • Thanks to Pseudocode, I can now: • Add/Subtract/multiply/divide • Give names to things I computed in the past • Scan a list one item at a time • Understand if/then statements • Perform repetitive tasks automatically • Print text on my screen • I still know nothing else about this world, and only do what I’m told
Elements of Pseudo-Code • Variables • Save a value for use later on: interest_rate 0.05 • One important use: give values a meaningful name • “interest_gained balance * interest_rate” is clearer than • “interest_gained 150 * 0.05” (What does 150 represent?) • Because of above, always try to use words and clear abbreviations for variables: • X Y + Z vs. • TotalFunds CheckingBalance + SavingsBalance
In-Class Exercise • With a partner, find in the Scratch environment: • How to create a variable • How scratch ‘does’ the operator • Write a scratch program that matches the following pseudocode: apples 5 oranges 3 apples apples + 2 fruit apples + oranges
Elements of Pseudo-Code • Lists: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] • Variables are sometimes awkward: • Num_Apples 11 Num_Oranges 4 Num_Pears 7 • FruitCounts [11,4,7] • Zero-Based vs. One-Based: • MANY languages say the first item in a list is the zeroth element: FruitCounts[0] = 11 • Humans tend to associate the first item with the number 1: FruitCounts[1] = 11 • Boundaries: • Zero-based: FruitCounts[3] = ???? (ERROR) • One-based: FruitCounts[3] = 7 but FruitCounts[0] = ???? (ERROR) • Safe to assume that the length of the list is unambiguously determined: • length(FruitCounts)
Elements of Pseudo-Code • If/Then/Else: • Centered around questions that have True/False answers • If structures can be nested: • You can start a new ‘if’ inside another • Else is optional • IF/THEN/ELSE-IF: • Allows you to test for exactly one condition • Order of conditions matters If <test> Then <do some work> Else <do this work if test failed>
Loops • While: • while <condition> do <action> • Repeat (do-while): • repeat <action> until <condition> • <condition> is anything that evaluates to True/False • <action> is any set of steps you wish to repeat • Difference between Wile/Repeat?
Procedures • A procedure is just a named algorithm: • procedure SORT(L) ... • RETURN: if a procedure has output, then RETURN says to stop working and give an answer procedure find_min(L) ... SORT(L) Return first item in L • A procedure’s name should be descriptive • Input Parameters: Variables that represent the data that the algorithm needs to run • procedure max(X,Y) • procedure greetings() • Procedures are how we formally introduce abstraction
Loops and Lists • We frequently wish to perform the same action to everything in a list: Procedure just_magnitude(L): i 0 while i < length(L) do: L[i] abs(L[i]) i i + 1 return L
Pseudocode Odds and Ends • Text: • Text is in quotation marks so it isn’t confused with code • Can be stored in variables: error_message “Bad input.” • Print data to the (imaginary) screen: • Print “Hello World!” • Read data from the user and store it in a variable • Response READ() • Arithmetic (with variables and/or numbers) • X + Y • 0.5*X • Comparison (result is TRUE/FALSE) • X == Y • X != Y • X < 0.5 • X >= Z • Comments: • Begins with a special character (you can use //) • //SORT(L) is another algorithm
About Indentation Procedure Max ( X, Y ): if X > Y then RETURN X else RETURN Y Procedure Max ( X, Y ): if X > Y then RETURN X else RETURN Y • Which is easier to read?
A Better Example for(tie(vi, vi_end) = vertices(rd->attr_graph); vi != vi_end; vi++){ for(tie(vi2, vi2_end) = vertices(rd->attr_graph); vi2 != vi2_end; vi2++){if(*vi != *vi2){jacquardCoeff = jacquardCoefficient(rd, *vi, *vi2); if(jacquardCoeff > bestJacquardCoeff){ bestJacquardCoeff = jacquardCoeff; bestVertexNum1 = *vi; bestVertexNum2 = *vi2;}}}} for(tie(vi, vi_end) = vertices(rd->attr_graph); vi != vi_end; vi++) { for(tie(vi2, vi2_end) = vertices(rd->attr_graph); vi2 != vi2_end; vi2++) { if(*vi != *vi2) { jacquardCoeff = jacquardCoefficient(rd, *vi, *vi2); if(jacquardCoeff > bestJacquardCoeff) { bestJacquardCoeff = jacquardCoeff; bestVertexNum1 = *vi; bestVertexNum2 = *vi2; } } } }
The Modified procedure Greetings in pseudocode Procedure greetings(): count 4 while count > 0 do: if count is even : print “Hello” else: print “ there.” count count – 1
Creating Algorithms • Algorithms are nothing more than a detailed solution to a specific problem • Problem Solving is an imprecise process • Basic Guidelines for Algorithm Development: • Understand the Problem • Devise a high level (English) plan for solving the problem • Translate the plan into pseudocode, while simultaneously identifying and clarifying ambiguous statements • Evaluate the pseudocode for accuracy and evaluate its potential as a general tool
Going Through the Motion • In Groups: • Create a pseudo-code algorithm that finds the maximum value in a list of integers WITHOUT sorting the list. • Anything that is not an element of pseudocode must be expanded within the algorithm, or defined as a secondary algorithmic procedure • A test case: [1, 3, 5, 46, 76, 23, 12, 0, 9, 95, 4, 3, 8, 1, 99, 105, 2345, 12, 90, 15, 45, 23, 18, 9990, 1540, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 3, 6, 66, 78, 45, 54, 60, 10000, 900, 12345, 180]
Common Algorithmic Forms • Iterative: • Any algorithm that uses a loop • Recursive: • Uses a special mathematical concept • Often leads to graceful algorithmic solutions
Problem: Sort • From very early in computing history, computers were used to sort • What are some methods humans use for sorting?
Iteration Example: Insertion Sort procedure insertion_sort(L): N 2 //use One-based list while N <= length(L)do: current Nth item in L J N – 1 while J > 0 andJth item in L > current do: copy Jth item into space J + 1 //when the while loop above stops, //J will be over the first item that //is less than current copy Nth item into space J + 1 N N + 1
Recursion • A problem is recursive if: • It can be cut up into two or more pieces such that the smaller pieces are themselves instances of the problem, and • The solutions to the smaller pieces can be combined to find the solution to the larger problem • The brilliance of recursion is in part #2: • Repeatedly break problem into smaller pieces until the smallest, easiest problem remains • Most of the work resides in putting pieces back together • Efficiency is gained from part #1: • Cut problem in half, throw out portion that won’t help
Problem: Search • Searching is another common task: Where is 180Project.docx? • How do humans conduct a search in a list of values? • What if it is sorted (dictionary-style search)?
Recursion Example: Binary Search • Procedure BINARY_SEARCH(List, Value): • If List is empty, then the item is not in List, return FAIL • Compare Value to the middle entry in the list • If it is equal to Value, then return SUCCESS • If the middle entry is greater than Value THEN BINARY_SEARCH the left half of the list as if it is its own list • ELSE BINARY_SEARCH the right half of the list as if it is its own list
Evaluating Algorithms • A legitimate algorithm must always be CORRECT • Find the number 5 in a sorted list • Sort a list of integers • Find the lowest price flight • A good algorithm will also be as FAST and EFFICIENT as possible • Find the lowest price flight in less than 2 minutes • Sort a list of 300,000,000 SSN’s
Counting Steps • Time is not a good measure for speed (Why?) • Instead, we use the notion of ‘steps’ • One pseudo-code statement is a step • If a procedure is called within an algorithm (e.g. SORT(L) ), the steps to complete it must be determined before the main algorithm can be fully analyzed • Loops: number of repetitions TIMES the number of steps inside the loop • Sometimes you have to add each individual repetition (if not always the same) • A loop inside of another loop could be really costly! • Often measured in terms of the input values (size of list, value of numbers) How Many Steps? procedure mystery_algorithm (L, p): count 0 while count < length(L): reps 0 val 1 while reps < p: val = val * L[count] reps reps + 1 print val count count + 1
Complexity Classes • Compare: • f(x) = x2 • f(x) = x2 + 15 x + 8 • “Shape” of a curve determined by the largest term • Complexity classes determined only by the ‘shape’