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CS G513 / SS G513 Network Security. Agenda. Integrity – Hash Codes Construction Basics MD5 MD5 MAC. MDC - construction. Fig. From Menezes. MDC Construction. Merkle’s meta-method for hashing: Input: Collision-resistant compression function f
CS G513 / SS G513 Network Security Agenda Integrity – Hash Codes Construction Basics MD5 MD5 MAC
MDC - construction Fig. From Menezes Sundar B.
MDC Construction • Merkle’s meta-method for hashing: • Input: Collision-resistant compression function f • Output: Collision-resistant unkeyed hash function h • Algo: • Let f map (n+r) bit strings into n bit strings • Break x (of length b) into t blocks x1, x2, … xt of length r each. • Pad the last block if needed to make it r bits long • Define h(x) = Ht where H is defined by • H0 = 0n for some initial value IV • Hi = f(Hi-1 ||xi) for 1 <= i <= t Sundar B.
MDC Construction • Weakness of Merkle’s meta-method: • Consider messages x and (x||y) • What is the common part? • Merkle-Damgard strengthening: • After padding but before hashing, add a length block: • r bit representation of b (the length of x) • Assumption: b < 2r • Does this solve the weakness? • Verify. Sundar B.
MDC Construction • Padding • Padding with all 0s leads to ambiguity • Decoder would need the length of text (before hashing) • Alternate solution: • Pad a 1 (always) and a sequence of 0s to make the length a multiple of r Sundar B.
MDC Constructions • MDCs may be designed using Encryption functions • E.g. Matyas-Meyer-Oseas hash: • ki = g(Hi-1) and Hi = E(ki , xi) XOR xi • MDC-2 and MDC-4 • Variation of MME hash with 2 and 4 block cipher encryptions respectively. • For instance, DES could be the block cipher. Sundar B.
MDC Constructions – MD5 • Custom hash functions • Built from scratch • E.g. MD4 and MD5 • MD5: • Input: bit string x of arbitrary length b • Output: 128 bit hashcode of x • Algo: • (x0,x1, … xt) = Preprocess(x, b) • Init (H1, H2, H3,H4) – partial hash codes with initial vals. • Process t rounds and update partial codes after each round • H1 || H2 || H3 ||H4 is the final hash code. Sundar B.
MDC Construction – MD5 • Preprocessing • Input: A bit string of arbitrary length b • Output: x0, x1, … x16t-1 for some t; xi is 32 bits • Algo.: • Padding • Append a 1 to x, • then append r-1 0’s, for some r > 0 • Then append the 64-bit length (b mod 264) • Such that b+ r + 64 = 512t for some t. • Splitting • Split the result into 32 bit blocks. Sundar B.
Processing Input: x0, x1, … x16t-1 for some t; xi is 32 bits (H0, H1, H2, H3) with initial values Output: (H0, H1, H2, H3 ) Algo: For each k from 0 to t-1 { Initialize X[j] with x16k+j for each j from 0 to 15 (A,B,C,D) := (H0, H1, H2, H3) For each r from 1 to 4: (A,B,C,D) := round(X, r, A, B, C, D) (H0, H1, H2, H3) := (H0+A, H1+B, H2+C, H3+D) } [Note: + is modulo 232. End of Note.] MDC Construction – MD5
MDC Construction – MD5 round(X, r, A, B, C, D) { for j from 0 to 15 { temp := A + fr(B,C,D) + X[Permr[j]] + Consr[j]; (A,B,C,D) := (D, B+(temp << Sr[j]), B, C); } return (A,B,C,D); } f1(u, v, w) = (u AND v) OR ((NOT u) AND w) f2(u, v, w) = (u AND w) OR (v AND (NOT w)) f3(u, v, w) = u XOR v XOR w f4(u, v, w) = v XOR ( u OR (NOT W))
MDC Construction – MD5 • Consr[j] • first 32 bits of binary value of sin((r-1)*16+j+1) where j is in radians • Permr[j] • Is a permutation (different for each r) of numbers 0 to 15. Sundar B.
Constructing MACs from MDCs • Secret Prefix method: • If h is an MDC hash function, then the proposed MAC M is obtained by prefixing a secret key k: • M(x) = h(k||x) • Relatively easy to obtain M(x||y) • h(k||x||y) • Despite MD strengthening • Secret Suffix method: • M(x) = h(x||k) • h(y||x||k) is not as easy to guess from h(x||k) as h(k||x||y) is from h(k||x) – Why? • Birthday attack possible with O(2^(n/2)) ops. Sundar B.
Constructing MACs from MDCs • Envelope with padding • M(x) = h(k||p||x||k) • p is padding to make it at least two blocks • Hash based macs • M(x) = h(k || p1 || h(k || p2 || x)) Sundar B.
Constructing MACs from MDCs • MD5-MAC • Input: • bit string x of arbit. length b, key k of length <= 128 bits • Output: • 64 bit MAC value of x • Algo: • Let MD5Proc be the processing stage of MD5 (i.e. w/o padding and length suffix) • Key-expansion (results in three 128 bit keys k1, k2, k3 ) • Configure MD5Proc parameters using expanded keys k1, k2 • Preprocess x using expanded key k3 (results in bit string x’) • Apply new MD5Proc on x’; Take the leftmost 64 bit values from the 128 bit MDC obtained.
Constructing MACs from MDCs • MD5-MAC • Key-expansion (results in 128 bit key k’) • If k is shorter than 128 bits concatenate k to itself enough times to make it 128 bits or longer. • Redefine k to be the leftmost 128 bits • Define for i = 1 to 3, ki = MD5Proc(k || Ui || k) where Ui is a 96-byte constant • Split k1 into 32-bit substrings k1[r] for r=0 to 3 • Split k2 into 32-bit substrings k2[r] for r=0 to 3
Constructing MACs from MDCs • MD5-MAC • Preprocessing • Pad x and add length info. as in MD5 preprocessing step • Then append k3 || (k3 XOR T0) || (k3 XOR T1) || (k3 XOR T2) to the padded x value to get x’ • Here Ti are 16-byte constants • Configure MD5Proc • Initial Vectors: Hj = k1[j] for j = 0 to 3 • Cons[j] = Cons[j] + k2[r] mod 232 in round r
Constructing MACs • Other MAC algorithms: • Eg. Block Cipher based MACs • CBC-MAC: • Hj = Ek(Hj-1 XOR xi) • Can be strengthened by double/triple encryptions as well. • DES is often used as E. Sundar B.