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Nucleation Rates Of Ethanol And Methanol Using SAFT And PC-SAFT EOSs. Fawaz Hrahsheh Advisor ::Dr. Abdalla Obeidat Co-advisor ::Dr. H. Al-Ghanem Department of Physics JUST. Outline. Definition Thermodynamics of nucleation Kinetics of Nucleation Versions of nucleation
Nucleation Rates Of Ethanol And Methanol Using SAFT And PC-SAFT EOSs Fawaz Hrahsheh Advisor ::Dr. Abdalla Obeidat Co-advisor ::Dr. H. Al-Ghanem Department of Physics JUST
Outline • Definition • Thermodynamics of nucleation • Kinetics of Nucleation • Versions of nucleation • Results of equations of state & subroutine • Results of Nucleation rate & subroutine • Conclusions
Definition of Nucleation And Nucleation Rate • The nucleation is the process of formation of the critical size droplet (embryo) which has the ability to grow spontaneously till the phase transition. • The nucleation rate is the rate of formation of the critical size droplets per unit volume per unit time.
Thermodynamics of nucleation • The vapor which can nucleate is the supersaturated vapor • The work of formation consists from two term • The critical size droplets have the ability to grow spontaneously • The maximum work of formation equals the difference in the Helmholts free energy
Metastable and unstable regions for the van der Waals fluid • The binodal curve (solid dome)separates one-phase and two-phase states • TC = critical temperature • The spinodal curve (dashed dome) separates metastable and unstable states • One true horizontal isotherm is shown
Schematic pressure – temperature phase diagram for a pure substance SPINODAL LINE • Solid black lines represent points of equilibrium two-phase coexistence • c is the critical point • b is the triple point • When, say, gas is forced to cross lines ab or bc it is no longer the thermodynamically stable phase. • The transition to the new stable phase is not instantaneous.
The work of formation -The work of Formation is the work which is needed To form the critical size droplet -The Helmholtz free energy before the formation equals: -The Helmholtz free energy after the formation equals:
The Maximum Work Of Formation • The maximum work of formation consists from two terms: the bulk (volumetric) term and the surface term • At critical size, There is an thermodynamic equilibrium
Kinetics Of Nucleation Becker and Döring assumed that the clusters change its size by absorbing single molecule (1-cluster) or by emitting single molecule (reversible process)
The difference between the formation of n-size cluster by absorbing single molecule into (n-1)- size cluster and its destruction by emitting single molecule equals: At steady state Then
-The n-size cluster can be formed by emitting single molecule from (n+1)-cluster and it can be destroyed by absorbing single molecule -the total time-variation of concentration of –size droplet is the difference between the two methods At equilibrium And
The Concentration Of n-size Droplet At Equilibrium Equals And Then, we can reach to
Three versions of classical theory ●Gibbs’s exact formula: ● version 1: use bulk surface tension for ● Version 2: liquid droplet is incompressible, • and ● Version 3: the vapor is an ideal gas • and • S =Pv /Pve (Supersaturation Ratio)
SAFT & PC-SAFT EOSs ●SAFT…Statistical Associating Fluid Theory ● PC-SAFT….Perturbed-Chain Statistical Associating Fluid Theory
SAFT and PC-SAFT EOS ●A is the reduced free helmholtz energy ●The association term is just for polar fluids
Subroutine Of Equilibrium Vapor-liquid pressure Do rho(1)=guess1 rho(2)=guess2 k(1,1)=dp(rho(1),T) k(1,2)=-dp(rho(2),T) k(2,1)=dmew(rho(1),T) k(2,2)=-dmew(rho(2),T) f(1)=p(rho(2),T)-p(rho(1),T) f(2)=mew(rho(2),T)-mew(rho(1),T) z=k(2,1)/k(1,1) k(2,1)=0.0d0 f(2)=f(2)-(z*f(1)) k(2,2)=k(2,2)-(z*k(1,2)) u(2)=f(2)/k(2,2) u(1)=(f(1)-k(1,2)*u(2))/k(1,1) rho(1)=rho(1)+u(1) rho(2)=rho(2)+u(2) error1=0.0d0 do i=1,2 error1=error1+f(i)**2 end do error1=dsqrt(error1) if (error1<error) exit guess1=rho(1) guess2=rho(2) end do end do
Binodal points of ethanol And methanol using SAFT and PC-SAFT
Subroutine Of P-form gama=(24.23d0-0.09254d0*(T-273.15d0))*1.0d-3 Vl=(1.0d0/(rowl*N)) W1=((16.0d0/3.0d0)*b*(gama**3)/((Pl-Pv))**2) W2=(W1/(Kl*T)) Jo=(dsqrt((2.0d0*gama)/(b*(MM/N)))*Vl*(Pv/(Kl*T))**2)*1.0d-12 Jp=(Jo*dexp(-W2)) Subroutine Of S-form gama=(24.23d0-0.09254d0*(T-273.15d0))*1.0d-3 W3=((16.0d0/3.0d0)*b*(Vl**2)*(gama**3)/& &((Kl*T*dlog(satu))**2))*1.0d-12 !(n.m) W4=(W3/(Kl*T)) Jo=(dsqrt((2.0d0*gama)/(b*(MM/N)))*Vl*(Pv/(Kl*T))**2)*1.0d-12 Js=Jo*dexp(-W3/(Kl*T)) !Nucleation rate
Subroutine Of Actual Pressure Pg=satu*p(equg,T) guess3=1.20d0*equg fun1=p(guess3,t)-Pg dfun1=dp(guess3,t) do while(dabs(fun1/dfun1)>error) fun1=p(guess3,t)-Pg dfun1=dp(guess3,t) root1=guess3-fun1/dfun1 guess3=rowg Subroutine Of Internal Pressure mewg=mew(rowg,t) guess=1.2d0*equl fun=mew(guess,t)-mewg dfun=dmew(guess,t) do while(dabs(fun/dfun)>error) fun=mew(guess,t)-mewg dfun=dmew(guess,t) root=guess-fun/dfun guess=rowl end do
Gibbs’s formula improves classical nucleation rates for METHANOL based on SAFT EOS.
Gibbs’s formula improves classical nucleation rates for ETHANOL based on PC-SAFT EOS.
Conclusions • the methanol and ethanol gases are not ideal. • SAFT and PC-SAFT EOSs improve the binodals for methanol and ethanol at low temperature where the deviation from the experimental values approach zero. • SAFT EOS gives better for the nucleation rates by one order of magnitude when compare with PC-SAFT EOS for methanol, that was clear in fitting value of nucleation rates for SAFT EOS was and PC-SAFT EOS was .