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Topics to be covered today. IntroductionThe evidence that medication error is a problemDefinitionsThe relationship between medication error, ADE
1. Medication Safety & Medication ErrorsPart IPHCL 311 Hadeel Al-Kofide MS.c
2. Topics to be covered today Introduction
The evidence that medication error is a problem
The relationship between medication error, ADE & ADE
Classifications & types of medication error
Reasons for medication errors
How to prevent medication error
3. Introduction The goal of drug therapy is the achievement of defined therapeutic outcomes that improve a patients quality of life while minimizing patient risk
With every therapy there must be a risk, it could be known or unknown
These risks are defined as drug misadventures, which includes both adverse drug reactions (ADRs) & medication errors
4. Definitions Medication error
Adverse drug event (ADE)
Adverse drug reaction (ADR)
5. Adverse Drug Events (ADE) Any injury caused by a medicine or lack of intended medication
Adverse drug reactions & overdoses
Dose reductions & discontinuations of drug therapy
6. Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) Any unexpected, unintended, undesired, or excessive response to a drug, with or without an injury
Harm directly caused by the drug at normal doses, during normal use
7. Medication Error (ME) Any preventable event that has the potential to lead to inappropriate medication use or patient harm during prescribing, transcribing, dispensing, administering, adherence, or monitoring a drug
Medication errors that are stopped before harm can occur are sometimes called near misses or more formally, a potential adverse drug event
8. The Relationship Among ME, ADEs, & ADRs
9. What Is The Evidence That Patient Safety Is A Problem?
10. Evidence That ME is A Problem Medications harm at least 1.5 million people per year
44,000 to 98,000 hospitalized Americans die each year from medical error
Errors cause more death each year than breast cancer, motor vehicle accidents & AIDS
11. Evidence That ME is A Problem The financial burden from these medical errors that is estimated to be in a range of $30 billion to $130 billion annually
Up to 28% of these events are thought to be preventable
12. Medication Error Deaths Increasing
13. Types & Classification of Medication Errors
14. Types & Classification of ME NCC MERP index for categorizing medication errors
Medication use process
Three major areas for medication error:
15. NCC MERP Index for Categorizing Errors
16. Medication Safety & Medication ErrorsPart IIPHCL 311 Hadeel Al-Kofide MS.c
17. Topics to be covered last lecture Introduction
The evidence that medication error is a problem
The relationship between medication error, ADE & ADE
Classifications & types of medication error
Reasons for medication errors
How to prevent medication error
18. Topics to be covered today Focusing on error prevention
Identifying medication error
How to approach error (Person Vs. System)
Methods used to minimize or reduce medication errors
Establishing a culture of safety (Building a safer healthcare system )
Medication error reporting system
19. The Medication Use System
20. Major Areas for Medication Error Medication errors can be broadly classified as
Drug administering errors
21. Major Areas for Medication Error
22. Prescribing Errors It is an incorrect drug selection for a patient. Such errors can include the dose, strength, route, quantity, indication, or prescribing contraindicated drug
This definition can be further expanded to include failure to comply with legal requirements for prescription writing
23. Prescribing Errors Contributing factors:
Illegible handwriting
Inaccurate medication history taking
Confusion with the drug name
Inappropriate use of decimal points
Use of abbreviations (e.g. AZT has led to confusion between Zidovudine & Azathioprine)
Use of verbal order
24. Prescribing Errors
.. Examples Name That Drug
Supposed to be: Lipitor 10mg PO 1 QD
Read as: Zyrtec 10mg
Supposed to be: Lipitor 10mg PO 1 QD
Read as: Zyrtec 10mg
25. Prescribing Errors
.. Examples Name That Drug
Supposed to be: 6 units of regular insulin now
Read as: 60 units
Supposed to be: 6 units of regular insulin now
Read as: 60 units
26. Prescribing Errors
.. Examples Name That Drug
27. Prescribing Errors
.. Examples Name That Drug
28. Prescribing Errors
..Examples Supposed to be: Monopril 40mg - 1 tab PO QD
Read as: Monopril10mgSupposed to be: Monopril 40mg - 1 tab PO QD
Read as: Monopril10mg
29. Dispensing Errors It is an error that occurs at any stage during the dispensing process from the receipt of a prescription in the pharmacy through to the supply of a dispensed product to the patient
Studies have estimated that dispensing errors occur at a rate of 1-24%
These errors include the selection of the wrong strength/product. This occurs primarily when = 2 drugs have a similar appearance or similar name (look-a-like/sound-a-like errors)
30. Dispensing Errors
31. Dispensing Errors
32. Dispensing Errors
33. Dispensing Errors
34. Dispensing Errors
35. Administration Errors Defined as a discrepancy between the drug therapy received by the patient & the drug therapy intended by the prescriber
Drug administration is associated with one of the highest risk areas in nursing practice
36. Administration Errors Drug administration errors largely involve errors of omission where administration is omitted due to a variety of factors e.g. wrong patient, lack of stock
Other types of drug administration errors include wrong administration technique, administration of expired drugs & wrong preparation administered
37. Administration Errors Contributing factors:
Failure to check the patients identity prior to administration
Storage of similar preparations in similar areas
Noise, interruptions while undertaking a drug round, & poor lighting
38. Administration Errors
..Examples A patient had an epidural line for pain management & a peripheral IV line containing insulin
39. Reasons For Medication Errors Ambiguous strength designated on labels or in packaging
Drug product nomenclature (look-alike or sound-alike names, use of lettered or numbered prefixes & suffixes in drug name)
Equipment failure or malfunction
Illegible writing Improper transcription & inaccurate dosage calculation
Inadequately trained personnel
Inappropriate abbreviations
Labeling errors
Excessive workload
Lapses in individual performance
Medication unavailable
40. Focusing on Error Prevention
41. Can We Do Anything About These Errors?
42. Can We Do Anything About These Errors?
43. Identifying Medication Error
44. How Can We Identify The Risk? High alert medication
Error prone notations
Look-a-like & sound-a-like medications
45. High Alert Medications What are high alert medications?
How can we reduce the error associated with high alert medications?
46. "Top 10" Medications Involved in Drug Errors
47. "Top 10" Medications Involved in Drug Errors
48. Strategies To Reduce Risk From High-Alert Medications Limit the access to these medications
Standardizing the ordering/preparation & administration
Independent double check at dispensing & administrating phase
49. Error-Prone Notations Ambiguous medical notations are one of the most common & preventable causes of medication errors
Misinterpretation may lead to mistakes that result in patient harm
Delay start of therapy due to time spent for clarification
50. Implement Do Not Use List ISMP & FDA recommend that ISMPs list of error-prone abbreviations be considered whenever medical information is communicated
51. Short List of Error-Prone Notations*
52. Short List of Error-Prone Notations*
53. Short List of Error-Prone Notations*
54. Short List of Error-Prone Notations*
55. Error-Prone Notations
56. Error-Prone Notations
57. Strategies To Reduce The Risk From Error Prone Notations
NEVER use notations
58. Approaches to Reduce Medication Errors
59. Approaches to Reduce Medication Errors Person-centered approach
System centered approach
The Swiss cheese model of systems errors
60. Approaches to Reduce Medication Errors Person-Centered Approach
It has been traditional used in analysis of medication errors
It looks at medication errors as occurring due to human frailty, including
Poor motivation
Carelessness, not paying attention
61. Approaches to Reduce Medication Errors System-Centered Approach
Errors expected to occur
Errors are viewed as the end result & not the cause
There is potential for error & recurring errors in every system, & even the best systems fail
62. Approaches to Reduce Medication Errors System-Centered Approach
Solutions are based on the belief that conditions can be changed, rather than focusing on changing humans
Barriers & safeguards should be implemented to help prevent errors
It is essential to focus on how & why the system failed & not on which individual failed
63. Methods Used to Minimize or Reduce Medication Errors
64. Reducing Medication Error Steps to minimize medication error
Prescriber actions
Pharmacy (dispensing) actions
Nurse (administrator) actions
65. Steps to Minimize Medication Error
66. Steps to Minimize Medication Error Forcing functions & constraints
Use pharmacy system that will not fill any order unless allergy information, patient weight & height are entered
Use computer order entry with dosage checks
Remove dangerous IV drugs (e.g. conc. potassium, hypertonic sodium chloride) from ward stock
Limit choices of available drugs in pharmacy
Limit dosage strengths & concentration for each drug
Mix IVs in the pharmacy
67. Steps to Minimize Medication Error Automation & computerization (Reduce reliance on memory)
Use drug-drug interaction checking system
Use computerized order entry
Use computerized patient information
Use bar-coding on drugs, containers, medication records, patient wristbands
Automated dispensing on patient care unit
68. Steps to Minimize Medication Error Standardization & protocol
No error prone abbreviations
Use generic names rather then brand name
Use standard equipmentone kind of pump or syringe
Use protocol for complex medication administration e.g. heparin, chemotherapy
69. Prescriber Action to Reduce ME Stay current & knowledgeable concerning changes in medication & treatment
Utilize pharmacist consultation if available
Ensure that drug orders are complete, clear, unambiguous & legible
Including patient weight, dosage (mg/kg/dose or/day), frequency & route of administration
Avoid use of terminal zero e.g. use 5 rather 5.0
Use a zero to the left of a zero ( use 0.2 rather .2 )
Discuss medication changes with nursing & other staff & families
70. Pharmacy Action to Reduce ME Independent double check orders both on calculation & preparation
Clarify confusing orders
Checking for current patient drug allergy
Dispense medication using unit-dose, ready to administration form whenever possible
Patient name, generic drug name, patient specific dose on all labels
71. Nursing Action to Reduce ME Double check medication calculations
Verify drug order & confirm patient identity & weight before administration
Have access to drug information on all medications
Familiar with the operation of medication administration device
72. Medication Error Reporting Systems
73. Medication Error Reporting System International systems
National system
Local (in hospital or healthcare setting) system
No system
74. International Systems The Medication Error Reporting Program operated by United States Pharmacopoeia in cooperation with the ISMP
The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organization (JCAHO) sentinel event reporting system
The FDA MedWatch program
The National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention (NCC MERP)
75. Pharmacovigilance Data gathering related to the detection, assessment, understanding, and prevention of adverse events
Identifying new information about hazards associated with medicines, preventing harm to patients?
Medical errors are broader category which includes adverse reactions but also other factors (diagnostic errors, equipment failure, nosocomial infections ... )
76. The Role of Pharmacists in Medication Error Prevention
77. How Can Pharmacists Reduce ME? Clinical pharmacist
Drug & poison information pharmacist
Staff pharmacist
Medication safety pharmacist??
78. Pharmacist on Patient-Care Team A full-time unit-based clinical pharmacist substantially decreased the rate of serious medication errors in ICU by 66%
Studies shows that clinical pharmacy services & increase hospital pharmacy staffing are associated significantly with reduction in medication errors
79. Clinical Pharmacy & ME Reduction Drug histories
Drug information services
Adverse drug reaction monitoring
Drug protocol management
Medical rounds participation