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Hierarchical Indexing Structure for Efficient Similarity Search in Video Retrieval. Hong Lu, Beng Chin Ooi, Heng Tao Shen, Xiangyang Xue IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGG, VOL. 18, NOVEMBER 2006. Presented By :- Bhaumik Shah. Outline. Motivation Video Management
Hierarchical Indexing Structure for Efficient Similarity Search in Video Retrieval Hong Lu, Beng Chin Ooi, Heng Tao Shen, Xiangyang Xue IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGG, VOL. 18, NOVEMBER 2006 Presented By :- Bhaumik Shah
Outline • Motivation • Video Management • Video Data Management • Content-based video retrieval and Indexing • Hierarchical Indexing Structure for efficient video retrieval. (OVA - File) • Compare with previous methods (VA-File and iDistance) • Conclusion • References
Motivation • Large amount of distributed Web Video resources and rapid increase in centralized video archives, tremendous amount of video data being generated. • Now a user will ask for specific part of video for this content-based retrieval is gaining an importance. To support such applications efficiently, Content-based video indexing must be addressed
Motivation • Finding a desired video data from a large amount of distributed databases remains a very difficult and time-consuming task. • Lack of tools for classify and retrieve video content and complexity in video indexing motivated researchers to find some structure which is efficient as well as give better results.
Video Management Video Contents :: Low-level visual content features :: colors, shapes, textures Semantic contents features :: high-level concepts such as objects and events
Video Data Management Video Parsing Manipulation of whole video for breakdown into key frames. Video Indexing Retrieving information about the frame for indexing in a database. Video Retrieval and browsing Users access the db through queries or through interactions.
Video Parsing • Scene: single dramatic event taken by a small number of related cameras. • Shot: A sequence taken by a single camera • Frame: A still image
Video Parsing Obvious Cuts Video Scenes Shot Boundary Analysis Shots Key Frame Analysis Frames
Content-based Video Retrieval and Indexing • A specific part of the video, contain some semantic information. • Query results for this specific part can be presented through many visual presentations. • The process of extracting the semantic content is more complex because, it requires domain knowledge or user interaction, while extraction of visual features is usually domain independent.
Example of Content-based Video Retrieval • Specialized Search Engine for Australian Open Tennis Tournament Website. URL :: http://tournament.ausopen.org/ A very good example of Content-based video retrieval and finding semantic content. “Show me video scenes of left-handed female players who have won the Australian Open in the past”
Content-based Video Indexing • Process of attaching content-based labels to video units, which we called clips. • video indexing is the process of extracting from the video data the temporal location of a feature and its value • High-Dimensional Indexing :: Index terms are organized based on high-level categories like action, time, event, etc.
Hierarchical Indexing Structure ( OVA –File ) OVA – Ordered Vector Approximation • Dynamic high-dimensional indexing structure is needed for fast similarity query in typical multimedia applications and also multiframe video representation increases the problem complexity. • This dynamic high-dimensional indexing structure is called OVA – File (Ordered VA File) which is based on the VA-file.
Content-based Video Indexing problem Solution using OVA- File • OVA-File is a hierarchical structure and it has tow novel features :: 1) partitioning the whole file into slices such that only a small number of slices are accessed and checked during k Nearest Neighbor (kNN) search 2) efficient handling of insertions of new vectors into OVA-File, such that an average distant between the new vectors and those approximations near that position is minimized.
OVA – File Structure • It has three layers 1) Original vector file 2) Ordered approximation file ( OVA-Slice file) 3) Slice summaries file
OVA – File Structure ( How to create ?? ) • Original vector file contains high-dimensional vectors, which represents visual features of the frames. • To create OVA-File we first obtain an Ordered approximation file. The benefit of it is approximations close to each other in data space are placed in the closed positions. • Ordered approximation file which segmented into small OVA-Slices which are further summarized into a slice summaries file to facilitate the retrieval.
OVA – File Structure continue … • With OVA-File kNN query processing method called OVA-LOW is also used. • In this kNN search, the principle is to look into only a portion of OVA-Slices that are most likely to contain the desired query results, instead of sequentially scanning all of them. • Therefore, the query response time of OVA-File would be reduced greatly.
Comparison with previous methods(Advantages of OVA- File Structure) • Previous methods :: VA-file method iDistance method (non VA-file method) • Issues :: Better Performance More Efficient and Effective Compatible with all video types Less query response time Good quality result Less number of disk accesses respect to iDistance method
Conclusion • OVA-File is an efficient hierarchical indexing structure used for content based video retrieval and better query results. • Because the approximation file of OVA-File is virtually that of equal to VA-File, any query search algorithm based on VA-File will be applicable to OVA-File. • OVA-File also proposed efficient video-retrieval method.
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