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Optically polarized atoms. Marcis Auzinsh, University of Latvia Dmitry Budker, UC Berkeley and LBNL Simon M. Rochester, UC Berkeley. Image from Wikipedia. Chapter 2: Atomic states. A brief summary of atomic structure Begin with hydrogen atom The Schr ö dinger Eqn :
Optically polarized atoms Marcis Auzinsh, University of Latvia Dmitry Budker, UC Berkeley and LBNL Simon M. Rochester, UC Berkeley
Image from Wikipedia Chapter 2: Atomic states • A brief summary of atomic structure • Begin with hydrogen atom • TheSchrödinger Eqn: • In this approximation (ignoring spin and relativity): Principal quant. Number n=1,2,3,…
Could have guessed me 4/2 from dimensions • me 4/2 =1Hartree • me 4/22 =1 Rydberg • E does not depend on lor m degeneracy i.e.different wavefunction have same E • We will see that the degeneracy is n2
Angular momentum of the electron in the hydrogen atom • Orbital-angular-momentum quantum numberl = 0,1,2,… • This can be obtained, e.g., from the Schrödinger Eqn., or straight from QM commutation relations • The Bohr model: classical orbits quantized by requiring angular momentum to be integer multiple of • There is kinetic energy associated with orbital motion an upper bound on lfor a given value of En • Turns out: l = 0,1,2, …, n-1
Angular momentum of the electron in the hydrogen atom (cont’d) • In classical physics, to fully specify orbital angular momentum, one needs two more parameters (e.g., to angles) in addition to the magnitude • In QM, if we know projection on one axis (quantization axis), projections on other two axes are uncertain • Choosing z as quantization axis: • Note: this is reasonable as we expect projection magnitude not to exceed
Angular momentum of the electron in the hydrogen atom (cont’d) • m – magnetic quantum number because B-field can be used to define quantization axis • Can also define the axis with E (static or oscillating), other fields (e.g., gravitational), or nothing • Let’s count states: • m = -l,…,l i. e. 2l+1 states • l = 0,…,n-1 As advertised !
Angular momentum of the electron in the hydrogen atom (cont’d) • Degeneracy w.r.t. m expected from isotropy of space • Degeneracy w.r.t. l, in contrast,is a special feature of 1/r (Coulomb) potential
Angular momentum of the electron in the hydrogen atom (cont’d) • How can one understand restrictions that QM puts on measurements of angular-momentum components ? • The basic QM uncertainty relation(*) leads to (and permutations) • We can also write a generalizeduncertainty relation between lzand φ(azimuthal angle of the e): • This is a bit more complex than (*) because φis cyclic • With definite lz , φis completely uncertain…
Wavefunctions of the H atom • A specific wavefunction is labeled with n l m : • In polar coordinates : i.e. separation of radial and angular parts • Further separation: Spherical functions (Harmonics)
Wavefunctions of the H atom (cont’d) • Separation into radial and angular part is possible for any central potential ! • Things get nontrivial for multielectron atoms Legendre Polynomials
Electron spin and fine structure • Experiment: electron has intrinsic angular momentum --spin (quantum number s) • It is tempting to think of the spin classically as a spinning object. This might be useful, but to a point. Experiment: electron is pointlike down to ~ 10-18 cm
Electron spin and fine structure (cont’d) • Another issue for classical picture: it takes a 4πrotation to bring a half-integer spin to its original state. Amazingly, this does happen in classical world: from Feynman's 1986 Dirac Memorial Lecture (Elementary Particles and the Laws of Physics, CUP 1987)
Electron spin and fine structure (cont’d) • Another amusing classical picture: spin angular momentum comes from the electromagnetic field of the electron: • This leads to electron size Experiment: electron is pointlike down to ~ 10-18 cm
Electron spin and fine structure (cont’d) • s=1/2 • “Spin up” and “down” should be used with understanding that the length (modulus) of the spin vector is >/2 !
Electron spin and fine structure (cont’d) • Both orbital angular momentum and spin have associated magnetic momentsμl and μs • Classical estimate of μl : current loop • For orbit of radius r, speed p/m, revolution rate is Gyromagnetic ratio
Electron spin and fine structure (cont’d) • In analogy, there is also spin magnetic moment : Bohr magneton
Electron spin and fine structure (cont’d) • The factor 2 is important ! • Dirac equation for spin-1/2 predicts exactly 2 • QED predicts deviations from 2 due to vacuum fluctuations of the E/M field • One of the most precisely measured physical constants: 2=21.00115965218085(76) (0.8 parts per trillion) New Measurement of the Electron Magnetic Moment Using a One-Electron Quantum Cyclotron, B. Odom, D. Hanneke, B. D'Urso, and G. Gabrielse, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 030801 (2006) Prof. G. Gabrielse, Harvard
Electron spin and fine structure (cont’d) • When both l and s are present, these are not conserved separately • This is like planetary spin and orbital motion • On a short time scale, conservation of individual angular momenta can be a good approximation • l and sare coupled via spin-orbit interaction: interaction of the motional magnetic field in the electron’s frame with μs • Energy shift depends on relative orientation of l and s, i.e., on
Electron spin and fine structure (cont’d) • QM parlance: states with fixed ml and ms are no longer eigenstates • States with fixed j, mjare eigenstates • Total angular momentum is a constant of motion of an isolated system • |mj| j • If we add l and s, j≥ |l-s| ;j l+s • s=1/2 j = l ½ for l > 0 or j = ½ for l = 0
Electron spin and fine structure (cont’d) • Spin-orbitinteraction is a relativistic effect • Includingrel. effects : • Correction to the Bohr formula 2 • The energy now depends on n and j
Electron spin and fine structure (cont’d) • 1/137 relativistic corrections are small • ~ 10-5 Ry • E 0.366 cm-1 or 10.9 GHz for 2P3/2 ,2P1/2 • E 0.108 cm-1 or 3.24 GHz for 3P3/2 ,3P1/2
Electron spin and fine structure (cont’d) • The Dirac formula : predicts that states of same n and j, but different l remain degenerate • In reality, this degeneracy is also lifted by QED effects (Lamb shift) • For 2S1/2 ,2P1/2:E 0.035 cm-1 or 1057 MHz
mj= 3/2 mj= 1/2 Vector model of the atom • Some people really need pictures… • Recall: for a state with given j, jz • We can draw all of this as (j=3/2)
mj= 3/2 Vector model of the atom (cont’d) • These pictures are nice, but NOT problem-free • Consider maximum-projection state mj= j • Q: What is the maximal value of jxor jy that can be measured ? • A: that might be inferred from the picture is wrong…
Vector model of the atom (cont’d) • So how do we draw angular momenta and coupling ? • Maybe as a vector of expectation values, e.g., ? • Simple • Has well defined QM meaning BUT • Boring • Non-illuminating • Or stick with the cones ? • Complicated • Still wrong…
Vector model of the atom (cont’d) • A compromise : • j is stationary • l , s precess around j • What is the precession frequency? • Stationary state – quantum numbers do not change • Say we prepare a state with fixed quantum numbers |l,ml,s,ms • This is NOT an eigenstate but a coherent superposition of eigenstates, each evolving as • Precession Quantum Beats • l , s precess around j with freq. = fine-structure splitting
Multielectron atoms • Multiparticle Schrödinger Eqn. – no analytical soltn. • Many approximate methods • We will be interested in classification of states and various angular momenta needed to describe them • SE: • This is NOT the simple 1/r Coulomb potential • Energiesdepend onorbital ang. momenta
Gross structure, LS coupling • Individual electron “sees” nucleus and other e’s • Approximate totalpotential as central: φ(r) • Can consider a Schrödinger Eqn for each e • Central potential separation of angular and radial parts; li (and si) are well defined ! • Radial SE with a given li set of bound states • Label these with principal quantum number ni = li +1, li +2,… (in analogy with Hydrogen) • Oscillation Theorem: # of zeros of the radial wavefunction is ni - li -1
Gross structure, LS coupling (cont’d) • Set of ni , li for all electrons electron configuration • Different configuration generally have different energies • In this approximation, energy of a configuration is just sum of Ei • No reference to projections of li orto spins degeneracy • If we go beyond the central-field approximation some of the degeneracies will be lifted • Also spin-orbit (ls) interaction lifts some degeneracies • In general, both effects need to be considered, but the former is more important in light atoms
Gross structure, LS coupling (cont’d) Beyond central-field approximation (cfa) • Non-centrosymmetric part of electron repulsion (1/rij) = residual Coulomb interaction (RCI) • The energy now depends on how li andsi combine • Neglecting (ls) interaction LS coupling or Russell-Saunders coupling • This terminology is potentially confusing….. • ….. but well motivated ! • Within cfa, individual orbital angular momenta are conserved; RCI mixes states with different projections of li • Classically, RCI causes precession of the orbital planes, so the direction of the orbital angular momentum changes
Gross structure, LS coupling (cont’d) Beyond central-field approximation (cfa) • Projections of li are not conserved, but the total orbital momentum L is, along with its projection ! • This is because li form sort of an isolated system • So far, we have been ignoring spins • One might think that since we have neglected (ls) interaction, energies of states do not depend on spins WRONG !
Gross structure, LS coupling (cont’d) The role of the spins • Not all configurations are possible. For example, U has 92 electrons. The simplest configuration would be 1s92 • Luckily, such boring configuration is impossible. Why ? • e’s are fermions Pauli exclusion principle: no two e’s can have the same set of quantum numbers • This determines the richness of the periodic system • Note: some people are looking for rare violations of Pauli principle and Bose-Einstein statistics… new physics • So how does spin affect energies (of allowed configs) ? • Exchange Interaction
Gross structure, LS coupling (cont’d) Exchange Interaction • The value of the total spinS affects the symmetry of the spin wavefunction • Since overall ψhas to be antisymmetric symmetry of spatial wavefunction is affected this affects Coulomb repulsion between electrons effect on energies • Thus, energies depend on Land S. Term: 2S+1L • 2S+1 is called multiplicity • Example: He(g.s.): 1s2 1S
Gross structure, LS coupling (cont’d) • Within present approximation, energies do not depend on (individually conserved) projections of L and S • This degeneracy is lifted by spin-orbit interaction (also spin-spin and spin-other orbit) • This leads to energy splitting within a term according to the value of total angular momentum J (fine structure) • If this splitting is larger than the residual Coulomb interaction (heavy atoms)breakdown of LS coupling
Vector Model • Example: a two-electron atom (He) • Quantum numbers: • J, mJ “good” no restrictions for isolated atoms • l1, l2 , L, S “good” in LS coupling • ml ,ms , mL , mS “not good”=superpositions • “Precession” rate hierarchy: • l1, l2 around L and s1, s2 around S: residual Coulomb interaction (term splitting -- fast) • Land S around J (fine-structure splitting -- slow)
jj and intermediate coupling schemes • Sometimes (for example, in heavy atoms), spin-orbit interaction > residual Coulomb LS coupling • To find alternative, step back to central-field approximation • Once again, we have energies that only depend on electronic configuration; lift approximations one at a time • Since spin-orbit is larger, include it first
jj and intermediate coupling schemes(cont’d) • In practice, atomic states often do not fully conform to LS or jj scheme; sometimes there are different schemes for different states in the same atom intermediate coupling • Coupling scheme has important consequences for selection rules for atomic transitions, for example • Land S rules: approximate; only hold within LS coupling • J, mJrules: strict; hold for any coupling scheme
Notation of states in multi-electron atoms Spectroscopic notation • Configuration (list of ni and li ) • ni – integers • li – code letters • Numbers of electrons with same n and l – superscript, for example: Na (g.s.): 1s22s22p63s = [Ne]3s • Term 2S+1L State2S+1LJ • 2S+1 = multiplicity (another inaccurate historism) • Complete designation of a state [e.g., Ba (g.s.)]: [Xe]6s21S0
Fine structure in multi-electron atoms • LS states with different J are split by spin-orbit interaction • Example: 2P1/2-2P3/2splitting in the alkalis • Splitting Z2(approx.) • Splitting with n
Hyperfine structure of atomic states • NuclearspinI magnetic moment • Nuclear magneton • Total angular momentum:
Hyperfine structure of atomic states (cont’d) • Hyperfine-structure splitting results from interaction of the nuclear moments with fields and gradients produced by e’s • Lowest terms: M1 E2 • E2 term: B0 only for I,J>1/2
Hyperfine structure of atomic states • A nucleus can only support multipoles of rank κ2I • E1, M2, …. moments are forbidden by P and T B0 only for I,J>1/2 • Example of hfs splitting (not to scale) 85Rb (I=5/2) 87Rb (I=3/2)