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Coupled-Ocean-Atmosphere-Waves-Sediment Transport (COAWST) Modeling System Training

Coupled-Ocean-Atmosphere-Waves-Sediment Transport (COAWST) Modeling System Training. John Warner US Geological Survey, Woods Hole, MA. http://woodshole.er.usgs.gov/operations/modeling/COAWST/index.html. Pleasantries. Parking bathrooms Agenda svn update. COAWST Modeling Experts list.

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Coupled-Ocean-Atmosphere-Waves-Sediment Transport (COAWST) Modeling System Training

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  1. Coupled-Ocean-Atmosphere-Waves-Sediment Transport (COAWST) Modeling System Training John Warner US Geological Survey, Woods Hole, MA http://woodshole.er.usgs.gov/operations/modeling/COAWST/index.html

  2. Pleasantries • Parking • bathrooms • Agenda • svn update

  3. COAWST Modeling Experts list John Warner Cindy Bruyere Dave Gill Ming Ge Maria Liste Ruoying He Sandro Carniel Antonio Ricchi Maitane Olabarrieta Alexis Beudin Jeremy Testa Nicoletta Leonardi Dan Nowacki Kate Hedstrom Rob Cermak Rob Hetland Kristen Thyng Kelly Cole George Voulgaris Xiaodong Wu Mike Whitney Qiang Sun Paulo Calil Yan Jia Guoqiang Liu Daniel Miret Cecilia Enriquez Stephen Nicholls Saji N Hameed Tae-hwa Jung Dong-Wook Shin Ricardo de Camargo Davide Bonaldo Salme Cook Nilima Natoo João A. Hackerott John Wilkin Thiago Silva Keith Hines Lesheng Bai Shuguang Wang William Oestreich Andre Rodrigues Il-Ju Moon Alfredo L. Aretxabaleta Ilgar Safak Nguyen Nguyet Minh Chih-Ying Chen Joseph Brodie Watin Thanathanphon Worachat Wannawong Tom Connolly Paul Acosta Xiaowen Li Taka Iguichi Regiane Moura Daniela Faggiani Dias Luciano Pezzi Ronald Buss de Souza Luis Felipe Mendonça Melissa Moulton José Miguel Alves Travis Miles Greg Seroka Z. George Xue Ki-Young Heo Jung-Woon Choi John Klinck Gino A. Passalacqua Junichi Ninomiya Nobuhito MORI Rui Ricardo Vieira Zafer Defne Angelica Gilroy Alexandra Gronholz Robin Topper Francesco Memmola Evan Gray Chris Sherwood Rich Signell Beatriz Pérez Díaz Hernan Arango Ke Chen Fernanda Rocha Marcel Zijlema Andre Schmidt DJ Kobashi Muralidhar Adakudlu Celso Ferreira Alice Goward Brown Mike Dinniman Jorge Navarro Phil Moore Sumit Dandapat Ruoying He group Nikhil Garg Rui Caldeira Joao Souza Xi Feng Sarah Giddings Xiufeng Yang Hak Soo Lim Nirnimesh Kumar Thanks to all of you for your help and enthusiasm !!!

  4. Users Manual COAWST\Tools\Docs\COAWST_User_Manual.doc

  5. C = Coupled MCT http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/mct/ O =Ocean ROMS http://www.myroms.org/ A =Atmosphere WRF http://www.wrf-model.org/ W =Wave SWANhttp://vlm089.citg.tudelft.nl/swan ST =Sediment Transport CSTMS http://woodshole.er.usgs.gov/project- pages/sediment-transport/ Modeling System COAWST Modeling System COAWST Coupled Ocean – Atmosphere – Wave – Sediment Transport Modeling System to investigate the impacts of storms on coastal environments. v 2.6.0 svn 709 v 3.6.1 v 40.91 COAWST- Ice ?

  6. MCT MCT ATMOSPHERE Agenda Hwave, Lpwave, Tpsurf, Latitude Uwind, Vwind, Patm, RH, Tair, cloud, rain, evap, SWrad, Lwrad LH, HFX, Ustress, Vstress SST WRF wind speed Longitude Uwind, Vwind Monday Hwave, Lmwave, Lpwave, Dwave, Tpsurf, Tmbott, Qb, Dissbot, Disssurf, Disswcap, Ubot ROMS SST MCT SWAN Hsig us, vs, h, bath, Z0 WAVE OCEAN Wednesday Tuesday SEDIMENT, InWave, SEAICE, ModelTools Thursday

  7. Obtaining the code • Source Repo svn checkout --username myusrname https://coawstmodel.sourcerepo.com/coawstmodel/COAWST .

  8. Trac site: help manage the code https://coawstmodel-trac.sourcerepo.com/coawstmodel_COAWST/

  9. Trac - source files + tickets Tickets https://coawstmodel-trac.sourcerepo.com/ coawstmodel_COAWST/browser

  10. Libraries • Matlab is heavily used. The only other toolbox currently required nctoolbox: http://code.google.com/p/nctoolbox/ • Fortran compiler - ifort, pgi, gfortran, … • MPI - mpich2, openmpi, mvapich, … • NetCDF - at least v 3.6, 4 or higher Set your environment for ROMS for WRF

  11. WRF Tutorial Thank you NCAR

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