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Niečo o výskumných infraštruktúrach ( Research Infrastructures ) Dve časti: eInfrastructures / časť garantovaná a financovaná zo strany DG IS & Media ( ~ 40 % )
Niečo o výskumných infraštruktúrach (Research Infrastructures) • Dve časti: • eInfrastructures /časť garantovaná a financovaná zo strany DG IS & Media(~40%) • Výskumné siete v rámci stratégie ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures)a iné siete vytvárané „z dola“ všetko pod hlavičkou “joined activities “ /časť garantovaná a financovaná zo strany DG RTD part (~60%) • Linky: • http://cordis.europa.eu/esfri/ • http://cordis.europa.eu/infrastructures/home.html (fp6) • http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/capacities/research-infrastructures_en.html • http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/e-infrastructure/home_en.html • 5. III. 2010 • Anton.Lavrin@tuke.sk
Princípy poslania výskumných sieti (Research Infrastructures) I3 = Integrated Infrastructures Initiatives / iniciatíva je postavená na pricípoch: Sieťové aktivity (Networking) manažment, koordinácia, monitoring, diseminasia, spolupráca, mobility, ... Nadnárodné aktivity (Transnational) zdieľanie zdrojov v rámci VV infraštruktúry v sieti (vzdialené resp. priame), informačné a znalostné bázy, výmeny vedeckých pracovníkov, ... ... Spoločné výskumné aktivity / projekty (Join research výskumné projekty / aktivity podporujúce rozvoj výskumných a vývojových služieb siete, ...
Call 7 / FP7 Infrastructure-2010-2 (July, 2009 – 24. November, 2009) 107 project proposal (cca 5 times over load) Conditions, requirements Budget (M€) Topics • Total for (EGI) & (Service deployment): 25 M€ • a single proposal is expected to be funded INFRA-2010-1.2.1: DCI 50 INFRA-2010-1.2.2: Simulation SW & services 12 INFRA-2010-1.2.3: Virtual research communities 23 INFRA-2010-2.3.1: Impl. phase HPC service PRACE 20 INFRA-2010-3.3: Support measures 10 Total 115 Additional 0.5 M€ for studies
INFRA-2010-1.2.1: Distributed computing infrastructure (DCI) (1) European Grid Initiative (EGI) - one project !! • Set up organisation for sustainable grid services provision (including user support, SW/middleware-repositories maintenance & operation, certification) • Stakeholders: National Grid Initiatives (NGIs) (majority); possibly other entities • Seamless progressive transition to new scheme • International collaboration & interoperability; open source/standards policy - Service deployment • Services for user communities that are heavy users of DCIs and have multi-national dimension
INFRA-2010-1.2.1: Distributed computing infrastructure (DCI)(2) Middleware and repositories • Further develop quality middleware • Create SW-component repositories to complement middleware-services; maintenance later by EGI – Access to DCI platforms • Easier access to DCIs through science gateways; support workflows combining capacity & capability computing and access to data & networks – Extension of DCI platforms • Extend existing DCIs to incorporate remote operation of scientific instruments (e.g. in context of ESFRI roadmap projects) • International links, education & training, standards
INFRA-2010-1.2.2: Simulation software and services Overall aim:complex simulation SW to fully & timely exploit HPC & distributed computing capabilities (Grids) Specifically: • Development, adaptation & maintenance of SW on dynamically evolving platforms for demanding appl. • Deployment of computational science infrastructure: models, tools, algorithms & visualisation to address extreme scale, heterogeneity, performance… • Standards for scalability, evolution, interoperation of SW components in integrated platforms International links, education & training, open standards, open source licensing schemes
INFRA-2010-1.2.3: Virtual Research Communities Overall aim: enable users from all science & engineering disciplines to access & effectively use e-Infrastructures; ESFRI projects highly encouraged Indicative list of supported activities: • Deployment to enable multidisciplinary collaboration & to address new user group needs • Deployment of new types of services & tools to integrate research efforts across diverse user-fields • Training • Address human, social & economic factors influencing the forming of sustainable user communities & the take up/maintenance of services Users from both academia and industry encouraged
INFRA-2010-2.3.1: First implementation phase of European HPC service PRACE • Overall aim: deploy new ecosystem of computational resources (peta-scale by 2010, exa-scale by 2020) to address needs of advanced science & industry; build on PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe); integrate DEISA (Distributed European Infrastructure for Supercomputing Applications ) resources Supported activities: • Set up & operation of new organisational structures • Development, adaptation and maintenance of SW (system SW & tools; tools, algorithms & standards for modelling, simulation, visualisation..) • Technology and system evaluations to ensure deployment of leading edge technology • Mechanisms for industry involvement as partners • Training, sharing of best practises Address financial/environmental sustainability
INFRA-2010-3.3: Coordination actions, conferences, studies supporting policy development, including intern. cooperation • Coordination national & European e-Infrastructure initiatives • Actions to strengthen innovation potential (e.g. scenarios for GEANT use as basis of 2020 Internet) • (Establish scientific SW strategy in Europe) • Coordinate European ecosystem of data repositories for info preservation/sharing (also ERANETs) • Studies, conferences to encourage multi-disciplinarity, evaluate impact of e-Infr. Programme • International cooperation ( joint roadmaps, interoperation of infrastructures)
Budget Budget Total budget used available Activities foreseen (M€) (M€)* (M€) Design studies 4 4 0 Construction - 10 10 0 preparatory phase Construction - 60 20 40 implementation phase e-Infrastructures 402 294* 108 47 33 14 Support measures Total 523 361 162 e-Infrastructures * Including the budget foreseen for Call-7
2011 Year 2012 2013 Total Budget available (M€) 95 30 37 162 Design studies 0 Construction - 0 preparatory phase Construction - 20 20 40 implementation phase 71 37 108 e-Infrastructures 10 14 Support measures Likely budget profile 2011-2013 4
WP2011 main objectives – proposal • Consolidation and reinforcement • of existing initiatives (data infrastructures, HPC, user communities etc) • Integration • of e-Infrastructure layers • into e-Science environments • service oriented approach • Openness • to new technologies and concepts
e-Science environments • Seamless service provision to Research Communities • network/computing/data integration; unified access • resource virtualisation, hybrid cloud-grid implementations • Pilot implementations • Design, development and deployment of interfaces • Advanced software tools and techniques • Standardisation • Virtual facilities and testbeds • Access (lower barriers, cost effectiveness, interfaces,...) • Composition • e-Science support centres and training • including for ESFRI communities !!
Data infrastructures ( see EU study e-SciDR :European e-Infrastructure for e-Science Digital Repositories ) • Open access infrastructures • Generic • IPR frameworks, financing models • Infrastructures & policies for data generation, certification, curation, preservation • Community-specific • Cost models for long term preservation • Harmonisation of metadata, semantics, ontologies • Interoperability • Service deployment for data storage • Legal aspects, business models, interoperability, PPPs • Greening of data centres • Tool frameworks (e.g. visualisation)
High Performance Computing (HPC) • Integration of DEISA services in PRACE • Peta-scaling of applications • In synchrony with PRACE procurement plans • Led by user communities • Vendor involvement • Applications of societal relevance • Prototyping of new architectures/machines
Support actions • Laying the theoretical foundations of e-infrastructure development • Involving youngsters / citizens in Science through e-Infrastructure; social and human aspects; trust • Development of skills and curricula for information & data scientists • Changing business models for supporting open Science • Continuation of NCP network
Toľko o eInfraštruktúre • - ak je čas tak niečo aj o • Výskumných sieťach vytváraných v rámci stratégie ESFRI (European Strategy Forum for Research infrastructures), ktorá je zabezpečovaná prostredníctvom DG Research najmä v programe “Integrating Activities “ • (história Výskumných sietí je už viac ako 20 ročná)
WP 2011 Indicative priorities Call FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2011-1 (160 M€) Contents of presentation: • Design studies (20 M€) • Support to policy development (10 M€) • Integrating Activities (100 M€) • Construction - Implementation phase (30 M€)
Design studies • To supportconceptual design studiesfor RI of clear European dimension and interest (from 3 to 5 M€) • Bottom-up approach • Open to all S&T fields • Indicative budget of20 M€
Support to policy development • Three topics are foreseen (indicative budget of 10 M€): • ERA-NET supporting cooperation for RIs in all S&T fields (from 1 to 2 M€) • Actions supporting international cooperation (& policy initiatives) related to RI projects at global level or with specific interest at international level (from 0.5 to 1 M€) Addressing notably the needs of the specific PP projects (will be specified) • Coordination and support actions fostering the development of an efficient European Research Areain the RI field (from 0.5 to 1 M€)
Integrating Activities (1) • Indicative budget of 100 M€ • 24 topics foreseen (10-11 projects expected to be funded) • Maximum EC contribution (48 months) • 10 M€ (eligibility criterion)
Integrating Activities (2) Proposed topics • Social Sciences and Humanities • 1. Language Resources and tools for research • 2. Infrastructures for multidisciplinary research: Interaction between human, social sciences and natural sciences • 3. Arts and Humanities digital resources for research • 4. Archives for Historical research Integrating Activities (3) Initial list • Social Sciences and Humanities • - Language Resources and tools for research • - Infrastructures for multidisciplinary research: Interaction between human, social sciences and natural sciences • - Arts and Humanities digital resources for research
Integrating Activities (3) Proposed topics • Life Sciences • 5. Facilities and resources for multinational clinical trials • 6. Facilities and resources for protein production, for protein crystallisation and for structure determination at synchrotron radiation facilities • 7. Life sciences data resources and services • 8. Facilities and resources for plant phenotyping • 9. Facilities and services for livestock physiology and phenomics Integrating Activities (4) Initial list • Life Sciences • -Facilities and resources for multinational clinical trials • -Archives of binders against the human proteome • - Life sciences data resources and services • - Facilities for translational research in medicine • - Biological Resources Centres for micro-organisms • - Human nutrition resources and food research facilities
Integrating Activities (4) Proposed topics • Environmental Sciences • 10. Research Infrastructures for Carbon Cycle Observations • 11. Integrated non-CO2 greenhouse gas Observing Systems • 12. Integrated Observatories and Data Centres for Biodiversity and Ecosystem research • 13. Research Infrastructures for Forestry research, aiming at sustained production of the forests goods and services, including mitigation strategies • 14. Research Infrastructures for Coastal Research including Coastal Observation of Mediterranean and Black Seas • Energy • 15. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) facilities for energy research • 16. Research Infrastructures for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells facilities Integrating Activities (5) Initial list • Environmental Sciences • - Research Infrastructures for Carbon Cycle Observations • - Integrated Observatories and Data Centres for Biodiversity research • - Multidisciplinary Ocean, Marine and Coastal Data Centres • Energy • - Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) facilities for energy research • - Research Infrastructures for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells facilities
Integrating Activities (5) Proposed topics • Physics and astronomy • 17. Neutron sources • 18. Synchrotron radiation sources and Free Electron Lasers • 19. Laser sources • 20. Research Infrastructures for hadron physics: Studying the properties of nuclear matter at extreme conditions • 21. Research Infrastructures for radio astronomy in Europe • 22. Research Infrastructures for optical/IR astronomy • 23. Research Infrastructures for astroparticle physics: High energy cosmic rays, multi-messenger approach • 24. Research Infrastructures for helio- and asteroseismology Integrating Activities (6) Initial list • Physics and astronomy • - Neutron sources • - Synchrotron radiation sources and Free Electron Lasers • - Laser sources • - Research Infrastructures for hadron physics: Studying the properties of nuclear matter at extreme conditions • - Research Infrastructures for radio astronomy in Europe • - Research Infrastructures for optical/IR astronomy • - Research Infrastructures for astroparticle physics: High energy cosmic rays, multi-messenger approach
Construction -Implementation phase (1) • Support the actual implementation of new RIs on the basis of the agreement achieved during the preparatory phase between all stakeholders • Indicative budget: 30 M€ • FP7 financial support possible only for: • projects havingsufficiently progressedin the preparatory phase, and among those • actions for which there is a demonstratedEuropean added value for EC support during the construction phase
Construction -Implementation phase (2) • EU added value - what could FP7 support? • Support to investments related to better coherence and common needs of acluster of projectsin the same area, e.g. • Technologies & methodologies for collecting, archiving, and/or accessing data, • Technologies & methodologies for outreach, technology transferand education activities • Main target: : • distributed RIs • thematic areas such asSSH (Social Sciences and Humanities), BMS (Biology and Medical Sciences), ENV (Environmental Sciences), MAT (Mathematics and computer – related sciences (data)).