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Theology. Pastor Brett Peterson Coastland University. What are the sources of our study of Theology?. The “Wesleyan Quadrilateral” Scripture (Supreme Authority) Reason Tradition Experience
Theology Pastor Brett Peterson Coastland University
What are the sources of our study of Theology? • The “Wesleyan Quadrilateral” • Scripture (Supreme Authority) • Reason • Tradition • Experience • All four of these areas are important to discover truth – however, the last two need to be used with caution. Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
Arguments for God • How do you know God exists? • What arguments do we have to establish God’s existence? Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
As a preface to the arguments, it is worth noting an argument that the claim that God exists is made more plausible by the fact of wide-spread religious belief. This argument is called the “argument from desire”. Generally speaking, if we have an innate desire for a thing then that thing both exists and is good for us. The natural instinct to look to the transcendent, therefore, is proof enough for God. Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
1. THE "COSMOLOGICAL" ARGUMENT...is also called "the argument from first cause. It is based upon the premise that "every effect must have a cause". The cosmos (universe) is an effect that has adequate cause. The theist believes that Gen 1:1 reveals that adequate cause: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
2. THE "TELEOLOGICAL" ARGUMENT...is based upon the evidence of design in the universe. The name “the teleological argument” is derived from the Greek word telos, meaning end or purpose. • Evidence of design suggests a "designer", some Being with intelligence possessing purpose. Example: a watch shows design, and implies a watchmaker, To credit such intricate workmanship to blind chance is unreasonable. Examples of design in the universe are many; some examples include: The orderly movement of heavenly bodies; Animal instinct, such as the migration patterns of birds, eels, and salmon; The human body itself, e.g., the eye or even… Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
The following video is from Harvard Medical school, and is a video of what actually goes on in a cell – every element is scientifically accurate! Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
3. THE "MORAL" ARGUMENT...is also called the "anthropological argument". It is based upon reality that everywhere people have "a sense of ought"--That in certain circumstances, certain things should be done. This moral nature in man demands a Moral Being as the Original Cause Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
Rom 2:14 For when Gentiles who do not have the Law do instinctively the things of the Law, these, not having the Law, are a law to themselves, • Rom 2:15 in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them, • Rom 2:16 on the day when, according to my gospel, God will judge the secrets of men through Christ Jesus. Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
4. THE "ESTHETICAL" ARGUMENT...is based upon the presence of beauty and sublimity in the universe. It observes that you have both the presence of beauty in nature itself, and in art produced by man and the response of man to such beauty. Were both the result of blind chance or did it come from a Supreme Being, who is not only: Intelligent (an argument from design), Moral (an argument from our sense of ought), but also Artistic (an argument from beauty and our sense of it)? cf. Ps 96:4-6 Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
Rom 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, • Rom 1:19 because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. • Rom 1:20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
God’s revelation of Himself • Beauty, Creation, Morality, Logic • If God is real, then why doesn’t He give us a clear sign? • He has! The Bible! It is God’s Word! • And, Jesus Christ! God became flesh! Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
How do you know Christ? • By studying His Word! • By praying • By good Christian fellowship • By loving Him His Word is absolute Truth. If it is not reliable, we have nothing to base our faith on. Truth must originate outside of the mind of finite man! It must come from God! Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
How about Reason & Logic? • Today, the world has thrown reason away for Postmodernism. • The basis for Post modern thought is pluralism. Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
What is the Bible? Absolute Truth • There is now an attack against the Bible that is more philosophical than textual:Pluralism Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
Pluralism denies absolute Truth! • Absolute Truth is the message of the Bible! • Truth = a right understanding of God • Pluralism says:Knowledge is no different in kind than opinion. • Our agreeing together is the criteria for determining what is knowledge. • Truth amounts to no more than social sustainability. Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
1) Background of Pluralism • It attacks Biblical Theism: Belief that right & wrong are absolute, unchanging, and are decided by God • American Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…” Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
Modernism • Renaissance (1300-1600): Exalt man through literature, art, learning, etc. Humanism: human ability; man toward the center; reject “external authorities” • Enlightenment (1600-1700): Push God out & depend on human reason to discern truth • Industrial Revolution (1700-1800): Human productivity & advancement; no need for God push God out, put man in Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
Transition (1890’s-1919): Man began to test his wings of invention. We can create – no need for a creator. • Modern Era (1920-1970): TV, scientific advancement, entertainment, pleasure.1927 • Bell Telephone and the U.S. Department of Commerce conduct the first long distance use of television that took place between Washington D.C. and New York City on April 9th. Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover commented, “Today we have, in a sense, the transmission of sight for the first time in the world’s history. Human genius has now destroyed the impediment of distance in a new respect, and in a manner hitherto unknown.” Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
Age of Advancement (1980-1990): Exponential growth in knowledge, goods, inventions, etc. • Post-modern (1990-?): No absolutes. Tolerance, Pluralism, Globalization. • Experiential (2001-?): The only reality is what you experience personally. Everything else could be photoshoped, etc. Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
Modernists’ foundations • Rationality: Man can understand the world • Empiricism: Knowledge only through senses • Implications for truth: • Scientific truth became absolute • “Unobservable” spiritual / moral truths became relative Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
Postmodernism pushed it further • Objective Truth does not exist • Even scientific truth is “true” only for that time & culture (Kuhn’s paradigms) • Even words don’t have original meaning (“reader above the writer”) Individuals are products of their culture • Arbitrary beliefs shaped by cultural biases • e.g. suicide bombers are heroes Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
Encouraged by choices • Today’s society offers many choices • Classes, career, cell phones, fast food, etc. • “You choose…” • Outside world is “changeable” • Outside world is doubtful • Disdain for fixed standards & absolutes leads to Pluralism Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
Pluralism • Definition of Pluralism: • Theory that there are more than one or more than two kinds of ultimate reality • Varieties of ultimate truths available • No one absolute truth • Exercised in the form of… …Tolerance ! Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
2) Tolerance • TRADITIONAL definition of “Tolerate”: • to recognize and respect others’ beliefs, practices, etc. without sharing them • to bear or put up with someone or something not especially liked • “Values, respects, and accepts the individual without necessarily approving of or participating in his/her belief or behavior.” Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
NEW tolerance under pluralism • Since pluralism says there are no absolute truths… • …NEW tolerance states, “All values, beliefs, lifestyles, and truth claims are equal” Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
3) Implications of new tolerance • Not just “Live and let live”… • Now you must agree that another person’s position is just as valid as your own • Now you must give approval, endorsement, sincere support to their beliefs and behaviors • Even some demand full participation Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
By being silent we are giving our approval! • It is time to take a stand for Truth – the absolute Truth of God’s Word and the precepts it teaches! • Rom 1:32 and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them. Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
Dangerous Fallouts • Consequences of doing away with absolute truth… • No “progress” • can’t praise bravery vs. cowardice • Loss of hierarchy of values • “more sympathy for threatened insects species than for children dying of hunger” [Finnish Green Party activist] Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
Impact on morality & justice • Can’t make moral judgments • “If there is no absolute moral standard, then one cannot say in a final sense that anything is right or wrong.” [Francis Schaeffer] • We must approve Hitler’s actions No justice possible without truth Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
4) Case against pluralism • Pluralism demands, “Tolerance for all” • But who gave that authority to pluralism? • Is it absolutely? • Pluralism says, “Equal footing and hearing” • Then Christianity should be given a fair and equal hearing without being called “exclusive” Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
Reasons for Absolutes • Presence of universal sentiments • Love & goodness (regardless of culture) • C. S. Lewis: universal desire for something is a good reason to believe the existence of that thing • “Choices” must be measured by some apriori truth • e.g. Mathematics 2+2 always = 4 Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
Emptiness of pluralism • Discourages critical thinking • Brainless in accepting everything blindly • “Tolerance is a virtue of a man without convictions” [G.K. Chesterton] • Cravings for an absolute moral Judge • When injustice comes upon you • Hunger of the heart • Epidemic of emptiness & loneliness Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
Incompatibility with religions • Many religions seem to say same things • “Be good to others” • But quite different in major doctrines • i.e. sin, nature of God, salvation • Law of Non-Contradiction: Two contradictory ideas cannot both be true Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
5) Uniqueness of Christ • Historical figure (not myth) • He claimed to be God • Gave real evidence and proof • Ultimate proof: Resurrection • “Show your cards” • Other religious leaders did not resurrect Jesus’ claims to truths are validated Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
Also, Jesus’ loving tolerance • Loved everyone the same • Tax collector, prostitute, leper • Distinguishes person from behavior • “Hates the sin but loves the sinner” • People have intrinsic worth & value because wonderfully made in image of God [Gen. 1 & Psalm 139] • e.g. people are to be valued, not false belief systems • Fills our need for love, justice, & truth Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
Eight Reasons Why It Matters What You Believe! Building common ground with those you are trying to reach! ( I Cor. 9:22) Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
What You Believe Will Affect How You Live! 1. What you believe will affect how you live! Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
Beliefs Have Consequences Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
Not All Religious Viewpoints Can Be Right! 1. What you believe will affect how you live! 2. Not all religious viewpoints can be right!Law of non-contradiction:“Two opposing views can not both be right” Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
Can All Religious Viewpoints Be Right? No! Someone has to be wrong! “Either Jesus is the Messiah or He isn't.” “If He isn't the Messiah, then the Christians are wrong. If He is the Messiah, then the Jews are wrong.” “So one way or another somebody's right and somebody's wrong! Everyone can't be right at the same time, can they?“ Greg Koukl, Christian Apologist Taken from: http://www.str.org Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
Objective Truth Does Exist! 1. What you believe will affect how you live! 2. Not all religious viewpoints can be right! 3. Objective Truth does exist! Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
Biblical Objective Truth The Bible teaches that truth does exists For example: John 14:6 Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 8:32 Jesus said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
Truth Is Not a Matter of Your Own Perspective For example: “Above all you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” 2 Pet. 1: 20-21 Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
A Truth Statement Matches Its Object “Satan is called a liar because his statement to Eve, “You will surely not die” in Gen. 3:4 did not correspond to what God really said, namely “you shall surely die (Gen. 2:17).” Dr. Norman Geisler Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
Truth is That Which Corresponds to Reality Jesus states in John 14:6 that he is the only way to God. This is a true statement because it corresponds to reality and was verified by His conquering death in His resurrection. Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
A right understanding of God (Truth) leads to a right relationship with God through Jesus Christ (Truth).Jesus=Truth=The Word of God=Understanding=Logos=Intelligence • This produces reverence for God • Wisdom begins with the fear(reverence) of God! • Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
Why is Truth so Important? “If truth and reasonableness are not uppermost in our presentation of the truth to a pagan culture, already predisposed to regarding religion as a set of private feelings, then we will constantly hear this response. Well that’s fine if having those feelings helps you.” Love God with all your Mind J.P. Moreland P. 30 Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
Truth is not based on feelings! • Truth is based on evidence • Evidence is logical and rational • Emotions are unreliable and often times wicked • Jer 17:9 "The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it? Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU
Truth is not based on feelings! • Truth is based on evidence • Evidence is logical and rational • Emotions are unreliable and often times wicked • Jer 17:9 "The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it? Strongs – heart - : “A form of H3824; the heart; also used (figuratively) very widely for the feelings” Pastor Brett Peterson, CCBCU.EDU