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An Integrated Suite of Human - Centered Aircraft Flight Instruments

An Integrated Suite of Human - Centered Aircraft Flight Instruments. An Integrated Suite of Human - Centered Aircraft Flight Instruments. Leonard A. Temme, Ph.D. Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory David L. Still, O.D., Ph.D. John Kolen, Ph.D.

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An Integrated Suite of Human - Centered Aircraft Flight Instruments

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Presentation Transcript

  1. An Integrated Suite ofHuman - Centered Aircraft Flight Instruments

  2. An Integrated Suite ofHuman - Centered Aircraft Flight Instruments Leonard A. Temme, Ph.D. Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory David L. Still, O.D., Ph.D. John Kolen, Ph.D. Institute for Human and Machine Cognition LCDR Michael Acromite, MC USN Training Air Wing SIX

  3. THE “DEEP” QUESTION Why does instrument flying require more training, experience, and currency than flying with external visual references?

  4. THE “DEEP” QUESTION Why does instrument flying require more training, experience, and currency than flying with external visual references? • The same aircraft • The same controls • The same pilot • The only difference is the information display

  5. Conventional Cockpit Instruments Scan the instruments Instruments with different units Time to understand Memorize aircraft parameters Each aircraft complex

  6. OZ GOAL Make instrument flight at least as easy, if not easier, than visual flight • OZ is a novel aircraft instrument display • A complete suite aircraft instruments

  7. OZ Wish List Keep Up with the airplane • Reduce/eliminate Scan Decrease Pilot Workload • No Memorization V speeds, Power Settings • Instantaneously Understandable Resistant to visual degradation • Loosing glasses • Loosing central vision - Laser hit

  8. OZ Wish List Add Capability • Picture-in-Picture • Consolidated Frame of Reference • Voiceless Link • Adaptation to change/emergency Facilitate learning flight dynamics and conventional instruments Decrease Spatial Disorientation / Inner Ear

  9. OZ Wish List Work with all aircraft types • Jet • Prop • Helo • Tilt rotor • RPV • Engineless gilder, single engine, multi-engine, etc. Total integration with • Avionics, weather, obstructions, air traffic

  10. Altitude Error with Light Turbulence (Medical Student – Easier to learn, Easier to Fly)

  11. Heading Error with Light Turbulence (Medical Student – Easier to learn, Easier to Fly)

  12. Altitude Error for Two Levels of Experience (Medical Student – Easier to learn, Easier to Fly)

  13. Heading Error for Two Levels of Experience (Medical Student – Easier to learn, Easier to Fly)

  14. Altitude Error With and Without an Auxiliary Task

  15. Heading Error With and Without an Auxiliary Task

  16. Altitude Error General Aviation Pilots

  17. Heading Error General Aviation Pilots

  18. Heading Error Masking Experiment - “Jedi” Medical Students

  19. The Experts! Military Instructor Pilots Training Wing 6 Pilot Volunteers

  20. CD 5-min Training

  21. Heading Air Speed Altitude Standard Deviation Standard Deviation Standard Deviation CD OZ CD OZ Pilot CD OZ 1.92 1.04 0.48 0.39 1 3.98 2.38 2.05 0.57 0.48 0.85 2 5.99 1.44 1.70 0.58 0.79 0.66 3 4.97 1.27 2.27 0.55 1.14 1.17 4 7.11 2.15 1.97 0.41 0.47 0.52 5 2.35 1.97 3.52 1.26 0.65 1.13 6 5.19 2.23 2.69 0.59 0.67 1.09 7 4.70 3.57 2.43 0.95 1.64 0.74 8 9.02 2.96 2.13 1.07 1.12 0.80 9 10.35 5.32 1.98 0.82 1.20 0.44 10 10.12 2.21 2.21 1.18 0.58 0.55 11 5.09 2.50 1.22 0.44 0.54 0.57 12 3.22 1.98 1.79 0.35 0.50 0.69 13 3.26 1.21 1.76 0.55 0.46 0.44 14 5.38 1.08 3.38 0.49 0.74 0.78 15 4.07 1.47 3.67 1.55 1.60 1.69 16 6.78 2.68 2.77 1.14 1.11 1.21 17 4.59 1.57 2.52 1.39 0.67 0.86 18 4.80 1.48 2.33 0.83 0.82 0.81 Mean 5.61 2.19 0.66 0.37 0.38 0.34 SD 2.28 1.02 2-sided matched-pair t-test probability 1.75E-09 0.863594 6.56E-07 significant significant not significant

  22. So What Does OZ Look Like& Why Does It Look That Way? OZ is based on Vision Science Cognitive Science Computer Science-Human Centered Computing Aerodynamics OZ Components Star Field Metaphor Air Craft Metaphor

  23. Starfield Metaphor Aircraft Location & Orientation • Mathematically rigorous map • Visually Compelling • Allows direct mapping of real objects • Runways / Targets • Other Aircraft • Weather • Photo-realistic High Resolution Inserts • Also Shows: Time, Heading, Altitude, Pitch, Bank, and Translation

  24. Starfield Metaphor

  25. Aircraft Metaphor Dynamically changes to reflect current aircraft configuration, speed, engine output, and thrust requirements. • Drag Curve • Design Points (Vs, Vx, Vy, & Vne) • Propulsion • Airspeed • Vertical Speed • Standard Rate Turn

  26. Aircraft Metaphor

  27. Aircraft Performance Curves

  28. Aircraft Metaphor

  29. Screen Capture of OZ

  30. An Integrated Suite ofHuman - Centered Aircraft Flight Instruments

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