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Timers. Lecture L4.4. Reference. TIM_16B8C Block User Guide. S12TIM16B8CV1.pdf. Timers. The 9S12C32 Programmable Timer Output Compares Pulse Train Using Interrupts Input Capture Measuring the Period of a Pulse Train Using Interrupts. PIM_9DP256 Block Diagram. Timer module.
Timers Lecture L4.4
Reference TIM_16B8C Block User Guide S12TIM16B8CV1.pdf
Timers • The 9S12C32 Programmable Timer • Output Compares • Pulse Train Using Interrupts • Input Capture • Measuring the Period of a Pulse Train Using Interrupts
PIM_9DP256 Block Diagram Timer module
Timer Counter Timer Count Register (TCNT)
Setting the timer count time Timer System Control Register 2 (TSCR2)
Timers • The 9S12DP256 Programmable Timer • Output Compares • Pulse Train Using Interrupts • Input Capture • Measuring the Period of a Pulse Train Using Interrupts
Timer Input Capture/Output Compare Registers 0-7 Main Timer Interrupt Flag 1 (TFLG1)
; Delay using Output Compares TIOS EQU $0040 ; Timer Inp Cap.\Out Comp. Sel TCNT EQU $0044 ; Timer Counter Register TSCR1 EQU $0046 ; Timer System Control Reg 1 TSCR2 EQU $004D ; Timer System Control Reg 2 TFLG1 EQU $004E ; Timer Interrupt Flag Reg 1 TC6 EQU $005C ; Timer Output Compare Reg 6 OUTA EQU $FF4F ORG $4000 main jsr timer_init ldb #10 mn1 tba jsr hexasc jsr outa bsr second_delay decb bne mn1 swi
timer_init ldaa #$40 staa tios ;select output compare 6 ldaa #$02 staa tscr2 ;div by 4: 2 MHz timer clock ldaa #$80 staa tscr1 ;enable timer ldd tcnt std tc6 ;tc6 = current count rts
ms25_delay ;25 msec delay pshd ;save D ldd tc6 addd #50000 ;add 50000 to prev count std tc6 ldaa #$40 staa tflg1 ;clear outpt comp 6 flag msd1 ldaa tflg1 anda #$40 ;wait for timeout beq msd1 puld ;restore D rts second_delay ;delay 1 second pshb ;save B ldab #40 ;40x25ms = 1000ms sd1 bsr ms25_delay ;delay 25 ms decb ; 40 times bne sd1 pulb rts
; Pulse train using output compares 7 and 6 TIOS equ $0040 ; Timer Input Cap.;Output Comp. Select OC7M equ $0042 ; Output Compare 7 Mask Register OC7D equ $0043 ; Output Compare 7 Data Register TCNT equ $0044 ; Timer Counter Register TSCR1 equ $0046 ; Timer System Control Register 1 TCTL1 equ $0048 ; Timer Control Register 1 TSCR2 equ $004D ; Timer System Control Register 2 TFLG1 equ $004E ; Timer Interrupt Flag Register 1 TC6 equ $005C ; Timer Output Compare Register 6 TC7 equ $005E ; Timer Output Compare Register 7 ORG $800 p_width dw 6625 period dw 17500
tinit ldaa #$c0 staa TIOS ; select output compares 6 & 7 ldaa #$02 staa TSCR2 ; div by 4: 2 MHz timer clock ldaa #$80 staa TSCR1 ; enable timer ldaa TCNT staa TC6 staa TC7 ; init cnt in TC6 & TC7 ldaa #$40 staa OC7M ; pulse train out PT6 clr OC7D ; PT6 goes low on TC7 match ldaa #$30 staa TCTL1 ; set PT6 high on TC6 match rts
ORG $4000 pulse bsr tinit ;initialize timer pl1 ldaa #$c0 staa tflg1 ;clear output flags 6 and 7 ldd tc7 addd period std tc7 ;TC7new = TC7old + PERIOD addd p_width std tc6 ;TC6 = TC7new + P_WIDTH pl2 ldaa tflg1 ;wait for PT6 to go low on anda #$40 ; TC7 match and then high on beq pl2 ; TC6 match bra pl1
Timers • The 9S12DP256 Programmable Timer • Output Compares • Pulse Train Using Interrupts • Input Capture • Measuring the Period of a Pulse Train Using Interrupts
; Pulse train using output compares 7 and 6 TIOS equ $0040 ; Timer Input Cap.;Output Comp. Select OC7M equ $0042 ; Output Compare 7 Mask Register OC7D equ $0043 ; Output Compare 7 Data Register TCNT equ $0044 ; Timer Counter Register TSCR1 equ $0046 ; Timer System Control Register 1 TCTL1 equ $0048 ; Timer Control Register 1 TIE equ $004C ; Timer Interrupt Enable Register 1 TSCR2 equ $004D ; Timer System Control Register 2 TFLG1 equ $004E ; Timer Interrupt Flag Register 1 TC6 equ $005C ; Timer Output Compare Register 6 TC7 equ $005E ; Timer Output Compare Register 7 TC6_IVEC equ $0FE4 ; Timer Channel 6 interrupt vector ORG $800 p_width dw 6625 period dw 17500 ORG $4000 pulsei bsr tinit ;initialize timer pl1 bra pl1
tinit sei ; disable interrupts ldaa #$c0 staa TIOS ; select output compares 6 & 7 ldaa #$02 staa TSCR2 ; div by 4: 2 MHz timer clock ldaa #$80 staa TSCR1 ; enable timer ldaa TCNT staa TC6 staa TC7 ; init cnt in TC6 & TC7 ldaa #$40 staa OC7M ; pulse train out PT6 clr OC7D ; PT6 goes low on TC7 match ldaa #$30 staa TCTL1 ; set PT6 high on TC6 match ldd #tc6_intser std TC6_IVEC ; save int vector ldaa #$40 staa TIE ; enable TC6 interrupts cli ; enable interrupts rts
tc6_intser ldd tc7 addd period std tc7 ;TC7new = TC7old + PERIOD addd p_width std tc6 ;TC6 = TC7new + P_WIDTH ldaa #$c0 staa tflg1 ;clear output flags 6 and 7 rti
Timers • The 9S12DP256 Programmable Timer • Output Compares • Pulse Train Using Interrupts • Input Capture • Measuring the Period of a Pulse Train Using Interrupts
pwidth.asm ; Use input capture to measure width of single pulse. ; Polling mode -- no interrupts ; Use TC2 -- signal on PT2 TIOS equ $0040 ; Timer Input Cap.;Output Comp. Select TCNT equ $0044 ; Timer Counter Register TSCR1 equ $0046 ; Timer System Control Register 1 TCTL4 equ $004B ; Timer Control Register 4 TIE equ $004C ; Timer Interrupt Enable Register 1 TSCR2 equ $004D ; Timer System Control Register 2 TFLG1 equ $004E ; Timer Interrupt Flag Register 1 TC2 equ $0054 ; Timer Input Capture Register 6 org $800 pwidth dw 0
pwidth.asm (cont.) org $4000 main bsr tic_init ;initialize timer bsr pulse_width ;measure single pulse width swi tic_init clr tios ; select all input captures clr tscr2 ; div by 1: 8 MHz timer clock ldaa #$80 staa tscr1 ; enable timer rts
pwidth.asm (cont.) pulse_width ldaa #$10 staa tctl4 ;capture on rising edge ldaa #$04 staa tflg1 ;clear C2F flag pw1 ldaa tflg1 anda #$40 ;wait for rising edge beq pw1 ldd tc2 ;read t1 std 2,-sp ;save t1 ldaa #$04 staa tflg1 ;clear C2F flag ldaa #$20 staa tctl4 ;capture on falling edge pw2 ldaa tflg1 anda #$40 ;wait for falling edge beq pw2 ldd tc2 ;read t2 ldaa #$04 staa tflg1 ;clear C2F flag subd 2,sp+ ;d = t2 - t1 std pwidth ;save pwidth rts
Timers • The 9S12DP256 Programmable Timer • Output Compares • Pulse Train Using Interrupts • Input Capture • Measuring the Period of a Pulse Train Using Interrupts
; Measuring the period of a pulse train. ; Use interrupts ; Use TC1 -- signal on PT1 TIOS equ $0040 ; Timer Input Cap.;Output Comp. Select TCNT equ $0044 ; Timer Counter Register TSCR1 equ $0046 ; Timer System Control Register 1 TCTL4 equ $004B ; Timer Control Register 4 TIE equ $004C ; Timer Interrupt Enable Register 1 TSCR2 equ $004D ; Timer System Control Register 2 TFLG1 equ $004E ; Timer Interrupt Flag Register 1 TFLG2 equ $004F ; Timer Interrupt Flag Register 2 TC1 equ $0054 ; Timer Input Capture Register 1 TC1_IVEC equ $0FEE ; Timer Channel 1 interrupt vector TOF_IVEC equ $0FE0 ; Timer overflow flag interrupt vector Out1byt equ $FF52 ; display hex value of byte at X org $800 ovcnt dw 0 ovcnt_old dw 0 tic1_old dw 0 dperiod rmb 4
init_ic sei clr tios ; select input capture 1 clr tscr2 ; div by 1: 8 MHz timer clock ldaa #$80 staa tscr1 ; enable timer ldaa #$40 staa tctl4 ; rising edge of TC1 ldaa #$02 staa tflg1 ; clear any old flags ldaa #$80 staa tflg2 staa tscr2 ; enable TOI interrupt ldaa #$20 staa tie ; enable TC1 interrupt ldd #tc1_intser std TC1_IVEC ; save int vector ldd #tof_intser std TOF_IVEC ; save int vector cli rts
tof_intser ldd ovcnt addd #1 std ovcnt ;inc ovcnt ldaa #$80 staa tflg2 ;clear TOF rti ovcnt TC1 ovcnt_old tic1_old
tc1_intser ldd tc1 ;get new inp capture std 2,-sp ;push it ldd ovcnt ;get new ovcnt std 2,-sp ;push it ldd tic1_old ;get old inp capture std 2,-sp ;push it ldd ovcnt_old ;get old ovcnt std 2,-sp ;push it ldd 6,sp ;get new inp capture std tic1_old ;store it in tic1_old ldd 4,sp ;get new ovcnt std ovcnt_old ;store it in ovcnt_old tsx ;x = sp bsr dminus ;x -> ddiff ldd 0,x std dperiod ;store dperiod ldd 2,x std dperiod+2 ldaa #$02 staa tflg1 ;clear C1F flag rti
Subtracting Double Numbers ovcnt tc1 ovcnt_old tic1_old
org $4000 main bsr init_ic ;initialize timer mn0 ldx #dperiod ldab #4 mn1 jsr out1byt ;output dperiod decb ; to screen bne mn1 ldy #30 jsr ms_delay bra mn0 ; continuously