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What Makes People Happy? Part 2. Money does NOT guarantee Happiness!. We only need $30-50,000 a year, ~2,000,000 won a month. More money doesn’t make us happy says Jean Chatsky, Money Magazine columnist. WHAT BRINGS US HAPPINESS?. BEING THANKFUL
We only need $30-50,000 a year, ~2,000,000 won a month. More money doesn’t make us happy says Jean Chatsky, Money Magazine columnist
WHAT BRINGS US HAPPINESS? • BEING THANKFUL • a) write down what you are thankful forb) Think of 3 blessings a dayc) Write a thank you letter to someone who helped you.
WHAT BRINGS US HAPPINESS? • BEING THANKFUL • Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
WHAT BRINGS US HAPPINESS? • BEING THANKFUL • “어떤 처지에 있든 감사하는 마음을 잊지 마십시오. 이것은 하나님께서 그리스도 예수를 믿는 여러분에게 바라시는 뜻입니다.” • 데살로니가전서 5:18
WHAT DOES BRING HAPPINESS? 2) BE KIND --visit a nursing home --help a friend with homework --write a letter to a grandparent--encourage someone --do some volunteer work
WHAT BRINGS US HAPPINESS? 2) BE KIND “Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32
WHAT BRINGS US HAPPINESS? 2) BE KIND “친절하고 부드러운 마음을 가지십시오. 여러분이 그리스도의 사람들이라는 이유만으로 하나님께서 여러분을 용서한 것같이 여러분도 서로 용서하십시오.” 에베소서 4:32
WHAT BRINGS US HAPPINESS? 3) GOOD RELATIONSHIPS Many principles in the Bible help relationships to improve, honesty, forgiveness, helpfulness, humility, unselfishness and more.
WHAT BRINGS US HAPPINESS? 4) SERVE OTHERS Identify your strengths, talents and skills. You can find some at: reflectivehappiness.com). For example: generosity, humor, inventing, organization, research, encouraging, leadership, etc. Use your talents to serve others and improve the lives of those around you.
WHAT BRINGS US HAPPINESS? 4) SERVE OTHERS “There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.”Acts 20:35 “주는 것이 받는 것보다 복이 있다'고 하신 주님의 말씀이 내 머리에서 떠나지 않았기 때문입니다.” Acts 20:35
WHAT BRINGS US HAPPINESS? 4) SERVE OTHERS “주는 것이 받는 것보다 복이 있다'고 하신 주님의 말씀이 내 머리에서 떠나지 않았기 때문입니다.” Acts 20:35
WHAT BRINGS US HAPPINESS? 5) FAITH IN GOD 75% of people who go to church are happy. 54% of people who don’t go to church are happy. It’s similar with reading the Bible. Faith in God brings much more happiness to people happy!
SINGAPORE Very strict Censored press Not a democracy Many rules DENMARKVery free Free press Democracy Few rules
WHY ARE DENMARK& SINGAPORE VERY HAPPY?? • They are thankful. • They are kind. • They focus on relationships. • They emphasize service. • They are quite religious.
What Makes People Happy?6) Security If you are not worried about food, education, a house, medical care, etc. this increases happiness.But, there is no real security in any country.
German Nazis Invaded Denmark Because of war, IMF, natural disasters, etc. there is no real/permanent security on earth.
Real Security is in Heaven Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.” Jesus, Matthew 6:19-21
Real Security is in Heaven 이 땅위에 재물을 쌓아두지 말라. 땅에서는 좀이 먹어 없어지거나 도둑을 맞기 쉽다. 그러므로 그것들을 하늘에 쌓아 두라. 거기서는 그 가치를 잃어버리는 일도 없고 도둑이 들어와 훔쳐 갈 염려도 없다. 너희의 재물이 있는 곳에 너희의 마음도 있다Jesus, Matthew 6:19-21
What Makes People Happy?7) Equal Opportunity All students in Denmark can go to school, even university for free. Everyone has free education. It’s not really “free”. Taxes are 50-63%. But, this gives everyone equal opportunities.
JUBILEE: Equal ownership of land Each tribe and family had land of similar value.This could never be sold.So, every generation had land, no matter what their parents had done.
What Makes People Happy?8) Reasonable Expectations If your happiness depends on high success (perfect grades, perfect husband/wife, expensive car, big house, respected job, lots of money), life is very stressful.
What Makes People Happy?8) Reasonable Expectations I have learned to be satisfied with whatever I have. I know what it is to be poor or to have plenty, and I have lived under all kinds of conditions. I know what it means to be full or to be hungry, to have too much or too little. Christ gives me the strength to face anything. Phil. 4:11-13
What Makes People Happy?8) Reasonable Expectations 나는 가진 것이 많든 적든 즐겁게 살아가는 법을 배웠습니다. 가난을 이겨낼 줄도 알고 부유를 누릴 줄도 압니다. 배가 부르거나 배고프거나, 넉넉하거나 궁핍하거나 어떤 경우에도 만족하는 법을 몸에 익혔습니다. 내게 힘을 주고 강하게 하시는 그리스도의 도움으로 나는 하나님께서 원하는 것을 다할 수 있습니다. 빌립보서 4:11-13
What Makes People Happy?8) Reasonable Expectations Everyone feels sad sometimes. Everyone feels stress. Everyone gets sick, has disasters, disappointments. Don’t expect life to be utopia. Be thankful for the good things you do have.
What Makes People Happy?9) Status doesn’t make us happy.Simplify your life! Researchers for the World Values Survey say:Some people are always wanting new things, new car, new clothes, new phones, etc. But, this desire for more and more things actually REDUCES happiness. So, simplify your life. Reduce your spending. Focus more on relationships.
What Makes People Happy?10) Good health Best ways to be healthy --exercise 2-3 hours a week, --sleep 7-8 hours a night, --don’t smoke, --avoid alcohol, --avoid milk, --be vegetarian --attend church (adds 3-7 years to life.
What Makes People Happy?11) Having a Purpose in life. If you know your purpose in life, it greatly increases your happiness.
What Makes People Happy? 11) Having a Purpose in life. God’s Purpose for Christians: 1) Tell people about Jesus.
What Makes People Happy? 11) Having a Purpose in life. God’s Purpose for Christians: 2) Helping people to have happiness, good relationships and good health. SDAs live longer than any other group in America!!
What Makes People Happy? 11) Having a Purpose in life. God’s Purpose for Christians: 3) Telling people about Jesus desire to meet them on Sabbath, Saturday.
What Makes People Happy? 11) Having a Purpose in life. God’s Purpose for Christians: 4) Telling people about Jesus 2nd coming.
What Makes People Happy? 11) Having a Purpose in life. God’s Purpose for Christians: 5) Teaching people about Truths and prophecies in the Bible.
What Makes People Happy? 11) Having a Purpose in life. Working for human goals will not bring happiness and it will last only a short time. Working for God’s goals will last FOREVER!
What Makes People Happy?12) Sanctification, submitting to others If we love someone, we will do what they ask us to do. Sanctification is doing what Jesus asks us to do. We pray and with God’s help, we live holy lives and get rid of sin.
What Makes People Happy?12) Sanctification, submitting to others If we love someone, we will do what they ask us to do. Submitting is doing things that other people ask us to do cheerfully.
What Makes People Happy?12) Sanctification, submitting to others ”Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.” Romans 12:9-10
What Makes People Happy?12) Sanctification, submitting to others ” 여러분은 겉치레로 남을 사랑하지 말고 진심으로 사랑하십시오. 형제를 사랑하듯 서로 사랑하며 마음으로 존경하십시오.” 로마서 12:9-10
What Makes People Happy?12) Sanctification, submitting to others • Do your best to help others and look for ways to make them happy.
SERVE OTHERS 우리의 운명이 앞으로 어떻게 전개될지 나는 모른다. 그러나 하나는 안다. 앞으로 진정하게 행복한 삶을 살아갈 사람들은 남에게 봉사하는 방법을 발견하고 찾는 사람들이다. 알버트 슈바이처(1875~1965) : 독일 선교사, 의사, 음악가, 신학자
YOUR CHOICE “Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live! You can make this choice by loving the Lord your God, obeying him, and committing yourself firmly to him. This is the key to your life.” God, in Deut. 30:19-20
YOUR CHOICE “”나는 오늘 하늘과 땅을 증인으로 세우고 여러분에게 묻습니다. 생명을 택하고 복을 받으시겠습니까? 죽음을 택하고 저주를 받으시겠습니까? 부디 여러분은 생명을 택하여 후손들과 더불어 오래오래 사십시오.” God, in Deut. 30:19-20
YOUR CHOICE “”오직 여러분의 하나님 여호와를 사랑하고 그분의 음성을 듣고 순종하며 그분에게만 매달려서 떨어지지 마십시오. 그러면 여호와께서 여러분의 조상 아브라함과 이삭과 야곱에게 주겠다고 맹세하면서 약속하신 땅에서 여러분이 오래오래 살 것입니다. 여러분의 생명과장수가 모두 여호와께 달려 있습니다.” God, in Deut. 30:19-20
Solomon, Schweitzer, Florence Nightingale, professor Seligma, Shahar, and millions of others say God’s way of happiness really works!!