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Question 1 There are two different managers; one follows the scientific approach to management and the other follows the human relations approach.
Question 1 There are two different managers; one follows the scientific approach to management and the other follows the human relations approach. Discuss the management principles of each approach and explain how these two managers manage and motivate their staff according to the approach they follow. (100/2 marks)
Question 1 A good answer should include the following: A brief explanation of the two approaches to management: The scientific approach emphasises efficiency through division of work and responsibility. Each worker is only responsible for one simple task and complex tasks require the cooperation between several workers. This approach does not pay enough attention to the need of workers or the importance of team. It often results low morale and poor worker manager relationship. On the other hand, human relations approach recognises the importance of human factors, especially the importance of teams. Scientific approach management focuses on performance monitoring and control. Human relations approach focuses on personal development, team building and other effective leadership practices. Scientific approach motivates staff mainly through extrinsic motivation, such as financial incentives for good performance and over time payment. Human relations approach may adopt a variety of intrinsic motivation, such as praises and honours. Student may also mention that there are strengths and limitations for both of these approaches. An effective manager should be able to choose the right approach depending on the context, including the nature of task and characteristics of staff.
Question 2 Some organisations now rely on pre-employment personality test, as the most effective method to measure applicants’ ‘fit’, or ‘match’, for a position they apply for. What is the theoretical basis for such a test and do you think its use in this way is a good idea? (100/2 marks)
Question 2 A good answer should include the following: Personality describes the stable characteristics which explain why a person behaves in a particular way. These characteristics often include independence; conscientiousness; agreeableness; self-control. Nomothetic approach of personality study considers personality traits as stable and inherited. Many personality tests follow this approach. Ideographic approach emphasises the uniqueness of individual’s personality. Despite of the different approaches, there is a consensus on the link between personality and a person’s behaviour, and hence his/her performance in jobs. The use of pre-employment personality test is based on this principle. Student may show more in-depth understanding on the issue of personality and job performance gained from broader readings. Many studies show that conscientiousness is the best predictor for most jobs; while other traits, such as extraversion and emotional stability are more applicable for managerial jobs. The link between personality and performance is only at a modest level. Personality test can be used as a supplement to other selection tools, such as formal interview. It should not become a deciding method.
Question 3 Compare and contrast Authoritarian and Democratic leadership styles. Explain the situations that each of them might be more suited for. (100/2 marks)
Question 3 A good answer should include the following: Explain leadership style is one way to investigate the way a leader/managerbehaves toward subordinate staff. Authoritarian and Democratic are two different and opposing styles. Their main differences can be compared from several perspectives: focus of power, decision making process, and leader/subordinate interaction. The authoritarian style is where the focus of power is with the leader. The leader is at the centre of all decision making. The leader alone exercises authority for determining policy, procedures for achieving goals, work tasks and relationships, control of rewards or punishments. Subordinates do not contribute to the process of decision making. Instead, they are told once the decision is made. The interaction between the leader and subordinate is often one way. The democratic style is where the focus of power is more with the group as a whole. The group members have a greater say in decision-making, determination of policy, implementation of systems and procedures. There is greater two-way interaction within the group. Using authoritarian style, decisions can be made quicker. It is more appropriate in case of emergency when decisive actions are required. This style may also be more suitable when the subordinates are not experienced or confident to make useful contributions to decision making. Using democratic style, decisions are made through wide participation. Subordinates often feel being value and more motivated when carry out implementation of the decision. It is more appropriate when there is less time pressure and the quality of the decision is more important.
Hnin Yi Aung Answer to 2nd question missing. Only answered Question 1 - halfway Soe Moe Aung Naing Ann Do Need to expand your answers and discuss, not just point form. Answer to 2nd question missing NyiNyi More discussion required for question 1 answer Zack Pham Answer to 2nd question missing KyawNaingSoe Answer to 2nd question missing JesnVarg Answer to 2nd question missing. Handwriting is very difficult to understand HtunHtun Win Discuss and compare not just point form • Answer ALL Questions required • Discuss = Pro’s & Con’s • Add your own practical experience • Add diagrams • Make Chapters (thoughts) clear