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Advancing Sustainable Development and Governance in Canada: Integrating the 2030 Agenda

Explore the integration of the 2030 Agenda into Canadian programming post-2015 election, focusing on sustainable development, governance, and capacity-building initiatives. Learn how FCM aligns its programs with SDGs to empower local governments and address key societal challenges effectively.

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Advancing Sustainable Development and Governance in Canada: Integrating the 2030 Agenda

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  1. UCLG’s Capacity and Institution Building Annual Meeting Integration of the 2030 Agenda in programming of CIB members Tim Kehoe May 19, 2016

  2. New Political Context in Canada • In October 2015, Canadians elected a new majority Liberal government; platform highly focused on municipal issues: e.g. infrastructure ($60b/10 years), affordable housing, transit. • The Trudeau government has signaled several international priorities: • Restore Canada’s leadership role as a middle power contributing to a more sustainable, prosperous, and peaceful world – i.e. through confronting climate change, fighting terrorism and radicalization, and promoting sustainable economic growth and trade • Champion the values of inclusive and accountable governance, peaceful pluralism, respect for diversity, and human rights including the rights of women and refugees • Support the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

  3. New Political Context in Canada Two early developments: • (1) The Minister of International Cooperation has launched consultations to create a new policy and funding framework to guide Canada’s aid decisions; SDGs will feature prominently. • (2) The government’s acceptance and promotion of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as “the” metric for Canada’s international assistance. • Meeting the SDGs will drive the international assistance envelope and future budget decisions. • The focus in the coming years will be on the poorest/most vulnerable, fragile states, and the 2030 agenda • Health and Rights of Women and Children is getting the most attention from Minister of International Development.

  4. FCM assessment of programming portfolio through SDG lens • FCM reviewed the performance measurement frameworks (PMFs) of 3 of its active programs to assess alignment or divergence with the SDGs: CISAL (Peru/Colombia), PLEDGG (Ukraine), and CARILED (Caribbean) • Despite each project having a distinct mandate and ultimate outcome, all projects have common outcomes and indicators addressing SDG targets • integrated gender and environmental strategy, • facilitating integrated economic and social development • strengthened governance through decentralization and local partnerships

  5. SDGs reflected in FCM programs • SDG 1: ending poverty is an ultimate outcome of our programming funded by Canadian Government and ties into SDG 8 (LED) • SDG 5: all programs have a gender strategy and focused work on increasing women’s political and economic participation • SDG 8: local and regional economic development is a preeminent pillar of our programming • SDG 11/16 (good governance): partnerships with LGAs to improve governance, development planning, environmental management • SDG 17: improved municipal revenue collection; global network partnerships (e.g. CIB, GPEDC, UCLG, etc.)

  6. CISAL Program “The goal of CISAL is to strengthen the capacity of local governments in Colombia and Peru to leverage the presence of mining development in order to achieve long-term benefits for their communities. The program aims to increase the local government’s ability to effectively manage resources, to improve dialogue and transparency, and to promote sustainable local economic development. Finally, this program will support the establishment of learning and the sharing of best municipal practices across mining regions not only within our countries of focus including Canada but across the Americas.” • Links to SDGs: • SDG 8: sustainable economic growth - extractive sector; • SDG 5 & 10: reducing gender inequality/poverty; • SDG 9, 11, 16: building governance capacity/ local infrastructure; • SDG 17: promote effective partnerships (LG, CSOs, private sector) and sharing in region

  7. CARILED Program “The goal of the Caribbean Local Economic Development Project (CARILED) is to contribute to increased sustainable local economic growth benefiting men and women in the Caribbean region…the project works with national partners to improve policies, programs and knowledge sharing about LED at local, national and regional levels.” • Operates within 7 countries to support institutional strengthening activities and pilot LED initiatives in 23 “demonstration sites”. • Links to SDGs: • SDG 5: support to female-led enterprises; • SDG 8: sustainable economic growth; supporting MSME’s (Micro, Small, and Medium-scale Enterprises); • SDG 17: partnerships at community (CSOs, private sector, government), inter-municipal, national and regional levels

  8. PLEDDG Program “PLEDDG aims to strengthen Ukraine’s municipal sector by increasing capacities in sixteen (16) cities to advance local democracy and economic development, by creating a more enabling local environment for entrepreneurship and local economic development (LED), and by facilitating decentralization of authorities and integrated development planning at the local, regional and national levels. It will emphasize gender equality through support for increased women’s political and economic participation and promote a green municipal environment. The program will also promote trade and investment between Canada and Ukraine and contribute to Canada-Poland coordinated engagement with Ukraine.” • Links to SDGs: • SDG 8: sustainable economic growth (SDG 8); • SDG 5 & 10: reducing gender inequality/poverty; • SDG 9, 11, 16: support for decentralization; building governance capacity

  9. New Program Development Changes to our program development methodology: Proposals: each proposal identifies which SDGs the project is contributing to at a high level. Alignment of indications with SDGs: once the proposal is approved, indicators in the final performance measurement framework (PMF) will be aligned with those in the SDGs. Emerging themes: climate change, infrastructure asset management, disaster response and migration…SDGs 6 (water & sanitation), 7 (green energy), 9 (resilient infrastructure) , 10 (reduced inequality). Coherence: we will identify a few indicators that can be applied to all our programs and feed into national reports. n.

  10. Next Steps

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