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Lecture #10. Switchgear Device Breaker Switch LA Relay. GCB( Gas Circuit Breaker).
Lecture #10 Switchgear Device Breaker Switch LA Relay
GCB 是由各個具單獨氣室的獨力電極組裝而成。在現行使用中一般斷路器,氣體壓力約為2巴(BAR)(絕對氣壓3巴)上下,由於瓦斯的絕緣特性以及具有高度安全性的電極,即使氣體壓力降至1巴,斷路器的阻斷性質仍能維持;因之常使操作者疏於檢查造成危險,因為當每次啟閉發生火花時,絕緣用瓦斯會進行某些化學分解作用,使得某些有毒物質將以白色粉塵的型態留滯在氣室底部,並消耗瓦斯存量。當瓦斯低於標準時(視各廠牌而異),其絕緣效能將大打折扣,電極磨耗亦大大提高,故其保養檢查實不容輕忽;瓦斯填充、電極檢查須定期進行。在保養拆除電極時,移動電極中的部位需特別留意。而此部份的保養及維修必需由專門人員進行。(維修必需依照各廠牌之瓦斯斷路器使用者安全指導說明;或具經驗之合格技師為之。) 大致而言,斷路器包含兩大部份:電極與機械裝置。 電極包含了接觸及火花熄滅裝置,機械裝置部份的主要 功能則是能夠在極短的時間內,極為迅速的開啟或關閉電極的接觸裝置(最慢於千分之五秒內)這種開啟及關閉的過程是由內部的補助電動機及驅動槓桿促使彈簧伸縮而達成。在這個系統內閉合彈簧是原來連接槓桿者,若按下"CLOSE"鍵則接觸裝置將閉合,而開啟彈簧則變成連接槓桿者,所以斷路器即處於開啟的準備狀態。一般斷路器的機械操作循環為(開啟-3分鐘-關閉/開啟)或(開啟-0.3秒-關閉/開啟)。 第二種操作循環是只有當斷路器裝置了復閉電驛時才有效。在以上兩種情況下,閉合操作完成後,閉合彈簧仍將接於驅動槓桿或驅動馬達上(若有安裝於此馬達),所以斷路氣將處於開啟及再閉合的準備狀態(儲能中)。
The principle of operation is similar to the air blast breakers, except that the SF6 gas is not discharged into the atmosphere. A closed circuit completely sealed and self-contained construction is used. The equipment consists of a compressor, a storage container, a blast valve that admits gas to the interrupting chamber, and a filter through which the exhaust gas is returned to the compressor. This is called the double pressure breaker design. 230 kV, 15 GVA, SF6 Double Pressure Breaker
All three phases are installed in the same tank. The tank is made of steel and is grounded. This type of breaker arrangement is called the dead tank construction. The moving contact of each phase of the circuit breaker is mounted on a lift rod of insulating material. There are two breaks per phase during the breaker opening. The arc control pots are fitted over the fixed contacts. Resistors parallel to the breaker contacts may be installed alongside the arc control pots. It is customary and convenient for this type of breakers to mount current transformers in the breaker bushings. Figure 12 Dead Tank Oil Circuit Breaker 1 bushing 6 plunger guide 2 oil level indicator 7 arc control device 3 vent 8 resistor 4 current transformer 9 plunger bar 5 dashpot
Vacuum circuit breakers are used mostly for low and medium voltages. Vacuum interrupting heads were developed for up to 36 kV per break. For higher voltages, the interrupters are connected in series. The interrupting chambers of vacuum breakers are made of porcelain and are sealed. They cannot be open for maintenance. The contact life is expected to be about 20 years, provided the vacuum is maintained. Because of the high dielectric strength of vacuum, the interrupters are small. The gap between the contacts is about 1 cm for 15 kV interrupters, 2 mm for 3 kV interrupters.
The induction disk unit operates on the same principle as induction motor. The metal disk is mounted on a shaft that can freely rotate. The current coils are fixed. They create magnetic field that induces eddy currents in the metal disk. The magnetic field of the eddy currents interacts with the magnetic field of the stationary coils and produce torque on the disk. The disk and its shaft rotate and bring the moving contact towards the fixed contact into a closed position. The motion of the shaft is opposed by a spring that returns the disk and the moving contact into the open position when the current drops below a preset value. The time to close the contact depends on the contact travel distance which is set by a time dial. The pick-up current is adjustable by selecting current taps on the current coil. The relays are normally available with three ranges of current taps: 0.5 to 2.0 A, 1.5 to 6.0 A, and 4 to 16 A. The time dial has usually positions marked from 0 to 10, where for 0 setting the contact is permanently closed.
Electromechanical relays Voltage from a potential transformer is applied to the lower pole and induced into the upper poles. The upper poles induce eddy currents in the disc. The torque is produced by the interaction of the eddy currents and flux from the lower pole. Voltage settings are adjusted by voltage coil taps. The time settings are adjusted by time dial that adjusts the travel distance of the moving contact. The moving contact rotates in the horizontal plane. The return torque is provided by the spring acting on the shaft.
87B High Impedance Bus Differential Relay 87G Generator Differential Relay 87T Transformer Differential Relay
符號 名 稱 AL 輔助負載 輔助比流器 ACT AT 輔助變壓器 APT 輔助比壓器 B 斷路器 AVR 自動電壓調整器 DT 配電變壓器 DS 配電系統 Ef 激磁機電壓 Ea 發電機感應電壓 F 磁場或故障點 Ex 激磁機 FS 磁場開關 F3 三次諧波濾波器 GR 接地電阻器 G,g 發電機
2 21 阻抗 (距離) 電驛 延時電驛 60 電壓平衡電驛 27 低電壓電驛 24 伏特 / 赫磁電驛 32 59T 三次諧波過電壓接地電驛 62 可調式延時電驛 40 失磁電驛 逆電力電驛 41 64F 磁場接地電驛 61 電流平衡電驛 41POS 磁場開關之閉鎖位置 磁場開關 71 變壓器油(氣)平面指示開關 46 63 變壓器壓力電驛 49 定子溫度電驛 78 失步電驛 67 方向性過電流電驛 37/51 過電流電驛 互相序電驛 86 輔助電驛 74 自動復歸電驛 51V 電壓控制過電流電驛 50 瞬時過電流電驛 89 空氣開關 81O/U 頻率電驛 94 高速跳脫電驛 59 過電壓電驛 51N 過電流接地電驛 87 差動電驛 59D 三次諧波電壓差動電驛 52 斷路器 59C 瞬時過電壓監視電驛 59N 過電壓接地電驛
Bus Protective Features ‧ Over/Under Voltage (59, 27) ‧Over/Under Frequency (81O, 81U) ‧Directional (Forward/Reverse) Power (32) * ‧Negative Sequence Phase Overcurrent (46) ‧Negative Sequence Phase Overvoltage (47) ‧Phase Overcurrent (51) * ‧Voltage Restrained Phase Overcurrent (51V)* ‧Directional VAR ‧Phase Current Imbalance (46) * Utility Protective Features ‧Over/Under Voltage (59, 27) ‧Over/Under Frequency (81O, 81U) ‧Directional (Import/Export) Power (32) * ‧Negative Sequence Phase Overcurrent (46) ‧Negative Sequence Phase Overvoltage (47) ‧Phase Overcurrent (51) * ‧Voltage Restrained Phase Overcurrent (51V) * ‧Directional VAR ‧Phase Current Imbalance (46) * ‧Loss of Mains/Loss of Mains with Alarm ‧Load Surge (islanding protection) Trip EGCP-3 MC Multi-unit Mains Controller Generator System Control Package delay