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Statewide Basic Requirements for Stormwater. New Development, Redevelopment, and Existing Development. Stormwater quality issues related to new development, redevelopment, and existing development at the Public Complex are to be put into effect through Statewide
New Development, Redevelopment, and Existing Development • Stormwater quality issues related to new development, redevelopment, and existing development at the Public Complex are to be put into effect through Statewide Basic Requirements (SBR’s). • The permit specifies the Best Management Practices (BMP’s) that will be implemented for those SBR’s. • The SBR’s and related BMP’s are in the Public Complex’s Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP). Photo:Http://coop.co.pinellas.fl.us /Rentpond.htm
Public Notice • Follow State and local public notice requirements when public participation is provided in the development and start of the Public Complex’s stormwater program. • Annually certify that State and local public requirements were followed. Photo: www.preinnewhof.com/ services/stormwater.html
Post-Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment • Develop a program to address stormwater runoff from development projects that disturb one acre or more, and projects less then one acre that are part of a larger development. • Certify annually that we are actively enforcing a program to address stormwater runoff from development projects with minimum standards. • Upon the effective date of permit authorization, Stockton will adopt applicable designs for major development.
Local Public Education • Describe how employees will be informed and will include an educational event and establish a storm drain inlet labeling program and label all storm drain inlets. • Annual statement that the minimum standard has been met and date/description of the annual event. Continue program of labeling drain inlets and identify the number of inlets labeled yearly. • Must be implemented within 12 months. Both Photos: www.msd. st-louis.mo.us/../Drain Stenciling
Improper Disposal of Waste • Adopt and enforce a mechanism to control litter, prohibit improper spilling, dumping, or disposal of materials into stormwater, stop the feeding of wildlife, and develop a vegetative waste collection and disposal program. • Annually certify that we have met the minimum standard for Litter Control, Improper Waste Disposal Control, Wildlife Feeding Control, and Vegetative Waste. • Must be implemented within 18 months. Photo: http://www.cockeyed.com/lessons/storm_drains/drains.html
Illicit Connection Elimination and MS4 Outfall Pipe Mapping • Map the location of the end of all MS4 outfall pipes and all surface water bodies receiving discharges. Prohibit illicit connections to the MS4. Inspect all outfall pipes and damaged pipes. • Keep track of the number of outfall pipes, annually make sure that an illicit connection elimination program has been developed and follows the permit. • Within 18 months prohibit an appropriate regulatory mechanism, illicit connections to MS4 and a program to detect/eliminate illicit connections into MS4.
Solids and Floatable ControlsMinimum Standard- • Stockton will sweep all parking lots a curbed • streets with storm drains and a posted speed • limit of 35 mph or less at least once per • month • Retrofit existing storm drain inlets to meet • standards. Photo:www.tampagov.net/.../ operations/strinlet.asp Photo: http://www.cockeyed.com/ lessons/storm_drains/drains.html Photo: http://www.nyc. gov/html/dep/html/float.html
Operations and Maintenance- Stockton will develop 1. A program for cleaning and maintaining stormwater facilities. 2. A roadside erosion control program to identify and repair erosion along streets. 3. A stormwater outfall pipe scouring detection, remediation and maintenance program. Photo: http://www.bceo.org/ FloodDamage2001.html Photo: http://www.bceo.org /FloodDamage2001.html
Solids and Floatables Control Continued… • Certify annually that minimum standards have been met • Within 12 months have developed a street sweeping program, will retrofit storm drain inlets, and will have developed a stormwater facility maintenance program so that they all meet minimum standards. • Within 18 months develop a roadside erosion control maintenance program with the minimum standards and begin implementing an outfall pipe stream scouring detection, remediation, and maintenance program.
Maintenance Yard Operations • Construct a permanent structure for storage of salt, develop procedures for vehicle fueling and receiving of bulk fuel deliveries, vehicle maintenance and repair activities, and implement good housekeeping procedures for all materials or machinery listed in the Inventory Requirements for Maintenance Yard Operations. • Certify annually that the minimum has been met. • Implement within 12 months of the permit, the interim seasonal tarping BMP, comply with the 50 ft. buffer requirement, have procedures for fueling operations, and vehicle maintenance, and Good Housekeeping Practices. • Within 36 months store all salt and de-icing materials in a permanent structure. Photo: www.cityofbn.com/ gallery/index-street-departm... Photo: www.cdc.gov/n ccdphp/dnpa/immpact /deficiencies.htm
Employee Training • Develop an annual employee training program for appropriate employees on appropriate topics such as the following Waste Disposal, Control Measures, Vegetative Waste, Illicit Connection elimination and Outfall Pipe Mapping, Street Sweeping, Stormwater Facility Maintenance, Road Erosion control and Outfall Pipe Stream Scouring Remediation, Maintenance yard Operations, and Stormwater • Certify annually the date of the annual employee training. • Implement within 12 months. http://www.co.fairfax.va.us/nv swcd/newsletter/litterdrains.htm
Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control • The department is responsible for developing, implementing, and enforcing a New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit program to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff to small MS4s from construction activities. • Stockton is not required to include this Statewide Basic Requirements (SBR) in its stormwater program or discuss this SBR in its Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP). Photos: http://www.ies.wisc.edu/courses/719_summer_03/