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Strategic Management

Strategic Management. Manajemen Strategi. Sejumlah keputusan dan tindakan yang mengarah pada penyusunan suatu strategi yang efektif untuk membantu mencapai sasaran Organisasi .

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Strategic Management

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  1. Strategic Management

  2. ManajemenStrategi Sejumlahkeputusandantindakan yang mengarahpadapenyusunansuatustrategi yang efektifuntukmembantumencapaisasaranOrganisasi. Strategi: rencanaygdisatukan, menyeluruhdanterpadu yang mengaitkankeunggulanperusahaandengantantanganlingkunganutkmencapaitujuan

  3. ARTI PentingManajemenStrategis ?

  4. The global company’s challenge As the economic spotlight shifts to developing markets, global companies need new ways to manage their strategies, people, costs, and risks. the ability to access new customer markets, new suppliers, and new partners (+ Time BC) But as global companies grow bigger and more diverse, complexity costs inevitably rise. skills, knowledge, and experience within the global workforce of their companies represented an invaluable asset the volatility of: Local growth, country risk, & currency risk https://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/The_global_companys_challenge_2979

  5. Identifying and responding to trends • applies distinctive tools and research to help organizations understand and exploit global trends • tracks hundreds of business, demographic, and economic trends across geographies and industries • identifying, prioritizing, and quantifying the impact of trends—both at the macro level and at the industry level—and useful techniques for helping companies integrate them into their business strategies Managing uncertainty offer a monthly review of crisis and recovery indicators Macroeconomic insights

  6. National competitiveness The porter diamond Competition analysis Porter five forces model Firm competitiveness Value chain analysis HOLISTIK MODEL OF COMPETITIVENESS from Macro to Micro level

  7. http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GCR_Report_2011-12.pdf

  8. Strategic Management Process

  9. PerencanaanStrategis MerumuskanStrategi Perusahaan MenentukanTujuanStrategis MembentukVisiStrategis Implementasi& PelaksanaanStrategi Evaluasi &Monitoring SUSTAINABILITY COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE

  10. Membentuk Visi Strategis • “Apavisiuntukperusahaan - dibagianmanaseharusnyaperusahaanmenjadi market leader? • Apa yang harusdifokuskandimasadepan : teknologi– produk – pelanggan? • Perusahaan sepertiapa yang kitainginkandalam lima tahunkedepan? Membentukvisistrategis The difference between a mission statement and a vision statement is that a mission statement focuses on a company’s present state while a vision statement focuses on a company’s future.  However, some companies tend to blend these statements. 

  11. Toyota • Our vision • Most respected and admired company. • Our mission • We deliver outstanding automotive products and services to our customers, and enrich our community, partners and environment. • Our four core values • Customer first • Respect for people • International focus • Continuous improvement and innovation.

  12. Misi Perusahaan • Apple: Apple is committed to bringing the best personal computing experience to students, educators, creative professionals and consumers around the world through its innovative hardware, software and Internet offerings. • Dell:  Dell’s mission is to be the most successful computer company in the world at delivering the best customer experience in markets we serve. • Mission of Coca-Cola • Coca-Cola’s mission is to maximize shareholder value over time. • It creates value by a strategy guided by six beliefs: • Consumer demand drives everything it does. • Brand Coca-Cola is the core of its business • It will serve consumers a broad selection of nonalcoholic ready-to-drink beverages • It will do excellent job marketing • It will think and act locally • It will lead as a model corporate citizen.

  13. How to Link Strategic Vision to Planning Developing a Vision Strategic Plan Current Status Every successful large-scale change that I have seen has, as a part of it, a change vision. A change vision is not the same thing as a corporate vision. Both are important, but anyone who wants to successfully make a large-scale change in their organization needs to understand how they’re different. (John kotter:2011) http://www.forbes.com/sites/johnkotter/2011/06/07/how-to-create-a-powerful-vision-for-change/ Measurement

  14. KodakTragedy The Kodak problem, on the surface, is that it did not move into the digital world well enough and fast enough Why? The organization overflowed with Complacency is a feeling of contentment or self-satisfaction. It is dangerous, especially when coupled with a lack of awareness of potential dangers • Kodak faced the technological discontinuities challenge • Culture problem • Innovation get stuck http://www.forbes.com/sites/johnkotter/2012/05/02/barriers-to-change-the-real-reason-behind-the-kodak-downfall/

  15. How can CEOs learn from Kodak’s failure? Historically, Kodak was built on a culture of innovation and change. It’s the type of culture that’s full of passionate innovators, already naturally in tune to the urgency surrounding changes in the market and technology. One key to avoiding complacency is to ensure these innovators have a voice with enough volume to be heard (and listened to) at the top. It’s these voices that can continue to keep a sense of urgency in your organization. If they are given the power to lead, they will continue to innovate, help keep a culture of urgency and affect change. In my Country? PT DIRGANTARA INDONESIA?... or Other Cases?...possible to discuss in our class for next week…. Please send to my email:hanifmauludin@gmail.com

  16. PenentuanTujuanStrategis • Mengkonversi laporan manajerial dari visi strategis bisnis menjadi target unjuk kerja yang spesifik dan terukur PenentuanTujuanStrategis

  17. SasaranStrategisdalam 4 AspekUtama Meningkatkan Profit Improve Cost Efficiency Increase Revenue Growth Financial Build High Performance Services Maintain Loyal Customers Enhance Brand Image Customer Achieve Operational Excellence Drive Demand through Customer Relation Management Implement Good Information Technology Manage Dramatic Growth through Innovation Internal Process Learning & Growth Develop Strategic Competencies Build Learning Culture

  18. MerumuskanStrategi Perusahaan • Strategiperusahaanberhubungandenganbagaimana: • bagaimanamenumbuhkanbisnis • bagaimanamemuaskanpelanggan • bagaimanabersaingdengan rival • bagaimanameresponperubahankondisipasar • bagaimanamengelolasetiapbagianfungsionaldaribisnisdanmengembangkankapabilitasorganisasi yang dibutuhkan Merumuskan Isi Strategi

  19. Implementasi dan Pelaksanaan Strategi • Implementasi strategi menyangkut pelaksanaan program konkrit untuk mewujudkan isi strategi ImplementasiStrategi

  20. Mengevaluasi dan Memonitor Strategi Monitoring dan Evaluasi Strategi • Pelaksanaanstrategidipantaumelaluikey performance indicators yang terukur

  21. Strategy Hierarchy Corporate Strategy Strategy hierarchy for a diversified company Business Strategies Functional Strategies (R&D, Marketing, Manufacturing, HR, Finance, etc. Operating Strategies (regions, plants, departments within functional areas)

  22. Hierarki Strategi Tujuan Strategis Perusahaan Strategi Strategis Perusahaan VisiStrategis Perusahaan TujuanStrategis Level Bisnis Strategi Level Bisnis VisiStrategis Level Bisnis Visi Bidang Fungsional TujuanBidangFungsional StrategiBidangFungsional Tujuan Unit Operasional Strategi Unit Operasional Visi Unit Operasional

  23. WINNING STRATEGIES THROUGH VALUE CREATION VALUE CREATION Competitive Strategy Competitive Strategy Competitive Advantage Competitive Advantage sca Distinctive Competencies Generic Strategy Organizational Capabilities Competitive Position Business Performance Resource Available: Tangibles, Intangibles, HR Market Attractiveness Market Based Strategy Resource Based Strategy

  24. Diskusi

  25. Mengajar • Business Statistic • Research Methodology • Marketing Management • Strategic Management • Feasibility Study & Entrepreneurship Pengalaman lain • Marketing Division, 2000 - 2010 • Editor JurnalPenelitianAkuntansi-Bisnis & Manajemen, 2000 - sekarang • Unit Pengembangan Soft Skill Mahasiswa, 2004-sekarang • KepalaBagianKemahasiswaan STIE Malangkucecwara, 2011 - sekarang Blog: www.kafebisnis2010.wordpress.com FB: Hanif Mauludin Hp : 08585575131 HanifMauludin, Malang. 1973 Pendidikan S1. Finance Management. ABM. 1997 S2. Business Policy. UB. 1999 S3. Doctoral Business Administration .UB. 2010 Feasibility Study & Entrepreneurship. Bank Indonesia. 2006

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