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Update on the Public Access to the Tokay High School Track

Update on the Public Access to the Tokay High School Track. A Presentation to the Board o f Education October 16, 2012 Prepared by Facilities and Planning. Background. The Tokay High Track was recently closed to the casual public due to unauthorized after-hours use

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Update on the Public Access to the Tokay High School Track

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  1. Update on the Public Access to the Tokay High School Track A Presentation to the Board of Education October 16, 2012 Prepared by Facilities and Planning

  2. Background • The Tokay High Track was recently closed to the casual public due to unauthorized after-hours use • In response to community requests, a committee consisting of representatives from the public, the Board of Education and District staff have met to develop a strategy that willallow continued limited public access to the track Public Acces to the Tokay High Track

  3. Outcomes • As a result of these discussions, ideas for a pilot open-use program have been created • Limited weekday use is now allowed, with site custodial staff holding responsibility for closing facility at dusk each weekday. • Strategies that would allow the facility to be opened to causal public use on weekends and during other non-student contact times are being developed Public Acces to the Tokay High Track

  4. Casual Public Use Strategies • Two primary strategies are being explored • Liability insurance policy and facility use agreement, with a non-replecatable gate key issued to user representative; facility use fee waived; hours of operation TBD • Liability wavier for each registered user, swipe card issued for single gate access, minimal annual fee to cover program administration; facility use fee waived; hours of operation TBD • Staff and public representatives will continue to meet in order to determine the best strategy to create a casual public use plan • Once finalized, this plan will be brought to the Board for review and approval Public Acces to the Tokay High Track

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