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EDA 實作 Verilog Tutorial. 國研院國家晶片系統設計中心 July 2005 陳正斌. Traditional VLSI Design Flow. Traditional VLSI Design Flow. EDA. Electronic Design Automation (EDA) Computer-Aided Design (CAD). Hardware Description Language.
EDA 實作Verilog Tutorial 國研院國家晶片系統設計中心 July 2005 陳正斌
EDA • Electronic Design Automation (EDA) • Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
Hardware Description Language • A hardware description language (HDL) is a high-level programming language with special constructs used to model the function of hardware logic circuits. • The special language constructs can: • Describe the connectivity of the circuit • Describe the functionality of the circuit • Describe the timing of a circuit
Verilog • Verilog is a Hardware Description Language. • Verilog models digital circuits. • Verilog lets you develop tests to verify the functionality of the circuits you model.
Full Adder – Boolean Algebra • cout = xinyincin’+ xinyincin+xin’yincin+xinyin’cin = xinyin+cin(xin’yin+xinyin’) = xinyin + cin(xin ⊕yin) • sum = xin’yin’cin+ xin’yincin’+xinyin’cin’+xinyincin = (xin’yin+xinyin’)cin’ +(xin’yin’+xinyin) cin = (xin ⊕yin ) ⊕ cin
Full Adder – Verilog Model module COUT(cout, xin, yin, cin); input xin; input yin; input cin; output cout; wire xin, yin, cin, out; wire p1, p2, p3; and (p1, xin, yin); xor (p2, xin, yin); and (p3, p2, cin); or (cout, p1, p3); endmodule module SUM(sum, xin, yin, cin); input xin; input yin; input cin; output sum; xor (sum, xin, yin, cin); endmodule
Full Adder – Verilog Model module FA(Cii,Si,Xi,Yi,Ci); input Xi; input Yi; input Ci; output Cii; output Si; SUM inst0 (.sum(Si), .xin(Xi), .yin(Yi), .cin(Ci)); COUT inst1 (.cout(Cii), .xin(Xi), .yin(Yi), .cin(Ci)); endmodule
Test Bench -- Template module FA_test; //Signal declaration //Instantiate modules //Apply stimulus //Display results endmodule
Test Bench --Instance module FA_test; //Signal declaration //Instantiate modules FA inst0 (Cii,Si,Xi,Yi,Ci); //Apply stimulus //Display results endmodule
Test Bench -- Stimulus module FA_test; // Signal declaration reg Xi, Yi, Ci; // Instantiate modules FA inst0 (Cii,Si,Xi,Yi,Ci); // Apply Stimulus initial begin #0 Xi = 0; Yi = 0; Ci = 0; #10 Xi = 0; Yi = 0; Ci = 1; #10 Xi = 0; Yi = 1; Ci = 0; #10 Xi = 0; Yi = 1; Ci = 1; #10 $finish; end //Display results endmodule
Test Bench – Display Result module FA_test; // Signal declaration reg Xi, Yi, Ci; // Instantiate modules FA inst0 (Cii,Si,Xi,Yi,Ci); // Apply Stimulus initial begin #10 Xi = 0; Yi = 0; Ci = 0; #10 Xi = 0; Yi = 0; Ci = 1; #10 Xi = 0; Yi = 1; Ci = 0; #10 Xi = 0; Yi = 1; Ci = 1; #10 $finish; end //Display results initial // print all changes to all signal values $monitor($time, " Xi = %b Yi = %b Ci = %b Ci+1 = %b Si = %b", Xi,Yi,Ci,Cii,Si); endmodule
Dump Waveform initial begin $dumpfile(“file.vcd”); $dumpvars(0,inst0); end
Simulation • unix> verilog FA_test.v FA.v COUT.v SUM.v • unix> nWave &
Quiz • Design a 4 bit adder by instancing 4 full adder
Edit ADDR4.v module ADDR4(cout,sum,a,b,cin); input cin; input [3:0] a; input [3:0] b; output [3:0] sum; output cout; //Design Started Here!!! endmodule
Apply Stimulus • Edit ADDR4_test.v // Apply Stimulus initial begin // ** Add stimulus here ** end