1. Japanese-American Immigration By:Nikki Mendoza, Marjorie Mopas, Melissa Asvakovith, & Clariza Guevarra
2. Cause of the Immigration Act The Oriental Exclusion Act banned Chinese but not Japanese from immigrating to the U.S. This was unfair so then all Asians were banned from immigrating.
3. Important People of the Act Mathew Perry-A navy commander who made the biggest attack invading Japan for the first time.
Franklin D. Roosevelt-Signed the immigration agreement.
Japanese-The people that immigrated and took a main part during this event.
4. What Happened During the Act Hawaiian sugar plantations boomed. Then Japanese laborers came to stay as temporary residents and get new jobs to make money.
The Caucasian got jealous of their farming skills and didn’t want anymore of them coming too the u.s.
The Japanese were sent to internment camps to live their lives.
5. When It Took Place This act lasted for a very long time. It happened during World War Two in the years of the late 70’s to the the early 90’s.
6. Where it Took Place This event took place in many different places such as: Hawaii, Japan, Supreme Court in Okinawa, California, and the Central Pacific Railroad.
7. Why? Japanese immigrants began their journey to the United States in search of peace and prosperity.
They wanted to start their own business.
Japan agreed to stop immigration of its workers to the US.
8. How? President Roosevelt signed “The Gentleman’s Agreement”.
The white people were prejudice against the Japanese.
They were sent to military camps.
9. Timeline
10. Timeline