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Sociologija javne uprave. Prof . dr . Josip Kregar 22. studeni 2013. Motivacija. Great accomplishments are performed not by strength, but by determination." Velike stvari nisu učinjene snagom već odlučnošću. There is no try, there is do or do not...there is no try." - Master Yoda .
Sociologija javne uprave Prof. dr. Josip Kregar 22. studeni 2013.
Motivacija Great accomplishments are performed not by strength, but by determination." Velike stvari nisu učinjene snagom već odlučnošću There is no try, there is do or do not...there is no try."- Master Yoda
Škola ljudskih odnosa George Elton Mayo (1880-1949) psiholog i sociolog poznat prema čuvenim Hawthorne Studies. Zaključuje da radni učinak čovjeka zavisi i o zadovoljstvu poslom i o društvenim pitanjima Ne smije biti napetosti između “logike osjećaja” koju ima radnik i “logike doboti” koju ima manager.
Natural society consists of a horde of unorganized individuals; every individual acts in a manner calculated to secure his self-interest; every individual thinks logically, to the best of his ability, in the service of this aim. This is why the best way to induce workers to work harder is to offer them more money. Taylor Društva se sastoje od hordi neorganiziranih pojedinaca: svatko djeluje prema sviom proračunatom interesu Svaki pojedinac misli logično po svojim sposobnostima, o postizanju svojih ciljeva. Radi svega toga način da se radnik naveden na veći radni napor je ponuditi mu više novaca. Taylorizam↔
Jaki je poriv čovjeka da neprekidno radi s drugima, i to je najsnažnija ljudska odlika. Svako zanemarivanje toga od strane upravljača ili neki loš savjet da se suzbije taj poriv vodi nekom obliku poraza. Man's desire to be continuously associated in work with his fellows is a strong, if not the strongest, human characteristic. Any disregard of it by management or any ill-advised attempt to defeat this human impulse leads instantly to some form of defeat for management itself. ↔škola ljudskih odnosa
HawthornStudies ... the working group as a whole actually determined the output of individual workers by reference to a standard, predetermined but never clearly stated, that represented the group conception (rather than management's) of a fair day's work. This standard was rarely, if ever, in accord with the standards of the efficiency engineers (Mayo, 1945, p. 79) O radu odlučuju grupni standardi
HawthornStudies What actually happened was that six individuals became a team and the team gave itself wholeheartedly and spontaneously to cooperation in the experiment. The consequence was that they felt themselves to be participating freely and withoutafterthought, and were happy in the knowledge that they were working without coercion from above or limitation from below.
Materijalna motivacija • Ne djeluje uvijek • Ne djeluje na predvidiv način • Ima nisku razinu saturacije • Kada djeluje može biti disfunkcionalna • Djeluje uvijek kada je nema
Authority therefore in actual exercise demands a capacity for vision and wise guidance that must be re-achieved daily: since the cooperation of others is a vital element in it, social understanding and social skill are involved equally with technical knowledge and capacity. ... Vođenje i naređivanje u svakodnevnoj provedbi zahtjeva sposobnost za viziju i mudro vođenje kao svakodnevno postignuće, budući da je kooperacija s drugima vitalna za drzuštveno razumijevanje i vještinu Socijalna sredina
Recognize individual differences Match people to jobs Use goals Individualize rewards Link rewards to performance Check the system for equity Don't ignore money. Prepoznati individualne razlike Povezati ljude i zadatke Koristiti motiviranje ciljem Povezati naghrade s učinkom Paziti na jednakost Ne ignorirati novac Kako motivirati
Abraham Maslow • Physiological: • Safety: • Love and Belonging • Esteem: • self-respect: • respect of others: • Understanding and Knowledge: • Aesthetics • Self-actualization:
POSTIGNUĆE Achievement Priznanje Recognition Sam rad Work itself Odgovornost Responsibility Napredovanje Advancement Rast Growth FAKTORI HIGIJENE Hygiene factorsare those whose absence can create job dissatisfaction: Supervision Company policy Working conditions Salary Peer relationship Security (Frederick Herzberg, Work and the Nature of Man, 1966) Motivacioni faktori zadovoljstva
McGregor’s Beliefs • Employees are not machine parts to be fixed, redesigned, or eliminated • They are individual people in all of their complexity
Influencing McGregor’s Work • McGregor challenges the prevailing mood of Taylor, alienation, and dehumanization • Existing organizations model the church or the military • 50 years of political, social and economic change • The problem is that management is applying the wrong tools
People inherently dislike workPeople must be coerced or controlled to do work to achieve objectivesPeople prefer to be directed Ljudi po naravi ne vole raditi Na rad ih treba siliti ili nadzirati Ljudi vole da im se naređuje McGregor: teorija x
McGregor’s Contribution to Management Theory • Theory X assumptions • The average person dislikes work and will avoid it • Most people must be coerced or controlled • People avoid responsibility and have little ambition
McGregor’s Contribution to Management Theory • Theory X outcomes • Work becomes a means to an end • Reinforces the rigid lines of authority • Managers that assume Theory X get Theory X Satisfied needs are not motivators
McGregorovdoperins teoriji upravljanja • Teoroja Y pretpostavke • Physical and mental work effort are natural • Committing to objectives will allow the full range of control tools to be utilized • Commitment is a function of proper rewards • People learn to seek responsibility • People have the ability to creatively solve organizational problems • Employees need the freedom to utilize their untapped potential
Rad je za ljude prirodan isto kao igra i odmaranje Ljudim, žele postignuića ljudi žele odgovornost People view work as being as natural as play and restPeople will exercise self-direction and -control towards achieving objectives they are committed toPeople learn to accept and seek responsibility (Douglas McGregor, The Human Side of Enterprise, 1960) McGregor: teorija Y
McGregor’s X and Y Theory Your belief structure (X or Y or ?) does not limit you from employing hard or soft managerial strategies Bez obzira u što vjerujete (x ili Y) ne ograničava vas u tome da /prema okolnostima/ primjenjujete grubu ili meku strategiju
Problems with Conventional Performance Appraisals • Organizational objectives and requirements evolve • Individuals skills, needs and objectives change • Management’s judgments differ • Focus is on the past • Employee performance is related to how he is managed
McGregor’s Contribution to Performance Appraisal • Three uses of performance appraisal • Administrative – salary, promotion • Informative – feedback, suggestions for behavioral change • Motivation – coach, council
McGregor’s Contribution to Performance Appraisal • Drucker’s MBO • Subordinate provides a clear job statement • Subordinate provides job-related targets • Management and employee come to terms on worker’s objectives
McGregor’s Contribution to Performance Appraisal • Employees know their own strengths and weaknesses best • The manager knows the goals and objectives of the organization and himself
McGregor’s Contribution to Performance Appraisal • By using MBO, the emphasis is on: • Analysis not appraisal • The future not the past • Performance not personality
Critique of McGregor’s Performance Appraisal • Performance issues are ignored • Salary and promotion issues • Some workers don’t want the responsibility for setting their own goals
Critique of McGregor’s Contributions • He builds Theory X and Theory Y on Maslow’s hierarchy What are the strengths and weaknesses of this position?
McGregor’s Critiques • Theory X and Y are insufficient in accounting for all situations • Nathan Harter states that Theory X managers are not necessarily inhuman
McGregor’s Contribution to Management Theory • People can achieve their own goals by pursuing the organization’s goals • The organization will suffer if this does not occur
McGregor’s Contribution to Management Theory • The current management persona is: • decisive, force, competitive, just • People are rational and emotional • Emotions often drive different points of view • Motivation is an emotional force
McGregor’s View of Organizational Maps • Current organizational structures: • Delegate some authority not responsibility • You only have one boss • Strict span of control
McGregor’s View of Organizational Maps • The organizational “maps” are not real • Maps have limited usefulness • Authority often does not equal responsibility • Informal organization is real
McGregor’s Contribution to Management Theory • Three factor’s that make up a manager’s style: • Cosmology • Identity of the manager • Organizational situation
McGregor’s Critique of Current Management • Existing management uses extrinsic rewards well • Intrinsic rewards are not utilized • You have to learn to see what is really broken
McGregor’s Observation • Workers perceptions determine how they respond to a policy or decision • Don’t apply mechanical system rewards and punishments when intrinsic rewards are called for
McGregor’s Suggestion for Improving Organizational Effectiveness • Independent teams become the operative work groups • Teams have high self control/self regulation • Supervision becomes support/instruction • Teams help fulfill “social man” needs • Teams remove reasons to fight the system
Final Critique of McGregor • Do teams really remove the reason to fight the system? • Describe the characteristics of a humane Theory X. When would it be more appropriate? • What evidence do you see of this today?
McGregor’s Beliefs “If there is anything he was trying to overcome or destroy, it was the institutional habit of talking about the virtues of democracy while running affairs autocratically.” An Antioch College Professor
People inherently dislike workPeople must be coerced or controlled to do work to achieve objectivesPeople prefer to be directed Ljudi po naravi ne vole raditi Na rad ih treba siliti ili nadzirati Ljudi vole da im se naređuje McGregor: teorija x