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Tárcoles: An Artisanal Fishing Community in the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica. Fotography : Pablo Cambronero Text : Daniela Barguil and María J. Quesada Coope SoliDar R.L.
Tárcoles: AnArtisanalFishingCommunity in thePacificCoast of Costa Rica Fotography: Pablo Cambronero Text: Daniela Barguil and María J. Quesada CoopeSoliDar R.L.
Coope Tárcoles R.L. is a fisherfolkcooperativeinvolved in thesustainablemanagement of marine resources.
Fishing is not only an economic activity, it is also a way of life.
Small scale fishermen stretching the nets after a fishing trip.
Coope Tárcoles R.L. has twenty-seven associates that have adopted a responsible fishing code based on the FAO´s recomendations.
Everyday, at thebeach, fishermen and women are preparingfortheirjourneystothe sea…
A young fisherman coming back from work. Fishing in this village is a major provider of food security.
“Lujado” (arrangement of the fishing lines) is one of the activities carried out by children and women of the community.
An oxcart is a traditional element of the Costa Rican culture.
A fishermanfrom CoopeTárcoles R.L. fixinghis net forhisnextfishingtrip.
As part of the Coope Tárcoles R.L.´s fishing code, associates do not use nets with holes smaller than three inches, in order to ensure that they catch the right size of fish.
“Panga” is the Costarrican word for the small scale fishing boat.
Shrimp is a commercial product but it is also endangered, mostly because of trawling and overfishing.
“Molusquear” isthe popular word in spanishfortheactivity of collectingmolluscs.
Many women of the community of Tárcoles feed their own families with these shelfish and they also commercialize it.
“Onelearnstoreadthe sea likereading a book, ifit´scalm, ifit´sangryorifit´ssick.”- a phrase once saidby Mario Arias, anartisanalfishermanfrom Tárcoles.
Fishermen have aknowledged the importance of fishing sustainably in order to preserve their cultural way of life.
Coming back from the sea, a fisherman carries back his fishing gear.
As every small coastal community, Tárcoles has a strong cultural link to the sea…
“The sea gives a lot, if it is respected.”- a phrase by Mario Arias, an artisanal fisherman from Tárcoles.