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Super Hard Cubic Phases of Period VI Transition Metal Nitrides: First Principles Investigation

Super Hard Cubic Phases of Period VI Transition Metal Nitrides: First Principles Investigation. Sanjay V. Khare Department of Physics and Astonomy University of Toledo Ohio 43606 http://www.physics.utoledo.edu/~khare/. General theme of our research. Static

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Super Hard Cubic Phases of Period VI Transition Metal Nitrides: First Principles Investigation

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  1. Super Hard Cubic Phases of Period VI Transition Metal Nitrides: First Principles Investigation Sanjay V. Khare Department of Physics and Astonomy University of Toledo Ohio 43606 http://www.physics.utoledo.edu/~khare/

  2. General theme of our research Static • Energetic, thermodynamic, electronic, and structural properties related to materials phenomena. Dynamic • Near equilibrium and non-equilibrium mass transport mechanisms at surfaces. Techniques • Use of appropriate theoretical and computational techniques. Touch with reality • Direct contact with experiments through explanations, predictions, and direction for future experimental work.

  3. Material Systems and Properties Structural, energetic and electronic properties of Nanowires • Ge, Si, GaAs, GaN, InAs, InP Medaboina et al. Phys. Rev. B 76, 205327 ( 2007) Liang et al. IEEE Trans. Nano. Tech. 6, 225 (2007) Magneto Optical Response of Nanostructured Materials • Optically Anisotropic Materials Photovoltaic Materials • β-In2X3 (X = O, S, Se, Te) • β-X2S3 (X = In, B, Al, Ga) Tribological Materials • MoX2, NbX2, WX2 (X = O, S ,Se, Te) • MoSXSe1-X (X = 0.25, 0.5, 0.75) Hard Coating Materials • Transition Metal Nitrides

  4. Outline • Experimental motivation • Structural Phases • Ab initio methods • Structural, mechanical and electronic properties • Lattice Constants • Bulk and shear moduli • Bulk modulus vs VED • LDOS • Conclusions

  5. Intermediate length scale 1 nm Length scale: 1 nm Materials: PtN and other nitrides Phenomenon: Structural, mechanical, electronic properties Techniques: Ab initio computations Example Length scale: 1 nm Materials: PtN Phenomenon: Structural, mechanical, electronic properties Techniques: First principles computations DFT based Motivation: Hard coating materials

  6. Experimental synthesis of PtN Experimental Synthesis and characterization of a binary noble metal nitride E. Gregoryanz, C. Sanloup, M. Somayazulu, J. Badro, G. Giquet, H-K. Mao, and R. J. Hemley, Nat. Mat. 3, 294 (2004). Although numerous metals react with nitrogen there are no known binary nitrides of the noble metals. We report the discovery and characterization of platinum nitride (PtN), the first binary nitride of the noble metals group. This compound can be formed above 45–50 GPa and temperatures exceeding 2,000 K, and is stable after quenching to room pressure and temperature. It is characterized by a very high Raman-scattering cross-section with easily observed second and third-order Raman bands. Synchrotron X-ray diffraction shows that the new phase is cubic with a remarkably high bulk modulus of 372(±5)GPa.

  7. Structure of experimental PtN Data is taken from two samples once with N as the pressure medium and once with He as the pressure medium. All patterns at different pressure are consistent (see Fig. 3) and PtN can be indexed as f.c.c. (a = 4.8041(2) Å at 0.1 MPa) at all pressures. Although the Rietveld refinement is complicated by the strong Pt signal, the refinement agrees with the non-centrosymmetric space group F4–3m,to which the zinc-blende structure belongs,as well as the rock-salt structure (Fm3–m); the large mass difference between Pt and N makes it impossible to distinguish between these two structures from the diffraction intensities. The rock-salt structure does not have a first-order Raman spectrum and can therefore be ruled out. The zinc-blende structure has two Raman active peaks, consistent with the two strong first-order bands observed (see Fig. 1).

  8. X-ray diffraction of PtN Figure 3 In situ X-ray diffraction data. a, X-ray spectra of PtN taken at different pressures.At ambient pressure the spectrum was taken with wavelength λ= 0.3311 Å and others with λ=0.3738 Å. Red crosses: data; green line: GSAS fit.b, Zinc-blende structure of PtN.c, Section of the CCD image at 28 GPa showing the powder-like texture; the asterisk indicates a rhenium diffraction ring. d, Detail of the inner section of the charged-coupled device image (shown in c) at ambient pressure with the arrow pointing at one of the two weak rings in addition to Pt and PtN signal.

  9. PtN stoichiometry and back-scattered electron image

  10. Forms of PtN in our study Zinc Blende Rock Salt Pt:N ratio 1:1 in all forms Face centered Cooperite Orthorhombic (PtS form)

  11. Lattice constants for zb and rs forms of PtN Theory with VASP Zinc Blende Rock Salt a = 0.4699 nm (LDA) a = 0.4407 nm (LDA) 0.4781 nm (GGA) 0.4504 nm (GGA) B = 230 GPa (LDA) B = 284 GPa (LDA) 192 GPa (GGA) 226 GPa (GGA) Experiment, Gregoryanz et al. Nat. Mat. 3, 294 (2004) a = 0.4801nm B = 372 GPa

  12. No effect of N vacancies on bulk modulus of PtN Theory with VASP Zinc BlendeRock Salt No significant change in bulk modulus was found by introducing vacancies. We used Pt1N1-x, where x = 0, 0.037, and 0.125. Use 2 x 2 x 2 or 3 x 3x 3 fcc supercells. In experiment, of Gregoryanz et al. Nat. Mat. 3, 294 (2004) 0 < x < 0.05

  13. Elastic constants in GPa and stability If C11 – C12 < 0 ==> unstable form. Also, any Cij < 0 ==> unstable form. Also other conditions. Only stable form = rock salt. Elastic constants

  14. Earlier theoretical work on PtN Theory with WIEN2K, PRB 71, R041101 (2005). Zinc BlendeRock Salt a = 0.4804 nm (GGA) a = 0.4518 nm (GGA) B = 371 GPa (GGA) B = 431 GPa (GGA) Experiment, Gregoryanz et al. Nat. Mat. 3, 294 (2004) a = 0.4801nm B = 372 GPa Theory matches perfectly with experiment!

  15. Our manuscript would have read like this We have done first principles calculations for the newly reported noble metal nitride PtN. Our calculationscontradictexperimental findingspublished in Nature Materials by a well known group. Our calculations alsocontradict theoretical findingsby another well known theoretical group published in PRB Rap. Comms. Wethink we are right. Please accept this manuscript for publication.

  16. More of earlier theoretical results for PtN Experiment, Gregoryanz et al. Nat. Mat. 3, 294 (2004) a = 0.4801nm and B = 372 GPa [8] Phys. Rev. B 71, R041101 (2005). [9] R. Yu and X. F. Zhang, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 121913 (2005).

  17. Summary of theoretical results for PtN

  18. Some evolution of the other theory Erratum PRB 72, 119901 (E) (2005).

  19. Conclusions of work on PtN • Zinc blende structure for PtN as claimed in experiment and an earlier theory is incorrect • There exists a stable form of PtN the rock salt phase. It is not superhard. • Has B < 300 GPa. Its lattice constant is around 0.44 nm. • 3. The experimental form of PtN remains unknown. • 4. Published theory and experiment can match each other andboth beself-consistently wrong! • “Mechanical stability of possible structures of PtN investigated using first-principles calculations,”S. K. R. Patil, S. V. Khare, B. R. Tuttle, J. K. Bording, and S. Kodambaka, Phys. Rev. B 73, 104118 (2006).

  20. 2 Experimental developments on PtN • J. C. Crowhurst et al., Science 311, 1275 (2006). PtN is not PtN but is PtN2, with pyrite structure.

  21. MN2, M = transition metal (Os, Ir, Pt, Au)(Experimental Observations)

  22. Motivation: New noble metal nitrides produced • Experiments • PtN2, (J. C. Crowhurst et al., Science 311, 1275 (2006).) • IrN2, OsN2 (A. F. Young et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 155501 (2006).) • Computations • IrN2, OsN2 (A. F. Young et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 155501 (2006).) • PtN2, (R. Yu et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 51913 (2006).) • PtN2, (J. C. Crowhurst et al., Science 311, 1275 (2006).) • PtN, (S. K. R. Patil et al., Phys. Rev. B 73, 104118 (2006).) • Results • Made in diamond anvil cells at 2000K and P = 50 GPa. Recovered at 300K and 0.1 MPa, ambient conditions. • PtN2 is now confirmed to be in pyrite phase. • IrN2, (hexagonal symmetry) and OsN2 (orthorhombic symmetry) structures not fully confirmed. • No thin film production method discovered!

  23. Motivation for MN2 based compounds M = Hf, Ta, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, AuOur theoretical computations; Cubic phases:Pyrite, Fluorite, Zinc blende, Rocksalt

  24. Fluorite(C1) Phase [MN2] Lattice Vectors Basis Vectors Metal Nitrogen

  25. Pyrite (C2) Phase [MN2] Lattice Vectors Basis Vectors

  26. Zincblende(B3) Phase [MN] Rocksalt(B1) Phase [MN] Lattice Vectors Lattice Vectors Basis Vectors Basis Vectors

  27. Ab initio method details • LDA, Ceperley-Alder exchange-correlation functional as parameterized by Perdew and Zunger • Generalized ultra-soft Vanderbilt pseudo-potentials and plane wave basis set • Supercell approach with periodic boundary conditions in all three dimensions • Energy cut-offs of 300 eV, Monkhrost-Pack dense k-point meshes

  28. Table I: Fluorite phases All results with DFT-LDA [a] R. Yu and X.F. Zhang, Phys. Rev. B 72 (2005) 054103. [b] C.Z. Fan, S.Y. Zeng, L.X. Li, Z.J. Zhan, R.P. Liu, W.K. Wang, P. Zhang, Y.G. Yao, Phys. Rev B 74 (2006) 125118.

  29. Table II: Pyrite phases All results with DFT-LDA [a] C.Z. Fan, S.Y. Zeng, L.X. Li, Z.J. Zhan, R.P. Liu, W.K. Wang, P. Zhang, Y.G. Yao, Phys. Rev B 74 (2006) 125118. [c] R. Yu, Q. Zhan, and X. F. Zhang, Appl. Phys. Lett 88 (2006) 051913.

  30. Table III: Zinc-blende and rocksalt phases All results with DFT-LDA

  31. Bulk (B) and shear (G) moduli of stable period VI transition metal nitrides For hard coatings the material should be in the red triangle Pyrite: AuN2, ReN2, WN2, OsN2, IrN2, PtN2, TaN2, HfN2 Fluorite: ReN2, OsN2, IrN2, PtN2, AuN2 Zinc blende: IrN, TaN, HfN Rocksalt: TaN, HfN, PtN, AuN B/G ratio > 1 implies more ductility B/G ratio < 1 implies more hardness (As hardness correlates better with shear modulus than bulk modulus), L. R. Zhao et al., Surf. Coat. Technol. 200, 1595 (2005).

  32. B vs VED for fluorite and pyrite phases of period VI transition metal nitrides - Pyrite - Fluorite For fluorite and pyrite phases, VED increases in steps of unity from 14 for HfN2 to 20 for PtN2 as each extra electron is added to the d orbital. In case of both fluorite and pyrite phases, B increases from HfN2 to OsN2 and decreases from OsN2 to PtN2. B peaks at OsN2 with a VED of 18. It may be speculated that 18 being a number associated with the valence shell configuration of the noble elements, which are chemically very stable, may have a causal relationship with the peaking of B values.

  33. Hf W Ir W Au Local Density of States (LDOS) Pyrite Phases Pyrite vs Fluorite BHf = 250 GPa Pyrite Stable BIr = 366 GPa Fluorite Unstable BAu = 380 GPa LDOS for pyrite phases of WN2, in pyrite and fluorite phases. LDOS for pyrite phases of HfN2, IrN2, and AuN2.

  34. Conclusions [S. K. R. Patil, .. SVK, .. et al., Thin Solid Films517, 824 (2008)] • We studied 32 cubic phases of period VI transition metal nitrides. • ReN2 in fluorite and pyrite phases and WN2 in pyrite phase are mechanically stable with a high B. The high B is attributed to strong metal d and nitrogen p orbital hybridization. • We further tested the suitability in hard coating applications of this class of cubic transition metal nitrides (zinc-blende, rocksalt, fluorite, and pyrite phases). • The mechanical instability of the unstable phases is correlated with high DOS at Fermi level. • The bulk modulus for both pyrite and fluorite phases has a peak at a valence electron density of 18. • We hope that the present calculations would lead to the synthesis of hard WN2 and ReN2 and motivate the research of such crystal structures in the hard coatings industry.

  35. Acknowledgements and Support • Funding • NSF • DARPA • Wright Patterson Air Force Base • Computing • Ohio Supercomputer Cluster • University of Toledo Parallel Computing Cluster • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) • People • S. Kodambaka, I. Petrov, J. E. Greene • Shandeep Voggu • Rick Irving

  36. Thank you!

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