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Integration of Grid Service and Web Processing Service

Integration of Grid Service and Web Processing Service. Gao Ang State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System gaoang@lreis.ac.cn OSGeo China. Agenda. Overview of Grid Technology and Grid Service Grid Technology Grid Service Integrate Grid with Spatial Database

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Integration of Grid Service and Web Processing Service

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  1. Integration of Grid Service and Web Processing Service Gao Ang State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System gaoang@lreis.ac.cn OSGeo China

  2. Agenda • Overview of Grid Technology and Grid Service • Grid Technology • Grid Service • Integrate Grid with Spatial Database • WPS and Grid Service • WPS Process • Combination with Grid Service • Geospatial data access and Integration • GridGIS Architecture • Integrate Grid Technology with Spatial Database • Our Work: LGrid GIS Prototype • LGrid Architecture • LGrid Snapshoot

  3. Grid Computing Overview • Definition • A service for sharing computer power and data storage capacity over the Internet. • Grid Computing • Resources Management • Data Management • Information Service • Characteristic • Computing resources are not administered centrally. • Open standards are used. • Non-trivial quality of service is achieved. • Analogy • like a power company or water company

  4. Hierarchy of Typical Grid Structure Comparison of sandglass model and core components NOTE: As in the Internet, applications can use capabilities at any level of the stack. Abstractions are provided for convenience.

  5. GT1 GT2 OGSI Have been converging WSRF WSDL 2, WSDM WSDL, WS-* HTTP Grid and Web Services - Integration Grid Web The definition of WSRF means that Grid and Web communities can move forward on a common base WSRF: WS-Resource (Reference: http://www.globus.org/wsrf/)

  6. Globus Toolkit Components Stack

  7. Globus Service in Grid Container

  8. Original Blueprint of Grid GIS • System Independence Distributing Database • Extension of Geospatial Database • High Level Security Management • Geospatial Service Based on Database • Processing Interface and Service Protocol

  9. Web Processing Service GetCapabilities Request and receive service metadata that describe the abilities of the specific server implementation. DescribeProcess Request and receive back detailed information about process that can be executed by an Execute operation, including the input parameters and formats, and the outputs. Execute Run a specified process implemented by the WPS, using provided input parameter values and returning the outputs produced.

  10. Combination of WPS with Grid Service Geo-Data Services Data access: Easy and efficient access to various types of Geo-data. Data consistency: Consistency can be maintained when Geo-data is modified. Data persistency: Geo-data and its association with its metadata should be maintained. Data integration: Mechanisms for integrating heterogeneous and distributed data under Grid environment. Extensibility Interoperability Security

  11. Data Access and Integration for Geospatial • OGSA-DAI: An extensible framework for data access and integration. • Expose heterogeneous data resources to a grid through web services. • Interact with data resources: • Queries and updates. • Data transformation / compression • Data delivery. • Customise for project using • Additional Activities • Client Toolkit APIs • Data Resource handlers • Base for higher-level services • federation, mining, visualization

  12. SQL/MM Support in OGSA-DAIService SQL/MM Based Spatial Data Access and Integration

  13. Data Service in OGSA-DAI

  14. Object Query Tree for Spatial Data SELECT C.NAME, AREA(C.LOCATION) FROM C IN CITY, P IN PROVINCE WHERE P. PROVID=’130’ AND C.PROVID= P.PROVID Data Query Process in Distribution Query Process

  15. Distributed Query for Spatial Data • Demonstration

  16. LGrid Prototype • Build on NetBeans Platform NetBeans Platform is a generic framework for Swing applications. NetBeans Platform provides a reliable and flexible application architecture.

  17. Data Integration with OGSA-DAI

  18. SQL Multi-media Query in LGrid Platform

  19. Distribute Data Query

  20. Geospatial Data Source Information in LGrid

  21. Map Visualization in LGrid

  22. Geospatial Sequence Work Flow Execution in LGrid

  23. Performance Monitor in LGrid Node

  24. Data Source Deployment for Geospatial Service

  25. China National Grid and China Educational Grid • Grid Node Distribution Map http://www.cngrid.org/ • http://www.chinagrid.edu.cn/

  26. OSGeo China Protal

  27. OSGeo in China • Michael P. Gerlek deliver a speech for Chinese students

  28. OSGeo in China • Professor Michael F. Goodchild at Institute of Geography

  29. OSGeo in China • OSGeo Monthly Lecture at Institute of Geography, CAS

  30. OSGeo in China • OSGeo Booth at Institute of Geography, CAS

  31. Mail Alias of OSGeo China

  32. More Information… Contact Gao AngChina State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information Systemgaoang@lreis.ac.cn Correlative Links: http://www.osgeo.org.cn http://www.lreis.ac.cn/ http://www.gaoang.com/ Thank You !

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