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Status of the HZ Analyses. LCD WG Meeting, 03/07/2012 J.S. Marshall, University of Cambridge. 350GeV HZ Recoil, L=500fb -1. Model independent recoil analysis: Z decays to charged leptons. Identify leptons and compute recoil mass, using knowledge of initial state. X. X. eeX.
Status of the HZ Analyses LCD WG Meeting, 03/07/2012 J.S. Marshall, University of Cambridge
350GeV HZ Recoil, L=500fb-1 • Model independent recoil analysis:Z decays to charged leptons. • Identify leptons and compute recoil mass, using knowledge of initial state. X X eeX eeX Brem.
Comparison with ILC Results Starting point:No selection cuts Reco quantities,full selection • Integrated luminosity: 175 fb-1 • Comparison of results for X channel: Selection must work harder than at ILC, but achieves similar S/B
E’ Correction Weights • Try to understand shape differences using ILC/CLIC E’ distributions from Frank. • Use distributions to obtain E’ weight: CLICILC. Starting point:No selection cuts
Final State Radiation Starting point:No selection cuts
Momentum Resolution • Attribute difference between use of true muons, post FSR, and use of reconstructed muons to: • Muon identification efficiency • Momentum resolution... Know this is high: 98%+
500GeV HZ Recoil, L=500fb-1 • Repeat recoil analysis at 500GeV with same code and procedures. • Corrected initial state 4-vector since last time presented 500GeV analysis. X X eeX eeX Brem.
500GeV HZqq, L=500fb-1 • Model dependent analysis, with direct Higgs mass reconstruction: look for hadronic decay of H and Z. • Force event into four jets (investigate different R values), perform kinematic fit and use B-tagging info in BDT selection. R = 1.0
500GeV HZqq, L=500fb-1 • Fluctuate high statistics signal sample, and smooth background fit, to produce 1000 test samples. R = 1.0 R = 0.7 R = 1.0 R = 1.3
500GeV H, L=500fb-1 • Model dependent analysis, with hadronic decay of H and Z decaying to neutrinos. • Previously, considered signal sample to be pure Higgsstrahlung, but cannot easily distinguish from WW-fusion process. • Must consider new inclusive sample: hnunu Implications for selection... R = 1.3
500GeV H, L=500fb-1 • Fluctuate high statistics signal sample, and smooth background fit, to produce 1000 test samples. • Switch to inclusive hnunu sample introduces several awkward features. R = 1.0 R = 0.7 R = 1.0 R = 1.3
500GeV H, L=500fb-1 Consider only exclusive sample throughout analysis: Train using exclusive sample, input “data” from inclusive sample: Full treatment of inclusive sample throughout analysis: R = 1.0 R = 1.0 R = 1.0