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Fleet Health Promotion

Fleet Health Promotion. Atlantic Fleet Medical Leadership CPG2 20 SEPT 2006 Nancy Von Tersch, RN, MSN Public Health Educator (GS-1725-13) NEPMU2 757.444.7671, EXT. 3051 vonterschn@nepmu2.med.navy.mil. Definition of Health Promotion.

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Fleet Health Promotion

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  1. Fleet Health Promotion Atlantic Fleet Medical Leadership CPG2 20 SEPT 2006 Nancy Von Tersch, RN, MSN Public Health Educator (GS-1725-13) NEPMU2 757.444.7671, EXT. 3051 vonterschn@nepmu2.med.navy.mil

  2. Definition of Health Promotion “Health Promotion is the science and art of helping people change their lifestyle to move toward a state of optimal health.” Source: Am. Journal of Health Promotion, 1989, 3,3,5

  3. 7 Benchmarks of Success • Top Leadership Support • Cohesive Wellness Teams • Data Collection • An Operating Plan • Appropriate Interventions • A Supportive Environment • Evaluation of Outcomes

  4. Goals of the Green H Program • To Enhance Battle Readiness through Command Health Promotion Programs • To Provide Formal Recognition by SURFOR to units that have excelled in establishing and promoting work site health promotion

  5. Objectives of the Green H Program • To Promote Health, Fitness, and Mental Well-Being of ADSM assigned to SURFOR • To Encourage Participation in Health Promotion Activities provided at each SURFOR Unit.

  6. COMNAVSURFORINST 6100.1A 3 MAY 06 • Nomination Form • Grading Criteria • Use as a Check Off Sheet to Determine Eligibility • 3 Ring-Binder – Divide into 10 Sections

  7. CY 06 Green H Award Award package from unit to ISIC due NLT 1 JAN 2007 ISICs endorse and forward to COMNASURFOR NLT 31 Jan COMNAVSURFOR announces previous years’ winners by 1 APRIL Paint over Green H if previous awardee failed to qualify

  8. CY 06 Green H Award Green H Painted on Bridge Wing Sequential Awards = Green Hash Marks 5 Consecutive Awards = Green Star

  9. CY 2006 Green H Award Must Earn 90% of the Total Possible Points Total Points Possible = 140 or 90% = 126 Points + 4 Bonus Point Possible

  10. CY 2006 Green H Award 4 Possible Bonus Points DAPA Training Certificate (+1) CFL Training Certificate (+1) Health Promotion Trainer Certificate for 3 Day HP Facilitator Course ( + 2 points)

  11. Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10 1 Points - Admin 17 Points – Support (+4) 13 Points - N/A PHA 27 Points - Goals/PHA 13 Points - PFA/FEP 50 Points - Programs 4 Points - Tobacco 5 Points - Dental 5 Points - IMR 5 Points - Best Practices CY 06 Green H Award Point System

  12. Based on a Data Driven Needs Assessment Individual vs Command “Needs” “Needs” vs Interests of Crew Examples of HP Needs Assessments Personal Interviews with Key Leaders Surveys (Questionnaires) – HRA, HART, PARF-Q, Command Program Metrics (Events) Health Promotion Goals

  13. Data Sources for Screening DD 2766 Form/ SF 600 NAVMED 6120/4 PARFQ – Framingham Risk Screening PRIMS HRA / HART-R AUDIT (Alcohol Abuse Risk Score) SAMS Report vs IMR Lite = % PHA done Section Three (13 Points) Needs Assessments / PHA

  14. HP Committee Must Identify 3 Goals Utilizing the PHA Screening Process. Examples of Specific Target Areas Alcohol Abuse / Binge Drinking Nutrition Tobacco Use Fitness Bio Metrics: BMI, BP, CHOLESTEROL Section Four (27 Points) Goals & Evaluation

  15. Priority Area: Tobacco Program Goal: Decrease Tobacco Use Process Objective: by 30 Sep 2006, at least 90% of all crew members will have completed a training session on tobacco use awareness as evidenced by class rosters. Section Four (27 Points)Example: Goals & Evaluation

  16. Priority Area: Tobacco Program Goal: Decrease Tobacco Use Outcome Objective: By 30 Sep 2006, decrease of cigarette smoking (%) by ship’s Sailors, by 5% , as evidenced by comparing the PRIMS tobacco rate data from Sept 2005 and Sept 2006. Section Four (27 Points)Example: Goals & Evaluation

  17. By (when), (who) will (what) as evidenced by (how will you know)? Section FourWriting Measurable Objectives Note: Worksheet Template is Available

  18. Describe how the plan was implemented within the command: Site TV Flyers Intranet Command Orientation; Class Room Face - to – Face Counseling Safety Health And Wellness (SHAW) Fair Section Four Description of the Plan

  19. Describe Results of Each Program Goal Over the Year Source or Type of Data? When Data Will be Collected, by Whom? When Will Data be Analyzed, by Whom? How Results Will be Reported and Used? Note: Worksheet Template is Available Section Four Evaluation of the Plan

  20. Provide Data Demonstrating Results of the Goals, Plan, and Evaluation Was the Program Effective? Did the Program Reach Target Population and Target Goals? If Program did NOT meet target goals, what recommended action was taken by the HP Committee? Section Four Evaluation of the Plan

  21. Hypertension Anger / Stress Management (Mental Health) Suicide Awareness & Prevention Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation Nutrition STD & Pregnancy Awareness Substance Abuse Injury Prevention Violence Prevention Men’s & Women’s Health (PHA ~ CPS) Health Promotion Training

  22. Method of Training = (10 Points) % of Crew Trained = (30 Points) Dates of Documented Training AND Results of Progress Reaching Training Target Population = (10 Points) Health Promotion Training = 50 POINTS

  23. Plan the Work, Work the Plan! Awareness Campaigns (General Info) Education / Motivation Intervention (Note: Annual Planning Calendar and HP Tool Box is Available) Strategy & ImplementationSection Six = 50 Points

  24. Command SOP (HP Instruction) Active HP Committee/Minutes Letters of Designation HP Committee Members Training PFA / FEP Active Programs Tobacco Use Cessation Program Dental Readiness / PHA / IMR Low Hanging Fruit

  25. CY 06 Green H Award Section Ten: Best Practices!!!

  26. Best Practices • Reduction in ARI • Reduction in Injury Rates • Increase in Healthy Nutrition • Increase in PRT scores • Know Your Numbers: BMI, BP, Cholesterol, IMR • Decrease in Work Related Stress • SOP to Implement PHA

  27. Green H Award Best Practices! Preparation of the Package Plan Early Divide and Conquer Team Work

  28. Physical Activity Overweight and Obesity Tobacco use Substance Abuse Responsible Sexual Behavior Mental Health Injury and Violence Environmental Quality Immunization Access to Health Care Leading Health Indicators (LHIs)

  29. DoD Needs Assessment “Done” Every 3 Years 2002 DoD Survey of Health Related Behaviors Among Military Personnel reported: “widespread indicators of potential readiness compromising health habits and behaviors.”

  30. Navy and Marine Corps“Unhealthy” Habits and Behaviors  2002 DoD Worldwide Survey

  31. PRIMS SAMS CHCS (II) HART Safety Center IMR LITE HRAs Sick Call Logs DD 2766 Internal Forms DENCAS DAPA Data Sources

  32. HP Program Integration • Tricare Benefits ~ Healthy Lifestyles • FFSC, Chaps, MWR, DAPA, CFL, Medical • Local Health Promotion Services (BMC, MTF, NEPMU2): Naval Base, RLC • PHA/Worksite/Community HP programs should compliment each other. • Training Requirements / GMT • NPC/ BUMED /NEHC ~ DoD • USMC ~ SEMPER FIT

  33. Best PracticesPHYSICAL FITNESS • 24 Weeks to Success • Beyond 24 Weeks http://www.rotamwr.com/marketing/beyond24wks/startup.html CFL Certification Course: MWR / PERS POC: Lisa Sibelius 444-7348 Nov 2, 3 Northwest Chesapeake

  34. Assessment Tools to Support PHA • HRA Tool: • Password: UIC • NEPMU2 – Atlantic Fleet • Nepmu2-hra@nehc.mar.med.navy.mil

  35. On-Line Assessments to Support PHA • Cardiovascular Risk: Framingham http://hp2010.nhlbihin.net/atpiii/calculator.asp?usertype=prof • Body Mass Index (BMI) http://www.nhlbisupport.com/bmi/ • Alcohol Abuse Screening/Mental Health https://www.militarymentalhealth.org

  36. Military Resources • DoD (Tricare) www.tricare.osd.mil/healthychoices • NEHC http://www-nehc.med.navy.mil/hp/HP_Toolbox.htm • Army’s Center for Health Promotion & PMhttp://chppm-www.apgea.army.mil/dhpw/Wellness/Dietary.aspx

  37. Useful Websites to Support PHA • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality AHRQ/USPSTF • http://www.ahrq.gov/clinic/cps3dix.htm • Healthy People 2010 • Leading Health Indicators • CDC • NIH

  38. Useful Websites to Support PHA • Healthfinder http://www.healthypeople.gov/healthfinder/ • Medline Plus http://medlineplus.gov/ (See link to Drugs, Herbs, Supplements) • My Pyramid http://www.mypyramid.gov • Office of Dietary Supplements, NIH http://dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov/

  39. National Heart Lung Blood Institute (NHLBI) • Obesity Education Initiative (OEI) • National Cholesterol Education Program • National High Blood Pressure Education • Framingham Risk Scores – What you Need to Know

  40. Navy One Source • www.navyonesource.com • User ID: Navy • Password: Sailor • From the U.S. 1-800-540-1233 • From OCONUS: 800-5404-1233 • Collect Call from OCONUS: 484-530-5914

  41. Navy Health Promotion Training Resources • Swank on Line • HP at the Deckplate (3 days) • HP Director’s Course • CFL Course • Prevention Specialist (DAPMA) • Skill Building

  42. Health Promotion Program Planning Process Evaluate & Report Progress Evaluate & Report Progress Form HP Committee Define Customer Implement Programs Plan & Conduct Needs Assessment, Report Results Develop Budget Develop Mission, Vision & Goals Develop Evaluation Plan Develop Strategies and Action Steps Develop Measurable Objectives

  43. COMNAVSURFLANT HMCM(SW/FMF) Robert Searles II COMNAVSURFLANT COMMAND MASTER CHIEF 1430 MITSCHER AVE NORFOLK, VA 23551-2494 COM (757) 836-3077 DSN 836-3077 CELL 621-5474 FAX 836-3274

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