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Project Overview. Social Studies – People, Past events and Societies. Learning Areas. Levels. Early, first and second. Objectives.

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  1. Project Overview Social Studies – People, Past events and Societies Learning Areas Levels Early, first and second Objectives For the children to experience the process of planning, preparing and following through a museum open day, in order to share aspects of their learning with family and community members. Description A child led initiative where pupils used co-operative learning and formative assessment strategies to plan and prepare exhibits to display their work. The museum was an opportunity for the children to experience the world of work. Software Keywords Windows Movie Maker,Microsoft PowerPoint, Photo Printing Wizard, Promethean ActivPrimary and Activote. Enterprise, Careers Education, Moving Image Education, Co-operative Learning, Formative Assessment, Curriculum for Excellence, Transition (nursery to P1, and early years to upper class). Authors Miss Jill Gibson and Miss Kirsty Spink Aberlemno Primary School Angus Council Pupils acted as tour guides to show exhibits to visitors of the museum. Documents

  2. Teacher Planning and Management Aberlemno Primary School is a rural school situated between Brechin and Forfar within Angus. The school has a part time nursery and two primary classes (P1-4 and P4-7). The school roll is 44, ranging from nursery to primary 7. The enthusiastic class teachers worked together to facilitate the learning needs of the children. Input was provided from Scottish Screen to produce the movie. Support from families and community members was welcomed on the days of the project. The aim of the project was to encourage the development of the four competences of A Curriculum for Excellence – Successful Learners, Confident Individuals, Responsible Citizens and Effective Contributors. Another aim was to strengthen the links with Parents as Partners in their children’s learning. There were obvious links in both classes to social studies, enterprise and ICT, amongst other curricular areas. The idea for the project was inspired by the pupils desire to share their work with others. The children took responsibility for all aspects of planning, preparing, resourcing and advertising the project, incorporating co-operative learning and formative assessment techniques in doing so. Existing ICT skills were used and developed during class time to support the exhibits on display. The project was planned and resourced over a period of six weeks, as the time progressed more and more time was devoted to the project, however as the project linked to a variety of outcomes this was deemed time well spent. The classroom was usually laid out with the children sitting in groups of four, allowing for co-operative learning strategies to be used. At times, other techniques were used, for example, corner choices in the gym hall. A PowerPoint presentation was used to show further aspects of classwork covered. Documents

  3. Teaching Resources The resources used to support this project were wide ranging. These included ICT based resources such as internet pages and CD-Rom extracts, which were used for researching the social studies topics of the Victorians and World War 2, as well as the basis for learning in an interactive environment. As part of the Moving Image Education project digital cameras, video cameras and linked software were used to support and enable the children’s experiences. Furthermore, digital cameras were used by the pupils to capture their learning experiences. The newly introduced ’Activote’ resource was used to allow the children to make choices about the way forward with the project. As well as ICT resources, tools such as information books and artefacts from Victorian and World War 2 eras, including anecdotes from elderly relatives and family friends, were used. In addition to this, a variety of teaching strategies were used. These ranged from formative assessment techniques such as a carousel, in order to establish Who? What? Where? When?, to wide ranging co-operative learning approaches which supported the planning of the project and the implementation of Moving Image Education. A focus of co-operative learning was to develop social targets to encourage all pupils to be effective contributors. Pupils worked in groups of four in order to make collegiate decisions. Documents

  4. Assessment and Standards Firstly, it was ensured that everyone had a shared understanding of the project aims and outcomes. This was achieved through discussion and the use of co-operative learning strategies e.g. stand and deliver, and formative assessment strategies e.g. carousels. The teachers guided and facilitated activities to benefit the planning process, tailoring supportive discussion as a result of observations. During the planning stages, teachers supported pupils in solving problems that arose. Questions were asked of the pupils as and when necessary to clarify understanding. A ‘practice’ event was held prior to opening the museum, so as the pupils could rehearse their ‘jobs’. Visiting specialists acted as visitors to the museum in order to do this. When the museum opened to parents and the community, all pupils were given the opportunity to communicate their knowledge and understanding of their projects to date, and develop their specific role. Roles included tour guides, tea room staff, security and welcomers. Each pupil was given a particular role for the event. As a result, every child was given responsibility and ownership within this whole-school project. Staff had the opportunity to observe children’s ability to apply their knowledge and understanding within a different context, as well as their social skills within a ‘work’ setting. As a result of the experience, older children were motivated and focussed in considering future career prospects. The early years class had a focus of ICT and Language as part of their Moving Image Education project. Within the area of Language, children worked in co-operative learning groups to write storyboards linking to the area of imaginative writing. Listening and talking was developed when analysing films as part of the study. Digital cameras, video cameras and editing software were readily used in the compilation of the movie. The upper stages class had a focus of Environmental Studies and cross-curricular links, as well as PSD. Within the area of Environmental Studies, they were working to relay their knowledge and understanding of World War 2. Their learning within this had been supported by linking with other curricular areas. Links with PSD were made by applying social skills, as well as considering career choices and the realities within the world of work. . Visitors to the museum enjoying some light refreshments within the WW2 style tea room where some pupils worked as waiting staff and kitchen assistants. Documents

  5. Teacher and School Information Aberlemno Primary School Aberlemno By Forfar Angus Aberlemno Primary is a two class rural school situated between Forfar and Brechin within the burgh of Angus. It has a wide ranging catchment. The two teachers involved in this project are Miss Jill Gibson and Miss Kirsty Spink. Both are BEd (Hons) graduates from Dundee University over recent years. Both are enthusiastic with innovative ideas, and have firm beliefs in whole-school partnerships with parents and community members, in order to provide a successful learning environment for the pupils of Aberlemno Primary School. This part of the building contains the new classroom added as part of a recent refurbishment.

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