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The Flag of Honduras. Sociedad Hondureña de Epilepsia Capítulo de la ILAE. Dra. Claudia Amador Dr Marco Tulio Medina Dra. Sofia Dubon. Honduran Epilepsy Society. 1. Dr. Claudia Amador * President 2. Dr. Heike Hesse Vice President 3. Prof. Marco T. Medina Past President
The Flag of Honduras SociedadHondureña de EpilepsiaCapítulo de la ILAE Dra. Claudia Amador Dr Marco Tulio Medina Dra. Sofia Dubon
Honduran Epilepsy Society 1. Dr. Claudia Amador *President 2. Dr. Heike Hesse Vice President 3. Prof. Marco T. Medina Past President 4. Dr. Reyna Duron Secretariat 5. Dr. Lazaro Molina Treasurer
HONDURAS Is a Central America Country with a Population of 8 millions
Health Care Three Health Systems in Honduras: • Ministry of Health • Social Security for state workers and others • Private Hospitals
Neurological Care • There was one neurologist per 325,000 inhabitants in 1998 • Neurological diseases account for approx. 20% of the medical consultations in hospitals
Significant reduction of Epilepsy due to NCC (36% versus 13.9%)
The Salama Epilepsy StudyETIOLOGY OF EPILEPSY (n=90) Idiopathic 8% Neurocysticercosis 37% Perinatal brain damage 8 % Head trauma 3% CNS malformations 2% Vascular 2% Other neuroinfections 2% Other causes* 8% Cryptogenic (occult) 30% Other causes: inespecific calcified lesions, alcohol toxicity, inespectific intraventricular cyst, multifactorial.
Epilepsy Genes Epilepsy genes found in Honduras
Tanaka M, Olsen RW, Medina MT, et al Am J Hum Genet. 2008 Jun;82(6):1249-61.
Latin American Epilepsy Academy (Academia Latino Americana de Epilepsia ALADE) Founded in Sao Paulo Feb. 27th, 2007