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Hobart 2010 Public Spaces and Public Life A city with people in mind Gehl Architects

Hobart 2010 Public Spaces and Public Life A city with people in mind Gehl Architects. Presentation of the Inner City Development Plan The first Stage. Introduction

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Hobart 2010 Public Spaces and Public Life A city with people in mind Gehl Architects

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  1. Hobart 2010 Public Spaces and Public Life A city with people in mindGehl Architects

  2. Presentation of the Inner City Development PlanThe first Stage Introduction • The Introduction gives a general introduction to the study. It also provides a summary on the overall findings - challenges and recommendations. Analysis • The Analysis is divided into 4 sub-chapters and includes an analysis of the physical conditions provided for pedestrians in the city centre as well as how the city’s streets and squares are used. The analysis covers both the issues related to walking and getting around in general, and the issues regarding spending time in the city. Recommendations • The Recommendations are divided into 4 sub-chapters and are based on the findings in the analysis. A set of simple and overall recommendations are put forward covering the main problematic issues today. These are followed by more detailed guidelines indicating desirable improvements. Public life data • The Public life data presents all the collected data of the public life surveys. How are the streets, squares and parks in the study area used? How many people are walking in the streets? How many activities are going on? What goes on during weekdays and Saturdays?

  3. Introduction

  4. The Place • Hobart enjoys a remarkable natural setting • A city with a concentrated city centre and many heritage buildings • Hobart is gifted with a diverse, active, working harbour

  5. The Challenges • The public life is very concentrated in the city centre which has the character of a shopping mall • Heavy traffic and barriers between the city and water • Surface parking dominates the city and especially the waterfront

  6. The Tasks • To create a vision • To collect a strong new data base • To initiate a new discussion for the future of the city

  7. The Outcome • A world class waterfront city • An extended and diverse use of the city centre • An active lived-in city centre • A city with a vibrant city life and a 21st Century traffic system

  8. The recommendations are in four sections 1 The landscape 2 The movements 3 The City life 4 The visual environment

  9. 1 The landscape1.1 Make the most out of Hobart’s remarkable natural setting 1.1.1 Create strong connections to surrounding areas 1.1.2 Strengthen contact between the City Centre and the water 1.1.3 Create inviting and attractive gateways to the City Centre

  10. 1 The landscape 1.2 Strengthen the waterfront as a people place 1.2.1 Develop the waterfront into a true city destination 1.2.2 Develop a continuous waterfront walk 1.2.3 Create diverse spatial experiences along the waterfront 1.2.4 Introduce activities related to the water 1.2.5 Ensure a multifunctional use of Hobart Railyards

  11. 1 The landscape1.3 The waterfront as a true city destination 1.3.1 Develop a continuous waterfront walk 1.3.2 Everyday life and great events

  12. 1 The landscape1.4 Development of Hobart Railyards atMacquarie Point area 1.4.1 Supplement to the City 1.4.2 Links with surroundings 1.4.3 Multifunctional mix of use

  13. 2 The movements2.1 Ensure a City Centre with a 21st Century traffic system 2.1.1 Create a traffic calmed City Centre 2.1.2 Change one-way streets to two-ways 2.1.3 Introduce lower speed limits 2.1.4 Create a City Centre with dignified connections

  14. 2 The movements2.2 Ensure a good City for walking 2.2.1 Extend and connect the pedestrian network 2.2.2 Develop a versatile pedestrian network 2.2.3 Improve comfort and remove barriers

  15. 2 The movements2.3 Ensure a City Centre for cycling 2.3.1 Develop a bicycle friendly environment 2.3.2 Develop a door-to-door bicycle network 2.3.3 Raise the comfort for bicyclists 2.3.4 Promote cycling with advantages and campaigns

  16. 2 The movements2.4 A bigger role for public transport 2.4.1 Rethink and simplify public transport

  17. 2 The movements2.5 A critical look at parking 2.5.1 Reduce the amount of parking

  18. 2 The movements2.6 A City Centre with dignified connections – Identify 4 street typologies 2.6.1 Green City boulevards 2.6.2 Urban City streets 2.6.3 Pedestrian priority streets 2.6.4 Urban fine grain

  19. 3 The City life3.1 Develop a more diverse and livable City Centre 3.1.1 Create a more diverse City Centre with invitations for all 3.1.2 Encourage more residential development 3.1.3 Encourage more educational institutions into the City Centre 3.1.4 Provide facilities and open space that makes City living more attractive

  20. 3 The City life3.2 Ensure a vibrant City Centre with versatile public spaces 3.2.1 Develop versatile public spaces and celebrate the uniqueness 3.2.2 Create a program for events 3.2.3 Encourage alternative uses of the City spaces 3.2.4 Improve possibilities for staying

  21. 4 The visual environment4.1 Ensure a City Centre with beautiful and surprising environments 4.1.1 Create a greener City Centre 4.1.2 Maintain a human scale City 4.1.3 Improve the visual qualities by adding elements which increase delights for human senses

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