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Based on a Eastern meditation tradition but is not dependent on any belief or ideology.It is about being aware of what is happening in the present on a moment-by-moment basisIt is contrasted with states of mind in which attention is focussed elsewhere e.g. pre-occupation with memories, fantasies,
Acceptance: This is the way it is at this moment.
Letting go: The story of the monkey holding on to the banana
Acceptance: This is the way it is at this moment.
Letting go: The story of the monkey holding on to the banana
6. Is It Just Distraction? Meditation is not an escape from life but preparation for really being in life
Thich Nhat Han
8. The Essence of Mindfulness: Being vs. Doing Striving vs. Non-Striving
Avoidance vs. Approach
Thoughts as real vs. Thoughts as thoughts
Living in the past and future vs. Living in the present moment
Indirect experience vs. Direct experience
Automatic vs. Intentional
10. MBCT MBCT integrates two very different traditions:
The tradition of cognitive and clinical science, and
The tradition of Buddhist psychology and mindfulness meditation
11. From Buddhist Teaching (Dharma) Mindfulness of the breath
Mindfulness of the body, in stillness and in movement
Mindfulness of thoughts
Mindfulness of everyday experiences
Compassion, acceptance
12. From CBT A cognitive model of vulnerability to emotional disorder
A cognitive model of what maintains distress
Options for working with negative thoughts
Increasing nourishing activities
Relapse prevention
14. What Keeps Us Stuck in Distress?
15. The Rowans Hospice How have we been using MBSR:
Heath Centre
Bereavement Groups
In my own therapeutic practice
16. Reading List Books
Brantley, J. (2003) Calming your anxious mind. New Harbinger Publications.
Eckhart, T. (2002) Practicing the power of now. Hodder & Stoughton
Kabat-Zin, J. (2005) Wherever you go there you are. Hyperion
Santoreli, S. (1999) Heal thyself. Bell Tower.
Kumar, S. (2005) Grieving Mindfully. New harbinger
Web Sites
Centre for Mindfulness Research & Practice: University of Wales www.bangor.ac.uk/mindfulness